Blue eyes - chapter 50

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"Guys come on, we're gonna be late!" I called up to them, the two boy came down in there swimming things and with their beach bags in hand. "Mom i put sun lotion on lou and myself and I made sure that she has her sun glasses too. Have you got everything?" He asked me. My little boy was so grown up and independent, he was amazing with lou and so nice to me. "Yes now let's go have some fun in the sun." I giggled and shooed them into the car. Danny strapped Louise in and then strapped himself in too, I sat in the car and looked at my kiddys. "Who wants to go to the beach?!" I shouted excitedly. "WE DO!" They shout back, I giggle and start driving 20 minutes to the beach.


I watched the kids playing in the water as I sat on the towels with our bags. "Beth!" Three boys ran up to me and hugged me. "I wasn't expecting to see all of you here, god I missed you guys" I sighed contently, I looked at Danny swimming with lou on his back. "Where's Daniel hiding?" Mikey said as he looked around. "He's right there" I pointed to him, he was now splashing in the water as his sister looked at shells. "He looks like luke" Ashton said breathlessly, I looked down at the sand and smiled sadly. "Yeah he does" I mumbled, I felt arms wrap around me. "Sorry" He mumbled. "It's fine honestly, I'm gonna go get danny" I pulled away from the hug and walked down to the water. "Danny, Louise come here please" I smiled sweetly. The two children ran up to me and cuddled me. "Your uncles want to see you, come say hello." I smiled at Danny then kissed Louise ' s cheek. "They haven't met you sweetie but they are still your family too" I cooed and stroked her cheek. "Lou lou i will give you a piggy back" Danny smiled, she jumped on his back and her hair fell over his face. "Mom race you to the towels" Danny shouted as he ran up to the towels, I chased after him and over took them by diving on the towels. "I win" I said and poked my tongue out. "Yeah Yeah whatever" He muttered as he placed lou lou down on the sand. "Hi I'm ash, you must be baby Daniel. Last time I saw you you were still nappys" He giggled and tussled Danny hair. "I'm not a baby, mom tell em" He said in a thick accent. "Guys as cute as he was 6 years has passed and he's 10 now" I giggled as I looked at his face, Danny smiled which revealed deep dimples. "And is this your little friend?" Calum said as he hugged Louise. "No Louise is my little sister, she's 6 years old" He said as he pinched her cheek. "So your both lukes kids?" Calum stuttered. "Who's luke?" Louise giggled as she played with ashtons hair. "They don't know him do they?" Mikey looked in my eyes with sorrow and hurt. "I'm sorry mike I didn't know what to do" I muttered and looked at my kids talking to Ashton. "You could have let them see him " mike said softly. "Seeing him would have killed me mike, I let myself fall and I fell hard, I needed him but he didn't want me or Danny and when I though that luke caught me from falling he let me go." I felt a tear fall from my eyes and wiped it away. "D..don't cry beth" mike hugged me tightly and played with my hair. "The truth is painful and it chips away at me and it has done for the past 6 years." I sniffled, Danny noticed me crying and came over to me. "Mom? Please don't cry again" He said as he wiped away my tears. "I'm okay, why don't you go play by the water with Louise for a little while?" I smiled and wiped my eyes. "No these dorks are kinda cool" He chuckled. I sat up and giggled. "Well they are definitely dorks, I'm not too sure about the cool part though" I giggled, Louise came and laid in my lap and traced shapes on my knees. "Mommy I'm hungry." She whined, I reached in the beach bag and pulled out a veggiemite sandwich. "Your favorite" I said as I passed it to her, she ate the sandwich quickly and then asked for a juice box. "Thankyou mommy" she giggled, her smile held the same dimples as her brother and her father. "She looks luke luke too" I said to Mikey, he smiled and nodded. "You have really funny hair" she giggled as she climbed on Mikey he shoulders and played with his hair. "Your hairs pretty nice too." He chuckled as he looked up at her. "I have hair like my mommy, mommy has beautiful hair but it's easy to spot when we play hide and clap." She rambled as she tussled his hair.

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