Blue eyes - chapter 61

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I looked in the rear view mirror to see the lady's car following my own, I decided to take the main way home despite the traffic and the fact that it took ages. I was currently in a long traffic que that was moving every 5 minutes, it let 5 cars pass and then went back to being a red light. I looked again to see her in the car behind me, I beeped my horn and moved a little bit closer to the car infront. Finally the line was moving and I was nearly at the front of it which ment the next green light I was free to drive down the motor way. I looked at my phone and Mike was calling. "Beth?" He said shakily, I saw the green light and raced down the motorway. "Mike? What's wrong?" I stuttered, my attention was off the road and now on mike. "B..beth?" Luke was now saying shakily, suddenly a lorry came racing towards me and I crashed.

I opened my eyes quickly afterwards to be in a hospital surrounded by 4 crying boys. "She's awake!" Calum gasped as he wiped his tears. "Wh..what's up?" I croaked, my throat felt like a dessert. "What's up is that my beautiful girlfriend has been in a coma for 2 weeks" luke sniffled as he passed me some cold water. "What about Louise and Daniel?" I croaked, the four boys looked at each other with confused faces. "Who's Louise and Daniel?"Luke asked curiously and cautiously. Before I could answer the doctors and nurses walked in. "Oh look who's awake" the nurse smiled as she hooked me up to more machines. "Now miss Bevan do you know what year it is?" The doctor asked me as he shone a touch in my eyes. " I don't have a clue" I sighed before trying to blink the black spots out my eyes, the doctor scribbled something on his clipboard and then stuck a thermometer in my mouth. "Do you know your name?" He asked me, he wasn't even intrested. "Yeah my name is Bethany bevan" I groaned as I tried to sit up, the doctor pushed me back down and took the thermometer out my mouth. "Patient is feverish" He whispered to the nurse, she ran out the room and came back in with a bag of fluids. "Okay this might hurt." She said as she unwrapped another needle that needed to go in my hand, the boys all looked away and flinched. " i Doubt it hurts that much" I laughed a little, the nurse smiled before jabbing the needle in my hand along with the others. "And last question, do you know what happened?" The doctor looked up at me and examined my hand. "No clue, do you know? Cause I'd love to know" I smiled, the doctor ignored my question and carried on scribbling notes. He tapped the nurses shoulder and left with her. "God I wake up from a coma and don't even get a hug?!" I exclaimed, the boys all smiled and came and sat on the bed. "She's back" luke smiled and kissed my forehead. "So what is the year?" I poked lukes side softly. "2012, you seriously have no idea?!" Mike laughed, o blushed and looked down, everything felt so real but to know it was a dream was a little heartbreaking. "Sorry to be such a pain in the ass" I mumbled, every one hugged me trying to not catch the wires and needles I was hooked up to. "I heard Michael and luke crying before I woke up, why we're you guys crying?" I asked looking at them with sympathetic eyes and a small smile. "We didn't think you'd wake up, the doctors told us you might not have woken up. We were really scared beth." Luke mumbled sadly. I went to sweep some of my hair off my face with my free hand but it had a giant fucking cast on it. "So how bads the damage?" I sat up and looked at them all with a big smile. "Broken arm, broken ankle, you had some internal bleeding and  loads of grazes on your face. Not even met ionic your bad hair do" Calum snapped, I smiled sheepishly and looked at my cast. "I'm suprized you haven't drawn outrageous things on this" the boys all smiled and looked in my eyes. "Luke wouldn't let us" mike whined, I looked at luke and smiled. "You should have let them, but thanks" I blushed. I wasn't sure how much of it was a dream and what was real, do me and luke go out or was that a part of the dream? "No problem babe" He grinned, I found myself needing to know so I just took a deep breath. "Okay, don't laugh but...luke do we go out or was that a dream? And did you tour with one direction?" I asked quickly and nervously. "Yes we go out and yes we toured with one direction. You really don't remember baby girl" He cooed and kissed my forehead. "So how did you guys find out about me being in here?" I asked as I laid back down. Luke came and laid beside me and cuddled me. "We were coming back a week early to suprize you and when we were packing up at the hotel we got a call saying you'd been in a fatal crash, your mum called me from your phone" He smiled, I sat up and looked around for my phone. "Where's my phone?" I said in a worried tone. Luke pulled it out his back pocket and passed it to me. "Why? What's wrong?" Calum was now worried. "I need to tweet people that I'm not dead, and i might have missed new Youtube videos. I should call my mum too, she's probably upset." I complained about the last bit, the boys looked at me with wide eyes. "To say she was upset was an understatement, she kept blubbering and most of our shirts are in the wash because they Andre stained with eye crayons" Ashton ranted, I giggled and looked down at my phone. "Okay I'm calling her" I whispered and pressed the call button. "Hello? Boys is she awake yet?" My mum sniffled. "Mum it's me. I'm awake and I'm fine, just a little fever that's all." I laughed a little. "You are so grounded are nd never leaving this house ever again! I was worried sick about you and you're not allowed your car!" She sniffled and ranted, I turned away from the boys. "But mum that's so unfair! You can't ground me, I have rights and a social life." I whined, the boys started sniggering At me and pointing. "I don't give two flying shits, that's the rules!" She nagged. "Bye mum I love you" I droned, she whined about me mumbling things and then hung up. "What did she say?" Calum said through stifled laughs. "She grounded me and took away my car, she swore at me too" I huffed and slouched back on the bed. "Unlucky" Ashton and calum laughed.

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