Blue eyes - chapter 99

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Louises pov

"Come on" harry nudged me. "Harry I'm not going" I scoffed, he hit me with a pillow and then pouted. "It's a house party, there will be booze." He talked to me as If I was thick. "There's booze here too, plus I don't know anyone and I hate people." I droned and carried on with my french homework, he started poking me annoyingly. "Please? I want to see you have a good time." He chuckled, I finished my sentence and looked up at him. "Pass me a book then and I will have an amazing time." I sneered, he huffed and pushed me. "But that's boring. I wanna see you drunk and I wanna laugh at you acting like an idiot." He whined. I will admit I wanted to see myself drunk too but I hate party's. "Aww didums!" I spoke as if he was a baby. "You're so boring! Goodie two shoes who doesn't do anything bad." He teased, I shuffled in my spot and went back to my french work. "Well if you think that then just go." I quietly mumbled, I felt upset by his words considering he said he was my friend. I felt tears forming in my eyes but I quickly blinked them away. "Don't be l-" "I said get out and I ment it harry." I said firmly, the dip on my bed lifted as harry left my room without another word said. I read out my paragraph and added in a few more words before setting it aside and grabbing my harry potter books, I put on my glasses and began reading the last chapters I had left. *knocking* "lou it's dad, are you decent?" He asked quietly. "Yeah come in daddy." I giggled as I read a funny joke. "Whatch doin'? " He smiled and said it in a sing song voice. "Reading, what's up?" I chirped and cuddled the blanket closer to me. "How about you come play the Xbox with me and your uncles?" He poked, I put the book mark in my book and placed it on my bedside table. "No, I'm fine just reading dad." I muttered and cuddled my blanket. "You said you'd try." Dad frowned. "Okay. Can I have like 80 dollars so me and ashlee can go get more piercings on our ears?" I said in a super white peppy voice. "Don't get smart with me." He yelled, I laid down and cuddled into the pillow. "What do you want from me? I remember you and mum saying that you loved me the way I am and these last few days all you have tried to do is change me. So what if I get sent to a therapist, that doesn't mean I will go, they can't make me go." I groaned and rolled over to face my dad, he hugged me and pushed some hair off my face. "But the point is that you will never be able to hold down a job if you can't talk to people." He soothed. I sat up and got of from the covers, I grabbed my music homework and sat back down on my bed. "I have homework to do as well, maybe another time dad." I sighed and grabbed my phone. "Promise?" "Promise dad." I laughed and my dad left. I had to write a song for my homework, I had to come up with a tune too, my teacher always gave us difficult homework. I picked up my eletric guitar and began playing a random tune.

Harry pov

"Ash I'm really bored" I groaned and flopped on the sofa. "Go see lou." He said not taking his eyes off the tv. "You're so fucking annoying!" I groaned and shoved him hard. "Harry go away!" He shouted. I groaned and made my way to Louises room when I heard her singing a familiar song. "Life's a tangled Web of cell phone calls and hash tag I don't knows
You you're so caught up in all the blinking lights and dial tones.
I'd admit I've been a victim in the world wide system too
But I found my sweet escape when I'm alone with you. Tune out the static sound of the city tha-" I was filming her but stupidly dropped my phone, her head whipped round and she looked scared. " long have you been there?" He voice was quiet and shaking. "Long enough." I gasped, she hid her face in her quilt and groaned. "So I'm just gonna everyone I have the most talented friend ever!" I exclaimed and ran, she ran after me and caught me at the bottom of the stairs, she jumped on my shoulders and tried grabbing my phone. "Give me it! Please harry don't be an asshat!"She exclaimed and tried to reach my phone, I decided to be really mean and click play. Her voice could be heard all around the room. "Harry irwin! Please!" She was almost shouting at me, she managed to grab my phone and she deleted the video. "Aww man! I was enjoying that son-" "What's going on here?"Calum sniggered, all he saw was beth on my shoulders with my phone in her hands. "Harry was being an asshat uncle calum." She pouted and jumped off my shoulders. "That's not true! She was acting normal and I got it on film, she decided to be a total bitch and delete it." I huffed. "I'm normal you cheeky shit." She argued. "No you're not! You're a book worm who secretly sings and paints and plays guitar-" I rambled but she cut me off. "They are all abnormal things, now shut up and leave me alone to do my music homework." She huffed.

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