Blue eyes - chapter 53

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I was playing piano and Daniel was playing guitar. Luke sat back and watched dan playing effortlessly. "Mom sing" He begged. "She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky

Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long
I'd probably break down and cry

Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine

She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I'd hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain

Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder and the rain
To quietly pass me by
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine" I sang softly, I saw my little girl come sit next to me with sleepy beautiful blue eyes. "I liked that mommy, play another song." She smiled sleepily. "No lou bed time." Danny sighed as he picked her up. "Okay guys, I will get the blankets and pillows and we can have a sleep over in here." I giggled, Danny and lou started dancing around. "Let me have a go Daniel, please!" Lou held onto the guitar and begged Danny.  "Okay but be careful. " she started playing the small bit of American idiot she knows and then looked at me. "Don't wanna be an American idiot." She giggled. "Honey I'm not American, I'm british" I smiled, she smiled and looked at Danny. "Don't wanna be an Australian idiot." She giggled, we all started laughing at her cuteness and then luke cuddled her. "Your so cute" He chuckled, I walked out the room and called mike. "Hey Michael, if I give you the address will you and the boys come over." I was smiling like an idiot. "Yeah sure" He chuckled, I looked round the door and saw luke teaching lou the rest of the song. "Great, btw you're all sleeping over so bring your onsies and quilts." I instructed and then hung up. I texted him the address then started gathering the quilts, pillows and blankets. "Need a hand?" Luke said from behind me,I jumped at the sound of his voice but turned around. "Yeah, please can you take these to the music room and don't try and make the beds up because the kids like it done differently than normal people" I giggled and passed him the blankets , my hand touched his and it felt like electric coursing through my veins. "Sorry" I mumbled, "It's fine babe..its mean beth" He stuttered, I looked at him with kind eyes and smiled. "It's fine babe" I giggled, he took the blankets and made his way to the music room. *ding dong* I ran to the door to see three boys in onsies and carrying quilts behind them. "Hi beth" they said in unison, I pulled them inside and closed the door. "Where are we putting these then?" Ashton giggled. "Music room please, my little ones are waiting for you" I giggled, as they all walked by they smiled at me. "What's brought us here then?" Calum said as he walked beside me. "I need you guys here to stop me from doing anything stupid with-" I was cut off by Ashton. "Luke?! What you doing here?!" "Ah I see now, you know we won't do that. We just want you two back together with the kids and stuff" Calum nudged me, I sighed and looked down at my quilt. "I'm scared of falling again, I won't let myself fall again." My voice cracked and I had to stop speaking or I would just cry. "Sometimes falling is okay" He whispered, we went into the music room again and Danny was showing luke how to make the fort. "Daniel, I'll do that you can go back to playing." I giggled. "Okay mom carry on building the fortress of solitude" He chuckled and ran back to lou who was still playing American idiot. "Lou lou say what you said earlier." Dan giggled to her. She played the beginning bit and then sung. "Don't wanna be an Australian idiot" she giggled, we all awwed her and cooed at her. "Stop it! I'm not cute I'm punk rock!" She whined, I gave her a cuddle and a kiss. "Is my little punk rocker tired yet?" I asked her softly. "Yeah, can you sing to me?" She asked, all the boys gave me puppy dog eyes and so did Louise. "Yes, you're a very lucky girl, I don't sing for anyone else." I smiled at her and tucked her in Tightly. "Oh I wish I was at punk rocker with flowers in my hair. In 77 and 69 revelation was in the air. I was born to late into a world that doesn't care. Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair.
When the head of state didn't play guitar. Not everybody drove a car when music really mattered and radio was still king. When accountants didn't have control and the media couldn't buy your soul and computers were still yeah we didn't know everything.
Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair 77 and 69 reveloution was in the air. Oh I was born too late into a world that doesn't care. Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair.
When pop stars still remained a myth and ignorance could still be bliss-" "and when go saved the queen she turned a whiter shade of pale" Louise sung beautifully. "My mom and dad were in their teens and anarchy was still a dream and the only way to stay in touch was a letter in the mail.
When record shops were still on top and vinyl was all that they stocked and the super info highway was still drifting out in space." "Kids were wearing hand me downs and playing games ment kick around and footballers still had long hair and dirt across their face" she sang softly as her eyes drooped. "Oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair. In 77 and 69 revelation was in the air well I was born too late into a world that doesn't care..oh I wish I was a punk rocker with flowers in my hairr" I sang softly to her. I pushed her hair off her face and kissed her forehead. "Night night mommy I love you" she sleepily mumbled. "I love you too" I whispered. "To the moon and back" we both whispered, she shuffled a little bit and was soon fast asleep. "Lou lou is so cute" Danny giggled. "She's adorable " Mikey said in a little baby voice, Louise then started snoring. "She's snoring" luke giggled. "Just like her daddy" I giggled, Danny laid down beside lou and kissed her head. "Night louise" He whispered and snuggled up in his quilt. "Do you want me to tuck you in?" I asked him quietly. "No mom, I'm not a baby!" He whined, I moved over to him and kissed his head. "You'll always be my little baby boy and I will always love you" I cooed, he hugged me and pulled me down with him. "I love you too mom" "more than all the penny's in the world" He yawned, I kissed his forehead and tucked him in. "Play something on the piano" He sleepily begged. "Just this once" I giggled as I sat on the stool and played twinkle twinkle. He was soon asleep, I tiptoed out the room and got Louises nightlight and plugged it in. "What's that for?" Ashton spoke quietly. "If she needs the toilet I don't want her walking into the wall." I giggled. "Come on let's go to the living room" I ushered them out the room and into the living room.

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