Blue eyes - chapter 44

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1 month later

My body was back to normal now, no big bump no swollen ankles and no uncontrollable hormones. Thank heavens. Me, luke and baby Dan were on our way to lukes mothers house so she could finally meet her grandson. "You do know she will drool over the baby then give me and you an hour lecture on safe sex and us being very very stupid." He said nervously as u drove along the road. "Us or you? Really think about it luke, who forgot to put something on the end of it" I giggled and pulled into the drive way to lukes mums house. "That's fair enough but she may decide to embarrass me, please don't listen to her." He begged, I kissed his cheak and smiled. "I will listen to every single word she says baby" I cooed, he pulled me on his lap and kissed me hungrily. "Luke..." I mumbled against his lips, he tried to deepen the kiss buy I denied his tongue access. Daniel started wailing, I climbed off lukes lap and hopped out. "Kid you really do pick your moments don't you?" Luke groaned, I giggled and picked him up out of his car seat. "Daddy's just upset cause he's got a stiffy" I said in a baby voice to little dan. Luke pouted at me, I giggled and shook my head. Luke walked up to the front door and knocked a few times, I followed behind him carting the baby and the baby bag. "Thanks for the help luke (!)" I muttered, the door was swung open by lukes older brother. "Alright wankstain, Gday beth" Ben chuckled, I covered dans ears and followed luke inside. "Hello ben" I called back to him, we went through to the lounge to see liz and Andrew sat on the couch. "Hello liz, hello Andrew." I said shyly to them. "Hi beth, awe look at how cute little Daniel is" she cooed, I handed him over to liz and sat on the sofa opposite them. "Hi mum nice to see you too (!)" Luke sighed as he flopped down next to me, he put his arm around me and pulled me into his chest. "Hi luke." Liz sighed. I snuggled into his chest and placed my hand on his chest too. "He's so cute beth, he has lukes eyes." She smiled and looked up at us. "Yeah he looks a lot like luke" I smiled a sweet smile, for someone who wasn't getting a lot of sleep I was aparantly 'glowing' and 'gorgeous'. I felt the sofa beside me dip and someone clear their throat. "Sup wankstain, hi beth, you look beautiful today" jack smirked at me. I had never met lukes brothers before except he did tell me they were really horrible to him, calling him a wankstain wasn't that bad.


We were all sat at the dinner table eating the lovely soup liz made. "So beth, what is a pretty girl like you doing with a wankstain like luke?" Ben chuckled, I looked down at my food and didn't answer. "Ease up ben" luke whined as he put his arm around my shoulders. "You look very beautiful by the way, wankstain never told us you were fucking gorgeous" jack smirked. "Jack hemmings, mind your language!" Liz nagged. Me and luke giggled at liz telling off her fully grown son. "Shut up laughing wankstain!" He exclaimed. I had finished eating so I placed my bowl in the dish washer. "I'm going to go check up on Daniel Mrs hemmings." I smiled and walked out the room, I went into the lounge and saw my little angel sleeping in his wicker basket, I crouched down and pulled his blanket back over him and tucked him in. "He's really cute" a voice said from behind me, I turned round to see lukes brothers staring at me and Daniel.  "You scared the life out of me." I gasped, they laughed and crouched down beside me and Daniel, I layer with Daniels tiny hand and he gripped my finger tightly. "He is adorable, can I hold him?" Ben asked me, I carefully picked my little angel up and passed him over. "Don't drop him and support his head" I said quietly, Ben smiled sweetly at my baby boy. "So how long have you and luke been together?" Jack asked me. "Over a year...why do you guys keep calling luke wankstain?" I asked cautiously. The boys started sniggering and giggling. "A while ago luke was talking about some girl when he came home from school and he got a stiffy, since then we took the piss and called him that." Ben chuckled, I took dan back before he got dropped on his face. I placed him back down in his basket. "Hiya guys what's going on?" Luke said as he sat beside me and held my hand. "Hi wankstain" I giggled, he glared at his brothers and then at me. "You told her?! Guys I hate you!" He whined as he laid down on my lap, I played with his hair and smiled at him. "I'm sorry baby" I cooed. I leaned down and kissed him, we pulled away to see luke brothers staring. "Wankstain knows how to kiss!" Ben gasped. "of course I do!" Luke whined, he laid back down on my lap and frowned. "Lukes probably still a Virgin" jack sniggered. "You boys do know how baby's are made,right? Cause luke has a son" I asked cautiously, luke sat up and laughed in there faces loudly which woke Danny up. "Thanks luke (!)" I sighed and picked up the boy and passed him to luke. "His bottle is in car, I'm going to go get it." I smiled and walked out to the car.


Lukes brothers had gone upstairs to their own rooms leaving me and luke alone with liz. "So luke, beth as great as a child is we don't want to have anymore children till you're both older." She looked at us with warning eyes. "Sorry mum" luke mumbled as he looked down. "Sorry Mrs hemmings" I mumbled too and looked at my little boy. "In my defence I didn't know that he didn't use protection" I added, luke looked at me annoyed eyes. "Thanks for sharing the blame (!)" He whined, liz went red and glared at luke. "Beth you can go, lukes gonna have a little word with me" she smiled a fake smile, I didn't hesitate to leave luke. I picked up Daniel in his basket and I picked up his bag then left quickly and sat in the car. An hour later luke came and sat in the car. "I'm sorry but luke your mum is so scary" I gasped, he just smiled and kissed me. "She had a huge go at me then I talked to her and she helped me out" I pulled out of the drive way and smiled. "Good babe, your brothers said they are coming round tomorrow because we came round today." I said quietly, I pulled into the parking lot and stepped out the car. "What?! Why?!" He whined loudly. I ran into the house with the baby and the bag as quickly as I could. Uh oh!

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