Blue eyes - chapter 34

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I was laying on the hospital bed poking my stitches on my forehead when four boys walked in. "Stop poking it" Calum instructed, I stopped playing with them and played with my jumper sleeves. "I'm sorry I distracted you beth, it's all my fault." Ashton hugged me tightly, I stroked his back and shush ed him. "No ash it wasn't, a little girl ran out on the road so I had to quickly brake." I cooed, I let him go and fiddled with my jumper sleeves. "Luke can you go get me my phone? I think the paramedic has it." I gave him puppy dog eyes and pouted. "Fine, I'll be back in 5" He pressed a kiss on my forehead. "Miss Bevan? We ran the results on your bloods, did you know that you 6-7 weeks pregnant?" He asked. I froze, the boys froze. "No but I'm going to kill luke." I muttered.  "Okay well other than low blood sugars you're fine so you're discharged." He stated. "T..thanks" I said quietly. " and luke are having a baby." Mike said slowly. "International boots calls are never a good thing" Ashton chuckled. "Beth, I got your phone." Luke called and picked you up. "Thanks" I said quietly. "What's up?" He said as he snuggled into my neck. "At the moment, you" I sighed and climbed into the car. "What'd I do?" He whined and climbed in the passenger seat. "Mate, you need to cover it." Calum tapped lukes shoulder, luke looked at me but my gaze was on the road. I was worried and mad and scared and slightly sick. "Oh, Babe I'm sorry" He said as he placed his hand on my thigh and squeezed lightly. "Well that explains the sudden swelling in my stomach and confirms that you don't know how to wear a condom." I said through gritted Teeth. I put my foot down a little bit more and continued looking at the road. "Ho can drop us off here if you like." Mike mumbled. I ignored him and carried on driving. "Well you could hae gone on birth control!" He yelled back. "Seriously, just slow down to under 10 mph and I can roll out" mike said worriedly, I parked the car up in the car park and got out slamming the door behind me. "Babe. Wait!" Luke called, by now tears were in my eyes and I was speed walking to my apartment. "Beth at least wait for us." Calum called out to me but I just ran up the stairs to my apartment and locked the door. *rapid knocking* "go away, who ever it is go away" I sniffled, I walked upstairs to my room to get away from the knocking and yelling through the door and curled up onto a ball on my bed and cried. Don't get me wrong I love him but I'm too young and I don't like the idea of having an abortion.

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