Blue eyes - chapter 104

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Louise pov
" In the crowd alone
And every second passing reminds me I’m not home
Bright lights and city sounds are ringing like a drone
Unknown, unknown

Oh, glazed eyes, empty hearts
Buying happy from shopping carts
Nothing but time to kill
Sipping life from bottles
Tight skin, bodyguards
Gucci down the boulevard
Cocaine, dollar bills

My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring colour to my skies
My sweet little pill
Take my hunger
Light within
Numb my skin

Like a rock afloat
Sweat and conversations seep into my bones
Four walls are not enough
I’ll take a dip into the unknown, unknown

Oh, glazed eyes, empty hearts
Buying happy from shopping carts
Nothing but time to kill
Sipping life from bottles
Tight skin, bodyguards
Gucci down the boulevard
Cocaine, dollar bills

My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring colour to my skies
My sweet little pill
Take my hunger
Light within
Numb my skin

Oh, glazed eyes, empty hearts
Buying happy from shopping carts
Nothing but time to kill
Sipping life from bottles
Tight skin, bodyguards
Gucci down the boulevard
Cocaine, dollar bills

My happy little pill
Take me away
Dry my eyes
Bring colour to my skies
My sweet little pill
Take my hunger
Light within
Numb my skin" I sang with the song, everyone was swaying and giggling alot like me, what ever she had given me made me feel so...happy, I felt like I was in a bubble on my own with out a care in the world. "Hey lou watch this." Someone said as they sped up the ramp and started showing off. "That's so cool" I laughed. "What time do you guys leave?" I asked them with a small laugh. "When ever we want, we need to find somewhere to stay though." She mumbled. "I know a place that's free, there's an abandoned house across town. That's where I'm staying." I suggested and hugged her. She passed be a bottle of whiskey and opened it for me. "Did the happy pill work?" She giggled, my eyes wee half closed and I was just laughing away at everything.  "Yeah, what was that?" I gasped,  she pulled them out her pocket and whispered. "Ecstacy." I smiled and nodded, we were listening to red hot chilli peppers  -scar tissue when I heard some one call my name. "Wh...what's up?" I asked and took another puff of my last cigarette, I turned round to see one of the guys rolling down the ramps, I was pulled into a loose hug.  "Hey guys we need to go get shelter!" Lauren shouted, everyone scrambled out the park with me beside them. "I will show you where this place is if you buy me some fags" I slurred, one of the girls ran into the shop for me and we all waited outside. "You have a good taste in music." Some girl slurred, I laughed so much and fell on my ass, the short girl came out the shop and chucked me the ciggys. "Thanks. Right let's go."

Beths pov

It was nearly midnight and still no sign of Louise, I was pacing the living room waiting for her to come through the door. "Babe she'll come home, she has nowhere else to go. Come sit down." Luke soothed, I let out a shaky sigh and sat beside luke. "Where could she be?" I sniffled into lukes chest. "I..I don't know, the boys are driving round looking for her and they will find her." He whispered confidently. "I can't belive what calum told her." I grumbled, luke shushed me and held me tightly. "I know, but she'll see sense and come home." He mumbled into my hair. "I hope so."


Louise pov

It's been 3 days since I ran away, I went to the local pool for a shower like the other people and we got food from the local churches soup kitchen. "Right guys I have to go to school, can I have one of those happy little pills?" I groaned, she chucked me a small baggy with 2 pills in and smiled sweetly. "Have fun, we'll see you when you get back." Lauren said sweetly, I picked up my cigarettes and lighter and placed it in my bag.


It was break time at school and so far I had no problems from anyone, as I walked towards my locker I saw trouble awaiting me. "Hey little bitch, nice hair." A girl sneered, I opened my locker and took out my maths textbook. "Anything you assholes want? Or are you just gonna stand there and stare at me?"  I replied with sarcasm dripping from my words. "We want our money, we noticed you weren't in the rest of last week so that's $25 dollars you owe us." The tall lanky boy yelled. "Well you'll be waiting a really long time." I sighed boredly and shut my locker. "No you pay us now!" The girl shoved me into my locker and despite panic deep down inside the little pill was making me more confident. "Touch me again I will break your fucking arm you little slut!" I yelled at her and shoved her back harshly resulting in her falling on her arse. The others all looked at me with shock and backed away but the girl on the floor stood up and ran at me, I grabbed her hair and made her headbutt me knee repetitively. "Say sorry you little bitch!" I instructed. She was screaming and crying sorry. "I CAN'T FUCKING HEAR YOU." I yelled and threw her on the floor, one of the guys ran to get the teacher as fast as he could. I heated up my lighter and smirked down at her. "You know what? After all these years I've finally decided to give you every mark, every bruise and every ounce of pain I've had to put up with." I chuckled and pressed the hot lighter hardly on her face, she screamed in pain but I held her head still. "Get off her!" One of the other boys shouted, her slowly came towards me slowly but I held up the lighter to him. "I will get to you lot in a minute." I yelled, he put his hands up in defence and backed away. "I pressed the hot lighter up her arms again and again like she did to me, everytime she sobbed harder and she screamed a little louder until I was pulled off her by three members of staff. "Get off me!" I shouted and kicked my legs harshly, they held me tightly and I watched as the girl ran into her friends arms. "You better watch your back, I'm not done with you yet!" I shouted. I was dragged into Mrs smiths office, she sat me in a chair and scowled at me. "What on earth was that all about Louise?!" She shouted loudly, I pulled up the sleeves of my jumper and nd showed her all the lighter scars on my arms. "So when they do that shit to me it's right and when I do that to them in the one in the wrong?! Fuck you and your messed up system. I come to school every day to have them push me, shove me, burn me with fucking lighters, take my money and drag me down the stairs. I'm fed up with all of their bullshit and I'm sick to death of being scrutinised by you!" I screamed at her. "Don't you talk to me like that, why didn't you report them?" She asked. "I did but there was no witnesses so I just got shoved aside, they are the reason I sit in the bathroom at lunch and you are the reason that I'm forced to come out and have these arseholes do this to me so I hope you're really fucking happy." I yelled, she took a seat and sighed deeply. "I've called your parents and they are coming to get you, I am sending you home for the rest of the week until you make a formal apology." She said calmly. "Well you will be waiting a long time." I sighed and left the office. "Where Are you going?" She called after me. "Toilet, I need to pee." I speedily walked to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. I took the little pill out my bag and my bottle of 'water' (vodka) and chucked it all back, I went in the cubical and did have a quick wee, when I left I was washed my hands and chucked back the rest of my bottle full. I walked slowly out of the bathroom back to Mrs smiths office to see my mum and dad sat there looking worried as hell. "Louise." My mum sighed and hugged me tightly, I hugged her back and sighed heavily. "Let's just go home." I mumbled, she looked at my face in her hands and squished my cheeks. "Don't ever run away again, we were worried sick about you." I pulled her hands off my face and groaned. "I was gone for like a day, don't worry so much." My dad stood up and hugged me too. "I'm sorry penguin, I'm really sorry." He whispered into my hair. "I'm sorry too dad." I sighed. We left the building and climbed into the car. We were half way home and I could feel my pill kicking in, I began giggling to myself and smiling. "What's so funny?" My mum laughed, I tried to contain my laughs which wasn't working. "Seriously what's wrong with you? " My dad pondered, I manged to stop laughing and did looked and dads the skies above turned into an a ray of odd colours and the comforts of my bubble returned. "Hello?" My mum pulled into the car park and turned round to look at me. "Oh my god mum I. Made these amazing friends and they....gave me giggles." I laughed and laid down on the back seat, my dad looked scared and my mum was just confused. "Louise I need you to answer me honestly, I won't be mad. Have you taken something?" My dad said calmly. "Just happy pills and funny water, they make everything look so beautiful and colourful" I laughed and rummaged through my bag. "Oh for god sakes!" He groaned and hopped out the car, I was pulled out the car and over my dad's shoulder. "What are you doing? P..put me down." I whined. "No, you need to sleep it off."

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