Blue eyes - chapter 109

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Louises pov

I got up nice an early and to my suprize I wasn't hung over, not even a little. I got up, dressed, put my make up on, brushed my teeth and curled my hair. I lived the blue colour on my once blonde hair, I almost forgot about my blue hair every day I got up but as soon as I saw it I smiled and poked my deep dimples. I grabbed my phone and earphones before putting on some Metallica - enter sandman. I ran down the stairs and saw 5 sleeping guys on the couch and several beer bottles scattered around them. "Pigs." I muttered to myself, I quietly tiptoed around the boys and picked up the empty and half empty beer bottles. "Mum" Harry mumbled in his sleep and covered his face in a pillow, I restrained myself from laughing and carried on picking them up. I placed then carefully into the bin so they didn't break or clink, as soon as I was done I began quietly getting out the pots and pans to make everyone a nice fry up. This resulted in bacon, sausages, chips, beans, tomatoes and scrambled eggs. I decided to cook the bacon and sausages nearer the end of cooking because it would instantly wake the guys up, as soon as the bacon hit the sizzling pan the smokey aroma filled the air and made my stomach growl. "Calum can you smell bacon?" Mike sleepily mumbled. "Fuck who's cooking bacon?" He chuckled, I had my earphones in and was listening to. Basket case- green day. "Dude can anyone else smell sausages?" My dad mumbled excitedly, I plated up all the food on the 5 plates and placed the pans in the bowl. "Breakfast is served." I smiled widely, the 5 guys came trudging over with a squinted eyes and sleepy smiles. "Thanks penguin, happy birthday." My dad said sleepily. "Oh shit I keep forgetting that... um thanks dad, now I'm off" I smiled and grabbed an apple from the fridge. "Where you going?" He asked me with a dissappear face. "Starbucks or Costa, I haven't decided yet." I mumbled and slipped on my shoes. "Can you get me something, I'm severely hung over." Harry groaned and shoved a tomato in his mouth. "No, there's coffee in the pot for you lot." I laughed and grabbed my bag and purse. "Bye guys. Bye dad love ya." And quickly left.


Ashtons pov

"I gotta say luke, Louise can cook an amazing fucking fry up." I said whilst shoveling the food into my system, I looked over to my brother who looked weak and pale, he was so hung over and sickly looking. "I know, where did she learn to cook?" Mike exclaimed loudly which made harry fling and squeeze his eyes shut. "Mm Louise said she cooks for herself all the time, she also helps herself to the liquor and sits in the roof." Harry mumbled and rubbed his temples. "I'm gonna put a lock on that fridge door." Luke grumbled, I placed my plate in the soapy water in the washing up bowl. "Harry, you don't look too good mate." Calum said and rubbed his back. "Don't do that or I'm literally gonna throw up." He groaned and placed his plate in the bowl. I sighed and ushered him back to the sofa, he laid down and cuddled the soft pillow close to his stomach. "Mum is gonna kill me for letting you get in this state." I sighed and tightly tucked him in the fluffy, cozy blanket. "How was she Not hung over? She drank so much more than me." He whined and closed his eyes, I got up from the couch and looked down at him. "Cause she can stomach it, unlike you. Mate you're so weak" I chuckled and got back to the guys. "Ash did you clean up last night?" Luke asked me with a confused look on his face. "No did you?" I quizzed back, everyone shook their heads slowly and shrugged. "Maybe Louise cleaned up. I feel really bad, it's her birthday and she's cooking, cleaning and she's ment to be chilled out." Luke said glumly, I patted his back and tussled his messy hair. "Mate she can relax when she get back, I'm gonna get Lauren to drop round her presents, I'm too lazy to walk home." I chuckled and pulled out my phone, I had hundreds of twitter notifications. "@5SOS had a few drinks and passed out on the sofas leaving me to clear up @hazirwin got so fucking wasted tho' Louise wrote and already hundreds of re tweets and favourited too. The picture looked so bad and we looked luke drunken hobos. "Luke can I give her birthday beatings?" I chuckled and passed him the phone, he chuckled and passed it around to the others. "Yea-" "I'm back with everyone's coffees!" Louise called from the front door. "Fuck off shouting and give me my coffee" Harry groaned.

Louises pov

"Talk to me like that again and I will pour this boiling hot coffee in your fucking lap." I sassed and placed the large cup on the table, I made my way to the kitchen and placed the cup holder in the middle of the kitchen island. "I brought you guys coffee, the coffee I made probably tastes crap" I smiled sweetly, they took the coffees and smiled gratefully. "Thanks for everything penguin, you're the best." My dad complimented and gave me a big cuddle. "Dad you're luke a friggin giraffe, stop being so tall." I giggled, he squeezed me tightly and stroked my blue hair. "You're not that much smaller than me so you can't talk." He laughed, I let go of him and took my iced skinny low fat frappe. "Okay right, I have revision to do- oh by the way, dick head" I called to harry who was sat up drinking his coffee. "What up bitch?" He asked back, I rummaged through my small bag and chucked him a pack of 10 cigarettes and a box of matches. "Hangover cure." I shouted before walking up the stairs. "Thanks goodie 2 shoes." He called up to me, I smiled and looked over the banister. "No problem tube wanker." I giggled and ran to my room, the boys where mumbling something and I soon got a call from ash. "Hello uncle ashy." I said in a happy voice. "Come down stairs a minute, we have presents to give you." He chuckled, I groaned and dragged myself off my bed. "I really dislike my birthday guys, can you just not give me anything?" I whined and slid down the banister. "No because we love you, plus birthdays are the best." Calum cooed and pinched my cheeks, I frowned and looked over to see Lauren standing with a cup of juice. "Lauren? I haven't seen you for ages." I hugged her tightly and she let out a small giggle and hugged me tightly too. "Oh my god you're a giraffe too." She laughed, I pulled away and pouted at her. "No that's a giraffe." I corrected pointing to my dad. "Hey!" He yelled causing a grunt from harry, I turned to face the living room and I saw harry looking super grumpy. "Oh bite me! It was your idea to get hammered so you can deal with it." I said in a slightly angry voice, he stuck his middle finger up and sipped his coffee. "Present time!" My dad exclaimed, before I knew it my eyes were covered by uncle ashtons big ass hands. "Did I mention I hate my birthday?" I sighed and was lead somewhere unknown. When my eyes were uncovered I saw a red mini Cooper and my dad holding out some keys. "Still hate your birthday?" He asked me with a smug smile, I hugged him tightly and and swayed side to side. "I still hate my birthday but you're the best dad ever." I giggled and took my keys from his hands. "I'm glad you like it, all your presents are in the trunk, I think mines the best though." He said proudly, I rolled my eyes and made my way to the boot. I saw a new eletric guitar, some paints and sketch books and a cake with some drum sticks. "This is the best load of presents ever!" I giggled and pulled my uncles in for a big hug. "We're glad you like them." They said in unison, I pulled away from the hug and looked at them with away small smile. "Sometimes it scares me that you all say the same thing at the same time." The boys giggled and playfully shoved me. "I think I have the best present though." Harry said from behind me, I jumped am turned round. "One of these day I will end up hurting you for sneeking up on me." I warned and Crossed my arms. "Or she'll just scream and faint." Mike pointed out, I looked behind me and smiled. "You're lucky you gave me a present." I sighed, a wrapped present was placed in my hands, it was fairly heavy and quite solid. "Is this what I think it is?!" I exclaimed excitedly, he rolled his eyes and Crossed his arms. "Just open the fucking present." He yelled playfully. I tore off the wrapping paper and saw the original alice in wonderland hard back copy with the original wording. "Thankyou" I exclaimed and squeezed the life out of him. "Louise I ...can't breathe." He wheezed. "I don't care. Thanks harry." I giggled and smiled. "No dude, I'm being serious." He barley said, I let go of him and he gasped for air. "You're a real crétin" I smiled. "I don't fucking understand french! Stop abusing me in french." He whinged, I laughed and began picking up my things. "I will take the cake." Mike said rapidly and swooped up the cake. We all laughed as I pulled on the guitar strap, piled up the art supplies and and took the drum sticks in the other hand. "Dad can you lock the car?" I asked as I made my way inside.

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