Blue eyes - chapter 124

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Luke pov

"On the road again..." Ashton sang in a country western voice, everyone laughed except me, I was far too worried about leaving beth alone. "Luke? Mate are you okay?" Calum asked and put a hand on my shoulder, I looked behind me and nodded. "Yeah that sounds like a great idea..." I guessed and trailed off, I went back to looking out the window and staring into deep space. "No I asked if you were okay" Calum sighed and sat in front of me. "Not really, I'm worried about leaving beth on her own. What if something happens to her? or someone hurts her again?" I stuttered and looked at him, he sighed and looked at me. "She will be okay. Luke don't freak out when there's nothing to freak out about." He reassured me, I looked as the road sing welcomed us to texas. "I'll just give her a call to check" I smiled and dialed her number. "Mmhm?" She groaned into the phoned and I heard the clink of the bed side lamp. "Sorry did I wake you up?" I asked nervously. "Mmhm luke, but I can't think of a better way to wake up." She sleepily mumbled, "you lazy cow it's 1 in the afternoon back home!" Ashton shouted from beside me. "Well tell him I am a lazy bitch and it's Sunday. " she argued. "I just phoned to see if you were okay?" I started biting my nails nervously and running my other hand through my hair. "TEXAS BABY!" Ashton and Mikey shouted as began walking round the guss bus. "Baby I'm fine, stop worrying about me, if I have any worries or problems I will call you" she giggled, that laugh made my hands all calm my and my heart race. "I fucking love your little giggles babe" I sighed into the phone, she giggled again and gasped. "Lucas Robert hemmings watch your language! Do you kiss your mother with that mouth?!" She asked, I laughed and looked around to see the boys far away from me. "No but I kiss you and do other things to you with it." I smirked and began blushing, she laughed and I could tell she covered her face in the pillow. "I know, be careful what you say around the boys Mr magic mouth." She giggled, I laughed and looked to see the boys all right behind me. "I need to go babe, the boys heard us talking. I love you and I will phone you tomorrow." I told her not taking my eyes off the boys. "I love you luke and I will talk tomorrow." She mumbled. As soon as the phone hung up I endured the hours of jokes about me and beth, she was called several times by each of them as they teased her and me.


Louise pov (5 months later)

I watched nervously as Jordan inspected my drawing of him, his smile was not well hidden. "I look handsome! I would bang me if I weren't me!" He exclaimed with happyness, I was tackled into a hug and I was smiling and giggling as me rolled around the floor. *knock8ng* "Who is it?!" I called out, the door opened to reveal ruby and sapphire standing there, they had my favourite seaweed wraps in there hands and smiles on there faces. "Are you ready to go?" They asked excitedly. "Um yeah! Let's go." I smiled, we were all going off to put our hair into dreadlocks and then I was going to get my tongue and sepum pierced..maybe my eyebrow. "Come on then let's go" she said and pulled me out the door. "Jordan, you coming?" I asked with a happy giggle, he nodded and ran out with us. We ran out to my car and all climbed inside and belted up. "So are you scared?" Ruby asked me, I looked in the rear view mirror and laughed. "I don't get Scared, I'm louise." I said smugly, Jordan laughed and placed his hand on my knee. "Louise you get Scared so easily." He laughed.
"Harry I said I'm fine! It was just a blip, just shut up okay?" I shouted at him, his hand stayed on my knee and he rubbed small patterns and shapes on my thigh. "Look it's okay if your not. I understand if you're scared but I just want you to tell me!" He pleaded, a piece of my brain snapped and I just...released my feelings. "Alright fine! I'm scared, I'm scared I will never be able to control it. I'm scared that one day I will end up hurting someone I care about! And I'm scared that one day someone's not going to be there to stop me and I won't be able to stop! So I'm sorry that I am distant and I don't want to get close to anyone anymore but it's just how I feel." I said with frustration in my voice
{End of flashback}

We were all lounging around in mine and Jordans room with lighted joss sticks and scented candles. Listening to tove lo stay high, smoking pot and drinking bubble tea. "Hey petal we got you something earlier." Ruby said with a stoned smiled and half open eyes, I put my tea down and took a large toke of the joint. "What?! You didn't have to ruby" I giggled, she pulled out a chain with a small vial on it, inside was a fairy from a dandilion. "It's for luck, good wishes and it looks so cute." I pulled my dreads to one side and clipped it round my neck carefully. "Thankyou, I love you guys" I pulled everyone in for a group hug and snuck another toke.

It's been 5 months since I spoke to my family, I did it to keep them safe. I knew dickinson was looking for a way out and when he found it he'd come for me, I agreed to this and said if he found me he could kill me if he left my family alone. He agreed and we made sure to keep that promise, he'd call every day to see of I'd changed my mind and everyday was the same answer of 'yes, I'll see you then' and now I feel that I gotta stay high to forget about it. I'd changed my number but kept the numbers of my family and close friends. I'd changed so much and I realised it was for the better good.

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