Blue eyes - chapter 110

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Beth pov

I made woke up In the hospital and to no suprize I was still feeling sick. "Morning beth, well afternoon actually. A doctor will be round to see you shortly and then you will be discharged, how are you feeling?" The sweet nurse asked me, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "I feel a little bit nauseous, other than that I feel fine. I really need to get going, it's my daughters birthday today and I don't think she'd be happy if I missed it. " I rambled and began getting out of bed, but I stood too quickly and black circles filled my vision casing me to fall back onto the bed. "Ooh be careful dear, if you move to quickly you'll pass out again or you'll really hurt yourself again." She said in a highly alarmed tone, I smiled sadly and nodded. I was pretty down I mean I was starved and deprived of water at work but I didn't complain I just complied, I stayed late hours for days on end and I never uttered a word of complaint to my boss and now that his negligence has caused me to become hospilitised he has sacked me for being unconscious and bleed in the floor. I had 4 weeks to get another job in my line of work or I'd be deported. My phone snapped me out my daydreams and worries when it began ringing. "Hello?" I answered, I tucked myself back in the bed and cuddled into the pillows. "Hey beth it's dan and phil, we were calling to say happy birthday to Louise. Can you put her on?" Dan chuckled. "Unfortunately I'm in the hospital guys so I can't pass you over, but I could give you lukes number so you can call her, if you'd like?" I ranted. " Yeah that'd be cool...why you in hospital anyway?" Phil asked quiet panickyly. "My boss kept me in work for 3 days with no food or water and I was on a step ladder at a shoot when I passed out and fell. I have now lost my job do it looks like in a few weeks I will be deported back to the UK." I sighed and rolled over. "Oh my god! That's horrible! Your ex boss sounds like an a-" Dan and phil vegan but the curtain to my cubical opened revealing the tall dark haired man in a buttoned up shirt and so suit trousers. "Um guys I will call you back." I muttered and hung up despite their protests. "Came to see your handy work?" I sneered as he took a seat beside me. "Yeah, I think I could have done a bit more but I suppose this is enough." His smug smirk grew and grew as his words flowed. "What do you even want here?" I said through gritted Teeth,  his hand stroked my cheek making me squirm away and push his hand, his hand flung back and a look of hatred washed over his face. His hand came into contact with my cheek harshly leaving a red hand print and a stinging sensation on it.

"Now who looks stupid, don't ever touch me again you little slut or you'll pay...with your daughters life." He hissed, I sat up and looked over at him. "You wouldn't dare, you touch her and I will make you pay. What do you even want here?" I yelled, he laughed and began playing with the drip tube in my arm. "So here's the deal: you will work for me still but under the minimum wage amount. You will work overtime when I say and you won't get paid for it. You won't eat or drink in work unless I say. Do we have a deal? Or do you and Louise have to be deported? I know it would break lukes heart." He chuckled evilly. "Fine, but stay away from my family." I warned, his hand came into contact with my cheek again but with more force behind it. "Don't tell me what I can and cannot do." He tutted and left me in the room clutching my fave as tears rolled down my cheeks.


I was finally home, I had my hood up on my hoodie so that nobody would see the purple hand mark on my cheek. "Mum!" Louise exclaimed and ran towards me, I hugged her and kissed her hair. "I'm so glad you're okay, I'm sorry to hear you lost your job by the way. You'll find a new one." She smiled sadly. "I' my old job back." I said quietly and began making my way up the stairs so I could cover this painful bruise with makeup but in my way up the stairs I bumped into calum, resulting in my hood falling down and nearly me too. "Are you- what happened to your face?!" He asked and stroked over the bruise, I flinched away a little and looked at my hands. " over .....on my way home." I stuttered and quickly walked up a few more steps. Calum grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him. "Was this floor hand shaped? Who hit you?" He asked sternly. "WHAT!?" I heard luke shout, I sighed and carried on walking up the stairs to my room, as soon as I got in there I sighed heavily and began removing my clothes to get a hot shower and go to bed. *knocking* "Hey babe, can I come in?" Luke asked quickly, I wrapped my body in a towel and pulled my hair to cover my cheek. "Um sure baby" I called out to him, he opened the door and took the sight of my basically naked body in. "Wow, you look beautiful." I blushed and looked away with a small smile. "Thanks sexy, anyway what's up?" I asked shyly, the effete he had on me was so unreal. He made me feel happy, shy, cheeky, flirty, annoyed but most of all loved, and it was enough to make me an emotional wreck sometimes. "Calum said something about someone hitting you... is it true?"his eyes and voice were sad and shaky. "Um no luke...he has it all wrong." I said with a nervous stutter. "You're lying babe, you just stuttered. If somebody hurt yo-" "I'm fine, it's nothing babe. Now I'm gonna go for a shower, join if you want but I don't wanna talk about this." I huffed and made my way to the bathroom, I bumped into mike and nd held the towel tightly to my body. "Sorry mike" I apologised and went into the bathroom, as I shut the door I heard a wolf whistle and some muttered incoherent words. I climbed in the shower letting the warm water cascade over my body, I began washing my hair when I heard the door open. "Hello?" I called out, there was some shuffling sounds and then the door shut again. I thought nothing of it and carried on in the hot shower, I turned the shower off and rung out my soaked hair before putting it in a messy wet bun on the top of my head, as I stepped out the shower I saw my towel was missing and a note on the toilet seat. 'Keeking. ...are you gonna get the towel or stay in here forever. Ashx' I huffed and poked my head round the door to see Ashton holding a camera up and he was giggling uncontrollably. "Ash you're a dick, I've just got out of hospital and I don't feel well, can I please have my towel?" I asked tiredly, I let out a small yawn and rubbed my eyes with one hand. "That actually makes me sound like an ass... but no you have to come get the towel if yo-" "LUKE" I shouted loudly, Ashton covered his ears with his shoulder and hand. Luke cam running out to see me peeking round the bathroom door. "What's up babe?" He panted, he ran up the stairs quickly to see what I wanted and was standing close to me. "Ashton took my towel, can you get it for me?" I pouted and gave him puppy dog eyes, he kissed my cheek and grabbed the towel from the floor. "Thanks babe." I quickly shut the door and wrapped my body up in the fluffy blue towel. I opened the door to see luke standing there with a sad face and he looked worried, I kissed his lips softly and passionately, he kissed back and placed his hand on the small of my back. "I. Don't. Like. The. Idea. Of. Someone. Hurting. You" He said between kisses, I pulled away and looked at him with sad eyes mirroring his own. "I'm sorry, it was my own fault but I have good news...I have my job back." I said quickly before running into the bedroom, I closed the door and quickly put on some underwear. I chose my red lace underwear and matching panties to go with it, suddenly the door flung open to reveal an angry looking luke standing in the doorway. "Luke shut the doors before the boys see." I whispered and ushered him inside. "Beth I'm trying to be angry look too fucking sexy. Put some clothes on so I can be angry." Luke huffed and sat on the edge of the bed, I straddled his lap and kissed his lips. "Is this helping?" I asked him with a sexy voice. " please" He stuttered and closed his eyes, I kissed him again and this time I began grinding my hips on his crouch. "How about this?" I asked, he let out a throaty moan and grabbed the small of my back. I carried on but this time I kissed down his jawline till I was by his ear. "Let me take your mind off it." I whispered and nibbled his earlobe making a groan escape his lips. "God I need you" He grunted and fell back into the mattress pulling me down with him. "We have to be quiet though." I giggled and pulled his top over his head. "Okay, just don't stop." He muttered with closed eyes and a slight smirk. I kissed from his lips, down his jawline, to his neck and now his collarbone leaving small love bites along the way. "Bet you wish you joined me in the shower now." I mumbled, I pulled his jeans off to see his boxers were tight against him. "I do, I really do." He breathed. There was a knock at the door which made me usher luke into the bed as I pulled the towel over me. "Who is it?" I called out, the door was opened by none other than mike. "Hi beth, we were gonna head over to my place with Louise if that's okay." He chirped. "Yes...I mean, she would like that.  Just have her back at a reasonable time." I smiled sweetly. "I was hoping she could stay like everyone else." He frowned, his eyes scanned the floor then luke and then me. "And by the looks of things that's a good idea." He smirked., I blushed a light pink before nodding. "Okay fine, can you go now? We are kinda busy gettin busy." Luke said wiggling his eyebrows. "Okay boner, GUYS SHE SAID YES." Mike cheered are and ran down stairs. "Now where were we?" I smirked at and locked the door.

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