Blue eyes - chapter 107

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*knocking* "come in" I called to who ever was knocking my door, my eyes didn't leave the french textbook as the person entered the room. "Hey, Whatcha doin'?" I looked up and saw harry at the door of my bed. " Révision pour mon examen de français" I said quickly and carried on reading. "Yeah, I don't speak French. " He chuckled, I scribbled some notes down quickly and looked up. "I said I'm revising for my french exam, why what's up?" I smiled cheerfully. "Can I help?" He chipped in, I cocked an eyebrow and tilted my head. " Si vous pouvez parler français , comment pouvez- vous me aider à étudier ? Je pourrais probablement vous apprendre un peu si vous le souhaitez." I said rather quickly, he looked like his head was gonna explode with confusion and annoyance. "English woman" He yelled. "You can't speak french therefore you can't help me but I can teach you french if you'd like." I giggled, he shook his head rapidly and rubbed his temples. "No I've finished school, and I'm glad." He chuckled, I had a few weeks left at school and thank goodness. "So are you excited?" He asked with are stupid grin on his face, I was the confused one now. Why would I be excited for a french exam?! "Why would I be excited?" I quizzed. "It's ts nearly your 18th birthday, did you seriously forget?!" He laughed loudly. "Oh shit, it nearly is isn't it? I've been so busy revising and shit...I forgot my own birthday." I giggled and flopped back on my bed, Harry was shaking his head and now calling ash. "Harry you're upstairs, why don't you just come down." Ashton said with a small laugh. "Louise forgot her own birthday" He laughed whole heartedly. "Haha what?! Louise did you really?!" He giggled, I could hear the other laughing too. "Yeah have you seen how much revision I have?! It's enough to make me forget my own fucking name." I reasoned. After 5 minutes of laughing and teasing the phone call was dropped and I was left to do my revision.  "I think I've got you the best present" Harry said smugly. "Tell me!" I begged, he shook his head and put a finger to his lips. "I can't tell you."


Beth pov

"Hey we need you to stay behind late tonight, we need those photos ready by tomorrow Morning, 6 am Sharpe. " My boss said with an evil grin, I knew I'd be rushing around to get hundreds and hundreds of photos ready and it was already 9 pm.  "Yeah sure, let me just phone my family." I sighed. The phone was ringing to lukes phone and then when I was gonna hang up he answered. "Hey babe when are you home? I miss you" He mumbled, I ran a hand through my hair and began yawning. "I won't be home till 6 tomorrow morning, the boss is making me stay late again. I miss you baby, how is everything?" I asked tiredly, I heard a heavy sigh come from lukes lips and a shh. "That's the second time this week's he's done this, you're exausted and becoming ill. Babe just come home." He sighed with frustration. He wasn't wrong, I haven't had time to ear for the past 3 days and I'm very dehydrated let alone the tiredness and aching joints. "I know, but I have no choice he's left and locked me in. I can't get out to get any food and the water cooler is broken, I'm so fucking tired too. I just wanna come home but I don't have a choice." I sniffed, I was on the verge of tears and I swear I was gonna break by the end of the night. "He's such an asshole, babe I love you and I feel terrible." He mumbled sadly. "It's fine, I have hundreds of photos to finish and buff, I don't think I'm gonna be able to do it in time anyways. I will try to be quick babe. I need to go, I love you and I love Louise too." I sighed and hung up. I began on the paperwork and then the blemish edits. This would be a long and harsh night.


It was 5:57 am and it was all done and put them in the correct envelopes with stamps and addresses. "Morning Bethany, I hope that the work is all done because if it's not then I will have to let you go." My both seethed, He made my blood boil and my skin crawl. "Yes actually I have Mr Johnson, and I must say that leaving me locked inside a building with no food and water was not necessary. " I said back to him, I superseded my anger as he just snorted and walked into his office. "Well you have a shoot in a minute for an underwear shoot. You better be awake because it's an 8 hour shoot." He smirked, I felt like I was gonna punch him buy I knew my body was too weak. "Yes sir, let me just phone luke." I sighed and walked outside. "Hey babe I will meet you from work if you like." He chirped. "Um I have another shoot this morning....For 8 hours. If I don't do it I loose my job and he said he won't give me a good refrence." I was on the verge of tears but I would not let them spill. "Babe... just quit." I could tell his Teeth were clenched and he was mad. "If he gives me a bad refrence I won't be able to get a job, if I don't have a job I have to go back to the UK because my visa will be invalid." I sighed. "Break times over now Bethany." My boss cackled from behind me, I looked at his evil green eyes and his muscly torso in his white button up shirt with a jet black tie in the middle. "I'm just saying good bye." I told him, he groaned and walked off. "luke I have to go, I love you baby and I will be home as soon as I can, tell everyone I said hi." I said glumly, luke hung up the phone and i walked back inside. "Your relationship is really getting in the way of your work. So is that kid of yours, maybe you should just quit if you think this Is a waste of time." He grinned evilly, I began getting my equipment ready for the shoot and I felt his eyes on me. "Look I don't think this job is a waste of time, but do not speak about my home life in work." I said sternly, I felt quite dizzy and a little light headed.  "I will talk about what I like, I'm your boss and don't forget that." He hissed, I threw the bag over my shoulder and pulled my long hair up in a messy bun. "Where's the driver?" I asked him, he handed me a piece of paper and it had details on it. The driver would arrive in 5 minutes, the drive was 1 hour long and I would then have to walk home from there, I was not happy but I couldn't argue with him because I was too tired. I made my trek to the car downstairs and climbed inside. "It's a long drive and I've been told that I'm not picking you up." The stroppy woman said.


"And now it's time for a small break, beth you can help get the set ready for the next set of photos." I was feeling so weak and dizzy I swear I was going to colapse into a pile of bones. "Yes sue." I yawned, she took the model into the dressing room and slammed the door, it was a 20 minute break and now we were all rushing around, I had various things shoved in my hands such as pillows. "Hurry up lady, we don't have A lot of time." One of the men called to me, I moved quicker and found my head hurting. "You're the lightest so you can climb the step ladder and stick up the lights..." He said and shoved a knot of wires and small bulbs in my hands. "Yeah." I breathed and shakily began scaling the ladder. "Move quicker." He nagged, I moved as quickly as possible and began taping the lights up. I got near the end when my vision was filling with black spots and I taped the last few lights. "Are you done yet?" The man laughed sarcasticly, the black spots filled my whole vision and before I knew it I was unconscious on the cold concrete floor.


Lukes pov

"Hey luke your phone's having a spasm." Calum chuckled, I pulled out my toasties and put them on a plate. "Just leave it, probably beth saying she has to work tonight or some other shit." I grumbled, he ignored me and answered. "Hey" He said in a jokey voice, I walked over to the couch and very quickly calum's face went from a smile to white as a sheet of paper. "Okay, we'll be there soon." He said quietly and hung up. "What did she want?" I asked with a little bit of worry. "She been admitted to hospital, she passed out and fell of a ladder. Come on guys let's go." He said to me and all the boys, I quickly put my coat and shoes on, I grabbed the car keys and my phone. "HARRY WATCH LOUISE! WE HAVE TO HO OUT QUICKLY" I shouted up the stairs before running out the door.


"We belive she fainted due to dehydration and lack of food in her system, does she have an eating disorder of some sort?" The nurse asked me. "No it's her bosses fault. Can...can we see her?" I asked her desperately, she pulled back the curtain and beth was just laying there asleep with fluids and wires attached to her arms. We all took seats and moved them closer to her bedside, I held her hand in mine and kissed it softly. I sighed heavily and so did the boys, suddenly her fingers twitched slightly. "Beth? You awake?" I asked her, her hand held mine loosely and she sat up a little. "Hey guys, I haven't seen you for nearly a week. How you been?" She croaked, I kissed her fore head and pushed some hair off her head. "We're good, you'll do anything to get out of work won't ya?" Mikey joked, she let out a small weak laugh and rubbed circles on the back of my hand. "Well you know me. On a serious note, can I have my phone?" She mumbled, Ashton passed her the phone and instantly she frowned at the screen. "What's up?" Calum asked her. "I..I got fired cause I passed out at work, stupid fucking arse hole." She grumbled and chucked her phone on the floor. "I swear to god-" was all I said before beth interupted. "Let's just leave it, I can't be fucked with his shit anymore."

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