Blue eyes - chapter 105

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Beths pov

After about 2 hours of trying to get Louise to sleep she finally was resting. "She's not the same person she was." I sighed and cuddled into luke, he held me close to him and whispered. "She'll be fine and back to normal soon." I nodded into his chest, there was a knock at the door which startled me. "Just leave it babe." He mumbled into my hair, suddenly the door was swung open by Michael, Ashton, Harry and calum. "She's home?!" They panted, I put a finger up to my lips and shushed them. "Yeah, she's not in a good way. She just needs to sleep it off." Luke said quietly, their eyebrows knitted together and they took a seat on the couches. "If you go to sleep problems don't dissappear luke, you do know that right?" Michael pointed out, I cuddled into luke and shook my head. "I know that, she's um...she took something." He said really quietly, I heard a thud upstairs and quickly went up to see what it was. As I opened the door I noticed her hand knocked off the glass of water on her bedside table. I backed away from her room and made my way down stairs. "That's not like her, she wouldn't. " Harry argued, I went into the kitchen to make some food for myself. "Well she did, and she attacked a girl and school too. She burned her with a lighter and apparently her whole face had small cuts and bruises on it." Luke said hesitantly, I made my way back to the living room with a marmite snadwich and some water. "Poor kid." Calum sighed, I closed my eyes and rested my head on lukes chest. "When she wakes up she's gonna have a nasty suprize. " He said evilly. "Can we not talk about this? I don't think we should talk about her behind her back." I sleepily mumbled, luke kissed my cheek softly and laid my head on his lap. "Just go to sleep babe." He cooed, I nodded and let my eyelids drop.


Louise pov

I woke up to the sound of shuffles in my room, I opened my eyes and sat up slowly. "Morning penguin." My dad said obnoxiously loud and opened the curtains letting the sun blind me. "Ow close the curtains dad." I groaned and covered my face in the quilt. "No, you don't have school so you can come to the studio with me and your uncles, who by the way are downstairs worried sick about you." He pretended to be chirpy. "What time Is it?" I groaned and slowly uncovered my face. "6 am, you have an hour to get up, get showered and get ready. Tick tock" He smirked and left my room, I rolled out of bed and looked at my reflection, I looked okay I just had messy hair. I curled my hair into small curls. I fixed my make up and grabbed my sunglasses. I picked out a white top and some blue denim shorts to pair it with and finally a simple brown plaited belt. I shoved on my white converses and shoved the sunglasses on my face. I looked in the mirror and considering I was hung over and dying I looked pretty Damn good. I grabbed my phone and tweeted. 'Never having happy pills and vodka again :/ ' I placed my phone down on the side and looked one last time. *loud knocking* "please be quieter." I whined and opened the door to see my dad standing there with a big sarcastic smile. "Just wanted to see if you were up, you got ready quickly." He pointed out. I walked past him to the bathroom the brush my teeth and take an asprin. I looked in the medical cabinet and couldn't find them anywhere. "If your looking for the asprin I've hid it." My dad laughed loudly, I groaned and spat out the tooth paste. "Dad why?" I whined. "I'm not gonna give you pain killers when you caused that poor girl at school a tonne of it." I scowled at him and Crossed my arms. "She's done a lot worse to me, stupid cow deserved it and more." I grumbled and pushed past him, he grabbed my hand and frowned. "Just move on from it, I doubt they will be picking on you anytime soon anyway." He mumbled, I nodded and pulled my hand away, I walked down the stairs with my phone in hand and sunglasses still on. "HOW YOU FEELING LOUISE!" Harry shouted loudly. "I will seriously fucking put you in a coma, shut the fuck up." I groaned and rubbed my temples. The room burst into laughter ad I walked into the kitchen and made a coffee. "Can you make me one?" Harry asked cheekily. "Fuck off and make it yourself you lazy little shit." I sipped my burning hot coffee and sighed in relief. Mikey sat up from looking at his phone and clapped his hands together. "I fucking love your hair munchkin." He chuckled, I smiled and carried on drinking my coffee quickly. "Thanks uncle m." I mumbled and place the empty mug in the dishwasher. "Jesus wasn't that like piping hot?!" Ashton shouted, my head ache felt better but was still hurting. I looked up and nd saw that my dad had taped the asprin to the fire alarm, I climbed on the island counter and tugged them off. "Worst hiding place ever." I laughed and piped out one of the tablets. "LUKE SHE FOUND THE ASPRIN" Calum shouted up the stairs, I quickly poured out some more coffee. I placed it on my tongue and quickly downed it with coffee. "Don't let her take them!" My dad called from upstairs. "Too late dad, you suck at hiding thing by the way." I laughed. "How you feeling?" Mikey asked in a normal non shouty voice. "I think yesterday was the best day ever. I stood up to the stupid assholes at school and slept all day." I laughed, they all shook their heads and tried not to laugh with me. "Anyway, when are you painting my room?" He moaned, I shrugged. "You need to clean it first cause I doubt you've done that." He shook his head and whined. "But only anti lazy people clean and I'm lazy." I giggled and shook my head. "I'm going upstairs quickly, be two minutes." I said and ran upstairs for a smoke.


The studio was soooooo boring, I was laying across the couch on my phone when I heard the door open. "Can we go home yet cause I'm bored." I moaned. "Well I've just got here..." Harry said with a huge smile, I say up and frowned. "I thought you were my dad, sorry." I mumbled, he moved my legs off the couch and sat down next to me. "You know, you got me in deep shit with Ashton when you grassed me up." He chuckled and elbowed me playfully. "Look who's talking about grassing people up, speaking of which I'm going out for one, care to join me?" I smiled a cheeky smile. "Yeah sure, it's better than just sitting here." He shrugged, we both walked out the front and sat on the bench. I pulled the packet out my pocket and the lighter out my back pocket. "Give us one then." Harry said with a cheeky smile. "Pfftt no! Ash would kill me." I exclaimed, he frowned and took one anyway. "Whatever" his voice muffled by the cigarette, I lit his up and then my own. "So how was your 2 days on the road." He poked at the subject. "I honestly don't remember too much, must've had a good time." I laughed and exhaled. "Don't ever get high and run off again, I was worried sick." He said seriously, I took a big drag and deeply inhaled. "Where did you even go? We looked everywhere." He chuckled. "That's for me to know and you to...never know about. You gonna smoke that or just let it burn?" I pointed out. "Just tell me." He said inhaling his drag. "Fine I will show you it sometime, just shut up and hurry. Up." I said putting out the but of my fag. "What ever, see you inside." He chuckled.

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