Blue eyes - chapter 94

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I was really drunk and so was dan, we were currently wondering the streets looking for a kebab shop, when ever I got drunk I craved a big greasy kebab. *Skype chime* I picked up my phone and saw mike was calling, me being drunk thought it'd be funny to answer it and let dan and myself talk to him. "H..hi Michael gorgan cliffaconda How are youuuu" I drunkly laughed, dan was sniggering and phil just rolled his eyes. "Babe it's me, luke. Are you drunk?" He chuckled. "No I'm merry, dans merry too and phil is being responsible. Phil you have a fringe gap!" I shouted to him, he immediately began fluffing his hair, I looked over to the side and saw a tattoo and piercing parlour. "Dan we should totally get tattoos! Like a piece of pizza!" I sniggered and fell into dan. "No, I'm drunk but I'm not that drunk." Dan slurred. I rolled my eyes and looked at luke. "Lukey you look really sexy and I love youu" I slurred and took another sip of my bottle of beer. "You look sexy too, what are you doing?" He smirked. "I'm gonna get a tattoo lukey, I'm gonna get a piercing too." I slurred, lukes face frowned and he crossed his arms along his chest. "No, go to bed it's...3 am where you are." He nagged, I passed dan my phone and ran into the shop.


Phil pov

Dan passed me the phone which luke was still on, inside I was fangirling like crazy. "Phil, where'd she go? " He asked me. All I could think is omfg you know my name. "Um she's paying the tattoo lady, she's a heavy drinker isn't she?" I laughed a little. "Tell me about it, I will just talk to you till she's done." Luke said hesitantly, I nodded and looked over at dan who was throwing up in a bin. "Ew dan! Luke dans throwing up in the bin" I sqirmed, luke chuckled and ushered the other guys to the camera. "Hey phil" I was internally screaming and I swear I couldn't breathe. "Hi Michael,  hi Ashton and hello calum, beth will be back soon." I reassured them. After half an hour beth was back. "Hello" she slurred and mumbled. "Luke my ass hurts and my mouth hurts." She whined. "No way !did you get a freaking tattoo on your arse!?" He shouted. I passed her the phone and went over to dan who was hugging the tree.

Beth pov.

"Lukey I want a cuddle, come and give me a cuddle." I pouted, the boys all groaned and rolled their eyes. "Babe I would but your drunk, halfway across the world and having a good time." He pointed out, we walked back to the apartment of phan. "So what did you get a tattoo of?" Luke asked me. "I didn't get a tattoo, did I? "I was soooo drunk, the boys laughed and I poked my tongue out stuck my middle finger up at them. "Beth you got your tongue pierced! Oh shit!" Mikey Yelled, I looked at the boys and furrowed my eyebrows. "Don't be stupid I wouldn't do that."  giggled and pulled my shoes off. "Did lou get to school on time?" I asked them all with a smile. "Yeah she did, babe you didn't tell me her last name was hemmings." Luke cooed. "Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" I yawned and laid down. Phil laid a duvet over me and put my shoes by the door. "THANKS PHIL!" I shouted loudly. "I love you luke, I love you more than I love rain, but don't tell the rain." I shushed and snuggled up in the duvet. "I love you more, are you tired?" He soothed. "No I'm drunk, I miss you." I giggled. They were sat in my room and Ashton fell off the bed laughing at my state. "Ashtino irwiener, you're funny." I sighed. "Hey what's this?" He said holding up the photo album. "That's mine, it's a photo album." I mumbled, they looked through the embarrassing photos. They awwed and teased about how cute I was as a child then they got to my teenage years and teased about how funny my hair style was. They stopped at one picture and I saw lukes face soften. They showed me the photo of when I was pregnant with Louise, my friend took it of me when I wasn't looking and I was so embarrassed. "That was taken a few weeks after I came to visit you ash, I miss that jumper dress." I dropped the phone on my face and groaned. "You look hot." Luke chuckled, I blushed and took a few sips of the water phil gave me earlier. "Thanks baby, I'm gonna go to sleep cause I'm drunk and tired and my arse really hurts." I giggled and then closed my eyes. "Night babe I love tou" I mumbled. "Night drunky I love you too." Luke chuckled. "I love booze booze loves me holy shit I have to pee I'm so ducked I'm falling on the floor alcoholic dinosaur" I said sleepily earning me many laughs. "That's the best sing ever, we should put it in the album." Michael joked.


"Ow my arse" I groaned as I rolled over. "Morning beth, I'm going to Starbucks do you want one?" Phil asked, I took a 20 out my purse and place it in his hands. "I'm buying, get me a skinny frappe please. And what ever you and dan want." I mumbled, I sat up and trudged into the bathroom I brushed my hair and did my make up nicely too. I began to brush my teeth when I noticed a slight stinging on my tongue, I carried on brushing and then spat out the tooth paste, I poked put my tongue and saw the piercing on my tongue and screamed. "What the fuck!" I screamed and inspected it. "Wh..what's going on? Are you hurt?" Dan asked as he ran in. "I got my tongue pierced last night!" I exclaimed, dan let out a small laugh and grabbed his phone. "I'm so tweeting this." He chuckled. He tweeted. 'We partied hard last night and @bethb got her tongue pierced. I guess @luke5sos will be having more interesting kisses." I giggled and naturally re tweeted it. "Thanks for that dan, the night out I mean, not the tweet." I stuttered, he put his phone away and smiled. "No problem, so I'm gonna let you get dressed and I'm gonna get dressed and set up the camera." He told me and headed out the room, I routed through my suitcase and picked out a pair of denim shorts, a grey baggy jumped and my beanie.


"Hello Internet today I'm joined by my friend beth, say hello" Dan said looking at the camera and then to me. "Hello" I Said with a big smile. "So today beth is going to give me singing lessons, we are filming this for your entertainment. So beth, what do we do first?" Dan said with an overly large grin. "Well vocal exercises are always a good start." I returned the smile and adjusted my beanie. "La La La La La." He said doing the scales, I patted his back and giggled. "That's not too bad, try again." He began again and then began violently chocking on his own saliva. "Shit! Don't die on me dan" I laughed and patted and rubbed circles on his back. "I..I think I may be dead by the end of the video guys, if I die blame beth." He panted, I began giggling and I pushed him gently. "Well you were doing okay until you died on me. Next I'm just gonna chuck you in the deep end, pick a song and sing it." His face dropped and he pouted. "Why are you so mean to me?" He pretended to cry. The ambulance sirens became louder and louder and dan sung. "Can you please get murdered on a different road.

I'm trying to film." I laughed as he sung badly in purpose. "Okay that was awful and I think beths ears are bleeding." He chuckled. "Not quite but please try some other song that's not so high pitch." I pouted and held my ears, he tapped his leg and thought of one. "What about one of lukes songs?" He poked just to wind me up. "Okay, whatever floats your boat." I hid my face and got prepared for the sound of a cat being hit by a lawnmower. "She's a good girl she's Daddy's favourite he saved for harvard." He stopped singing and looked at me with a devilish grin. "Maybe beth should sing now. I think you should sing a 5SOS song." He was being so cheeky and annoying too. "Really? You're such an arse hole Daniel." I groaned and picked up my phone and texted luke. 'Dans making me sing a sing by you guys which one should I sing x' "Right now we wait for a response." I sighed, in this time phil came in and gave us our Starbucks. "Thanks phil, you're the best" I was so happy and I took a Long sip if My drink. My phone began buzzing and I realised I have a text back. ' disconnected is a good one, I love you and miss you. Louise likes that song too, I can't wait till you get home ;) x' I awwed as my heart melted into a puddle of rainbows and glitter. "Well an Louise likes disconnected so I guess I will be singing a little bit of that one. " I smiled and looked up the song. "Beth, are we gonna do a duet?" Dan chuckled, I nodded and passed him the phone. "Right 3 2 1"

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