Blue eyes - chapter 51

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"Louise is such a cutie pie." Mike cooed as she was building a sandcastle with Danny. "I know, mike I'd love for us lot to see you three again because guys I miss my best friends." I said looking at the towels. "We'd love to see you again too, belive it or not we missed you and Danny too." Ashton said sadly. "You have tonnes of celebrity friends, millions of girls wanting to sleep with you and Ashton you're friends with casper Lee. You can't have missed me." I giggled, I played with the towel on the ground before...."BUNDLE BETH" Calum shouted, I was pounced on by 3 boys. "Hey! If you hurt her I will kick you in the balls!" Danny shouted. "Daniel hemmings, watch your language round Louise!" I wheezy shouted to him. "Sorry mom" He shouted back, I tried pushing them off me but it was no good. "Hi guys, I got bored so I came to see you boys." I heard someone say, I couldn't see them but I soon felt a huge weight being lifted off me. There stood luke, time hadn't change him nor me but right then I felt a thousand daggers in my heart. "B..beth?" Luke stuttered. I walked off to my little angels by the water. "Mommy who's that?" Louise said as she looked at luke. "Baby don't worry, I think we should go home, mommy feels a little sad." I said with teary eyes, Danny hugged me and stroked my hair. "Don't cry, lately all you ever do is cry." Daniel whispered in mu ear. "Danny you're so much like your father." I sniffled into his shoulder, he pulled apart and kissed my tear stained cheeks. "I don't want to be like him, I want to be luke you. Your the best mom ever and me and Louise love you." He smiled a small smile, I tussled his dirty blonde hair and kissed his cheeks. "We can stay a little longer but keep an eye on your sister." I giggled, Louise jumped in my shoulders and kissed my temples. "Best mommy ever" "Maybe we could get pizza ordered tonight." I smiled at them only to be tackled to the floor by Daniel and Louise.  "Pizza!" They giggled. I stood up and made my way back to the towels. "10 more minutes guys!" I called to them. "So how you been?" Luke asked, he put his arm around me and shuffled closer. "Get your arm off me or I will break it off" I said calmly, he moved his arm off me and looked down. "I still love you beth" He mumbled quietly. "I thought that you did love me but I found out that love is a lie like santana or the tooth fairy. " I said as I watched my baby's in the water splashing. "Daniel made a little friend I see" He said cheerfully as his gaze caught his son. "Yeah I guess he did, he's a good kid" I said quietly. "Louise is seriously cute though" Calum said as he watched her trying to swim on her own, she paddled and paddled but Daniel put her on his back and swam I little. "She's an angel" I giggled, I began packing away our things in the beach bag. "Where you going?" Luke said in a panicked tone. "Home, dan is hollow and will need to eat soon." I sighed as I dusted the sand of everything, luke grabbed my wrist lightly. "When I said I love you I ment it" He said with loving eyes. "I was falling and just when I thought you caught me you let me go and if that's what love is then I don't want to be a part of it." I laughed, a tear fell from my eye but I wiped it away quickly. "I never let you go beth, I'd never hurt you intentionally" He said with pleading eyes. "So fucking some random while I was at home looking after our little boy wasn't ment to hurt me?! Wow luke you're really something(!) " I scoffed, I picked up my bag and hugged the other boys good bye. "Mikey don't be a stranger, I'll text you when we're home safe." I sniffled, I walked to the water and picked up a sleepy Louise and Danny walked beside me. "Why's she taking that little girl with her?" I heard luke say to Ashton and calum. "That's your little girl luke, her names Louise. " Calum said softly as he patted his back, I looked in lukes eyes and tend he looked into mine. "But that's Impossible, beth wasn't p..." He stopped talking, I crouched down and put Louise down. "Baby can you walk because mommy has poorly arms." I cooed, she opened her sleep filled eyes and nodded. "No mom I can carry her from here, lou lou get on my back" He cooed at her, she hopped on his back and hugged him. "Best brother ever." She yawned. I felt my heart warming at the beautiful sight. "Come on guys let's get home" I soothed them and we walked to the car.

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