Blue eyes - chapter 41

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2 months later

Me and all the boys were sat on the couch cuddling and watching saw. Oh god I'm dying for some orange juice. I don't want to move though, I uncovered myself from the layers of blankets and sleepily stumbled to the kitchen. "What are you doing?" Ashton asked me as watched me stumble around the kitchen. "Orange juice" I mumbled, three more boys popped up from behind the sofa and watched me open the orange juice. "What's she doing?" Luke asked Ashton, I looked in the fridge before deciding to drink the orange juice. "She said 'orange juice' " Ashton stated. "Watch her, it is the weirdest thing ever" luke whispered to the boys. I glupped the orange juice carton till it was all gone. "Beth you just drank 4 pints of orange juice, how?!" Mikey chuckled, I made my way to the toilet. Why is this baby obsessed with orange juice. I made my way back to the sofa to go back to sleep, I laid down and wrapped myself in the many layers of blankets. "Thirsty babe?" Luke chuckled as he wrapped his arm around me and played with my hair. "Yeah just a little, did you want some?" I mumbled into his chest, he pulled me close to him and placed his hand on my bump tracing little patten and tapping which made the baby kick. "Luke, I'm really tired please don't make the baby beat my insides up." I sighed. He carried on just ignoring me, I eventually fell asleep with lukes hands on my belly. And he moans at me for touching his abs.


I woke up to a sharp pain in my kidneys which made me fall off the couch. "Ouch! I hate kids!" I moaned from the very uncomfortable floor. "What's happened? What are you on the floor?" Mike asked as he reached a hand out to help me up. "Luke kept tapping the baby and the baby punched me in the kidneys" I groaned as I sat back up on the couch next to Mikey not luke. "I'm sorry babe" luke cooed but I just gave him the silent treatment. "Guys shall we go to the beach, I'm bored" Calum whined, the boys all sat up and looked at me. "You guys go, I want to stay here." I mumbled, Ashton glared at me As the others put their shoes on. "You guys go and i will catch you up" Ashton said to the boys, luke kissed my forehead and left with the other boys. "Why don't you wanna come with us? It will be boring without you." Ashton whined, I fiddled with my jumper sleeves and looked at what I used to call me lap and now it's just a bump. "Ash I'm 7 months pregnant, my feet hurt and I get tired easily, plus I don't need people staring at me and whispering shit because where I'm hormonal I lose my temper easily. You guys go and I will stay here" I sighed, ash pulled me in for a cuddle and held me tightly. "Awww munchkin! It can't be that bad, if your feet hurt I will carry you." He was trying so hard to make me come out side but it was just no good. "No I'm fine, I'll just relax on the balcony. Go have some fun." I tapped his cheak and stood up. "Okay munchkin, see you tomorrow" He kissed the top of my head as he hugged me. "I'm just gonna stay here for a while actually, maybe we could talk baby name." Ash suggested, I pulled away from the hugged and looked up at him. "I actually forgot I have to name the baby" I giggled. I went and sat on the balcony with my laptop infront of me.

After minutes of silence between me and ash he finally spoke. "What's the worst part about being pregnant?" He asked quite shyly, I actually tried to think. "Well there's loads. I have to be super careful when I fall and I have to be careful not to hit my bump, I can't smoke or drink either which sucks ass, then there's the kidney shots the cravings for random fruit that I don't like and I can't play my guitars or drums and I'm always hormonal which makes my life very difficult." I listed of all the things and Ashtons eyes looked like they were gonna pop out of his head. "Sounds nasty, how painful are the kidney shots?" Why was he asking me all this? I pinched his side and he let out a yelp. "Now imagine that happening three more times on your insides." I sighed as I looked through the list of names and found some I like. "What about Daniel? Or Sammy? " I asked Ashton. "I like Daniel, Sammy Hemings sounds weird doesn't it." He giggled, I shuffled in my seat until I was comfy again. "Daniel hemmings, sounds okay now a middle name is needed but i will let luke decide that, I just hope he doesn't decide a tmnt name or spongebob" I groaned, me and Ashton started laughing and I would have doubled over but I was so big it was impossible. "Daniel squidward hemmings." Ashton giggled, I had managed to stop laughing but now I needed to pee. "I have to pee be back in a bit" I sighed.

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