Blue eyes - chapter 87

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3 days later

I have finally just finished getting some of my furniture shipped and packing Louises stuff up. "I'm so tired." I groaned and laid in a ball on the floor, I heard heavy footsteps behind me so I rolled over to see luke smiling at me. "What are you doing?" He chuckled, I got up and looked around Louises nearly empty room. "Packing Louise up, it's so much work" I whined, luke laid me Down on Louises mattress and climbed on top of me. "Let's have a nap." He Chuckled, I smiled sleepily and pulled the quilt over us. "Just sleep, no funny business" I said sternly,he rolled us over so I was laying on top of him. "I promise." He yawned and cuddled me. "Good, I love you" I whispered before I fell asleep.


I woke up to the sound of Louise giggling and Michael crying. "L..luke get up." I groaned and rolled of him, I ran down the stairs to see Michael on the floor crying. "Mike? What happened?!" I exclaimed and kneeled down to him. "We played just dance mummy." Louise giggled, I looked at Michael and smiled a little at him. "She punched me in the balls, it really hurts!" Michael groaned, I let out a small giggle and pushed his hair off his face. "Louise, did you say sorry?" I looked at her little face and she shook her head. "You really hurt uncle Mikey sweetheart, say sorry." I cooed, she walked closer to me and mike and looked at her feet. "Sorry uncle Mikey, I didn't mean to, and I'm sorry I laughed at you." She said shyly and quietly, she cuddled Mikey and gave him a big kiss on the cheek. "Good girl, I'm going back to bed." I yawned and began to go up the stairs when Louise pulled my hand. "No mummy, play the wii." She whined

"No I only play wii fit and you know it" I pouted at her, she pulled me towards the tv anyway. "Mummy vs mikey" she giggled, I had a wii remote shoved in my hand and a little girl sat on the sofa. "Fine,only because you're adorable." I sighed. Michael picked gentleman and smirked at me. I narrowed My eyes and stuck my finger up at him, we ended up doing some colourful dance moves but in the end I won."Oh fuck you beth." Mike whined, I slapped his arm and shushed him. "Little ears" I whispered. "Mummy do the wii fit thingy." Louise giggled, I  shook my head and passed her the remote. "I'm done, play against mike." I giggled. Calum and Ashton came running through the door tracking snow behind them. "Mikey, Louise let's have a snowball fight!" Calum giggled, Louise and mike put on their coats and shoes then ran out the door. "Maybe a small go." I muttered to myself as I put in the wii fit. I did some yoga and some other shit and then I did some fitness things, I was currently doing a few press ups and then leaning on one arm. "Beth, where's everyone?" Luke asked, he scared me and I fell and hit my nose on the wii board. "Ow. Ow. Ow. Fucking ow." I yelled as I held my nose. "Oh shit! You okay?" Luke chuckled, he came over to me and tried to move my hand away. "No it hurts, why did you sneek up on me like that?!" I exclaimed. "You were doing sexy yoga poses and then you stopped so I thought now would be the time." He rubbed he neck and let out a nervous laugh, I moved my hand away and scrunched up my sore nose. "Well don't do it." I whined and lightly slapped his chest. "So now everyone's out having fun how about we have some fun in the bedroom." He wiggled his eyebrows and smirked. "You better make this quick then." I sighed, he threw my over hid shoulder and slapped my ass. "I promise. " He chuckled.


I got re dressed and threw lukes clothes at him. "Quick before everyone comes home." I panting, he began getting dressed quickly, he finally pulled on his jeans and looked at me with a smirk playing on his lips. "I can't wait till Louise goes to school." I smirked back at him and winked at him. "Me too." I said seductively. "What happens when I'm at school?" Louise asked from behind me, I jumped and turned round quickly. "When did you get in?" I gasped, she smiled sweetly and walked a step closer. "About ten minutes ago, I wanted to come up here but uncle Ashton said you were wrestling." She said in a confused little voice. "Oh god!" I groaned and blushed, I looked to luke who was also blushing. "Um we will be down in a minute sweetie." I cooed, she ran off down the stairs and I sat on my bed. "This is so bad!" I groaned and smothered my fave in a pillow. "She heard us having sex." Luke mumbled, I turned to face him and both our faces were pink. "This is going to be so awkward when we see everyone." I mumbled into the pillow, luke laid his head across my lap and smiled. "Let's never leave this room at see the boys ever again." He gasped. "No babe we have to leave, we have Louise and moving and if we never left this room we'd get pretty bored." I giggled, he took my hand in his and he smirked. "I can think of something to do to pass the time, loads and loads of-" "MUMMY I'M HUNGRY, AND MIKEY STOLE MY SANDWICH!" Louise shouted, I stood up and pulled luke with me. "Let's go." I sighed. As soon as we got downstairs I saw Mikey standing up holding Louises head far away from him and Louise was trying to punch and kick mike. "Right I will make you a marmite snadwich" I said loudly, everyone turned and looked at me and luke. "Okay mummy" she chirped and walked off into the kitchen area. "You two are so red, was the sex that good?" Calum chuckled. "That's for us to know and for you guys to never find out" I said pointing at them. "We wanted to say thanks for telling Louise....something else." Luke stuttered, I quickly walked off into the kitchen and began making some burgers. "I'll make a early dinner lou and then you can get an early night, you look tired." I smiled sweetly at her. "Okay mummy, I am a little sleepy." She mumbled, I turned to face her and smiled sleepily. "Well you go and get your pyjamas on and put away any toys you've played with and I will have dinner done by the time you're done." I let out a small yawn and tucked some hair behind her ear. "Okay mummy, why we're you and daddy wrestling?" She pondered, I went red all over again and heard heard a choir of laughter. "Um we were just being silly " I stuttered and picked her up off the stool and placed her on the floor. "Now don't ask questions, go get ready for bed."   I stammered, she skipped out the room and up to her room. The boys all walked in and sat on the contents tops and bar stools. "So..having fun is code for horny as fuck? " Mike chuckled. "Shut up you got beat up by a four year old, and it was lukes fault, he instigated it." I whined, I pulled the burgers out the grill and placed them in burger buns. "Oh so lukey was horny as fuck?" Calum said in a sarcastic tone. "Back off guys! No one teased you calum when you banged that girl the other night." I groaned and passed them their dinner. "LOUISE, DINNER IS READY!" I called up to her. "Thanks for dinner baby" luke smiled. "Ew, stop being in love, it's contagious and makes me sick." Mike shuddered. "Fine, oh bit of warning ,you might wanna go out tomorrow Cause we are gonna-" luke started. "Pack! We're gonna pack and it will be boring" I butted in and elbowed him. "Oh I thought we were gonna do it again but ok." Luke said as he shoved a large mouthful of burger in his mouth. "Yeah thanks for telling everyone" I said sarcasticly. "Mummy where's my burger? I'm SO hungry."She said as she climbed on the bar stool. "Here you go" I said and passed her a plate with a large, juicy burger on it. "Food" she yelled and bit into the burger. "Don't eat too quickly, you'll get indigestion." I warned, she ignored me and Carried in scoffing her burger.


Everyone else was in bed and fast asleep but I felt wide awake, I went to the piano room and sat on the stool. At first I just messed around, I played some silly tv show themes and then I thought of a song. I played the keys to the song and waited for the right bit.
" We're a thousand miles from comfort, we have traveled land and sea
But as long as you are with me, there's no place I'd rather be
I would wait forever, exalted in the scene
As long as I am with you, my heart continues to beat

With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay
Strolling so casually
We're different and the same, get you another name
Switch up the batteries


If you gave me a chance I would take it
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
Know with all of your heart, you can't shake me
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be
N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be [3x]

We staked out on a mission to find our inner peace
Make it everlasting so nothing's incomplete
It's easy being with you, sacred simplicity
As long as we're together, there's no place I'd rather be

With every step we take, Kyoto to The Bay
Strolling so casually
We're different and the same, get you another name
Switch up the batteries

If you gave me a chance I would take it
It's a shot in the dark but I'll make it
Know with all of your heart, you can't shake me
When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be
N-n-n-no, no, no, no place I'd rather be [3x]

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be

Hmmmmmmmmmm, hoooooooooo
Be [9x]
Yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah-e-yeah, yeah, yeah

When I am with you, there's no place I'd rather be" I sang, I heard a cough from behind me and I saw a sleepy luke. "Sorry did I wake you up?" I sounded worried. "No and yes, I can't sleep with out you" He whined, I closed the lid and walked over to luke. "Well let's go to bed, no wrestling though. I'm too tired." I laughed.

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