Blue eyes - chapter 68

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I was at home up in my room packing up my things into suitcases and three boys watched from my bedroom doorway. "You don't have to go beth, can talk to eachother" Calum sniffled, I wiped away my tears and shoved in more clothes. "I told him if he brings it up I'm leaving and never coming back, I'm sticking to my word" I sniffled and looked up at them, they came in and we all hugged eachother in a long silence. "I'm gonna miss you so much" I cried, Into their shoulders and they cried into mine. "Then don't go" mike sobbed, I pulled out of the hug and wiped away the tears from his eyes. "I'm going Mikey, luke doesn't want me anymore and I can't fight anymore." I smiled weakly and tussled his hair. "If you want to be useful you can help me pack." I said cheekily, the boys all pouted but helped me anyway. "I'm sure we'll bump into each other some day, well just have to wait till then." I sniffed and folded up more clothes. "When?" Ashton whined. "Give it 4 years and if we haven't bumped into eachother then I will call you or tweet you, I will get in contact but I'm deleting this number so don't try call me" I let a few tears slip and I wiped them quickly with the back of my hand. "4 years is so long" mike choked out. "It's better than forever, it will go by so quickly." I put in the final piece of clothing and zipped up my suitcase. "What about this place? What about your mum?" Calum said quickly in hope that I'd stay. "You guys can have it, it's all payed for and I'm gonna call my mum to arrange some stuff. Guys I love you so much and I will miss the fucking teenage mutant ninja turtle pants off of you." I sobbed and sat on my bed for the last time. "Oh beth, we will miss seeing you in your underwear too." The sniffled, I found myself being bundled on the bed for the last time and we all laughed a little and cuddled. " I need to go guys" I mumbled quietly, they all got up and looked at me with sad smiles. "I hope you boys make it big, I want you to look after eachother and please don't blame luke for this. Tell him I love him, don't come looking for me." I kissed them all on the cheek before grabbing my suitcase and leaving the apartment. I saw luke by the stair well and he looked like he was gonna break. "Beth i-" "I left a message for you with the boys, I'll see you around." I sniffled and got in the lift. "No don't leave me, I love you" luke cried on the other side if the door. "I love you more" I whispered.


I was at my mother's painting the biggest smile on and hiding my broken heart. "Mum I was wondering if I could have the country house, I'm moving back to England." I blurted out, my mother sat down beside me and placed out drinks down. "Are you sure about moving back? You'll be on your own and I don't want you to be on your own" she rambled worriedly, I hugged her tightly and kissed her temple. "I miss it all too much, mum I need to do this" I said barely above a whisper, she pulled away from me and stroked my cheek. "My little girl all grown up." She said with teary eyes. My mother was very emotional woman, she cried when the toys in toys story died, she sobbed when muffassa died in the lion king and she wailed for 2 hours in free willy. "I'd that a yes?" I asked with a big fake smile. "Yes, look after it though and try not to have too many wild party's. " She laughed. "Thank you mummy and I promise not wild party's just me and my art work." I smiled a little smile, my mother looked sad and confused. "No luke?" She said carefully, I looked at my suitcase and then back at my mum. "No luke, can we talk about something else?" I asked shyly and a little upset. "Yeah sure, let me just Get you the keys." She went in her keyboard on the wall by the front door and found me the keys I needed to move on with my life, I was a few steps away from the hell that I'd been through today. I felt nauseated and dizzy, I shot up and sprinted to the bathroom and let my load out. "Babe are you okay?" My mother called as she ran up the stairs. "Yeah, I'm -" I threw up again and held onto the toilet for dear life. "Honey let it all out" my mother soothed as she held up my hair.


I was at the airport waiting for my flight to take me far away from the pain and hurt I had experienced in the last 12 hours. "Beth?" I heard someone call from behind me, I looked round and saw me three best friends standing there with open arms. "What are you doing here?!" I asked with a weary smile and a teary laugh. "We want to know where you're going, we needed to say goodbye as well" Calum sniffled. Think where am I going? "Melbourne, I hear it's lovely over there" I giggled and lied, they all hugged me tightly and stroked my long hair. "Yeah it is, please don't leave us beth." Ashton sighed. I heard my flight being called. "That's my flight, I love you assholes and take care of eachother, tell luke...I will never stop loving him" I cried and picked up my bags and made my way to the plane.

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