Blue eyes - chapter 102

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Louises pov

It's Saturday. Woo! Today mum is giving me money to go to town and to my joy uncle Mikey is tagging along, it's not a bad thing it's just I doubt he wants to be drag around the book stores and the library. "Monkey! You ready to go?" He calls up to me, I look at my make up and out fit and feel pretty confident to leave the house, I tug on my dull blonde hair and pull a unsatisfied face. "Maybe I should normal, normal people dye their hair, right?" I talk to myself, there was a loud knock on my door and I quickly put on my black vans. "I'm coming uncle Mikey, just putting on my shoes." I call to him, he opens the door and plonk down on my bed. "Your room is so cool, maybe you could come and paint mine." He suggested cheekily, I fix my eye liner and look at him through the mirror. "Only if I'm getting paid, in cash not pizza." I smiled, my dimples show every time I smiled and people called me adorable every single fucking time. "Aw man. Family discount, I will pay in cookie dough ice cream." He chuckled, I put in my nose stud and looked at him. "$20 is fair and I will paint whatever the fuck you want on the walls." I gave him puppy dog eyes and I saw him slowly crumbling. "Your mum used to give me the same fucking eyes, stop it's adorable and I always cave in." He whines, I let out a small giggle but we agree. I race him downstairs and grab my flannel backpack on the way, I made it in textiles and for 2 years it's the only bag I use. "$50 is all your getting so spend it Wisely and not all on books." My mother frowned at me. "Yeah but I can get like 2 right? Seeing as uncle asshat ripped up my book." I looked over at calum and narrowed My eyes. "Beth, Louise called me a asshat." He complained to my mother, she threw an orange at his head and he fell off the sofa. "Right we are off, I love you mum, LOVE YOU DAD! Love you uncle cal, try not to be an ass whilst I'm gone." I shouted around the house.


Although I can drive I can't legally drive so uncle mike drove us to town and because traffic was bad it took nearly an hour. I just listened to happy little pill- troye sivan and some nirvana on my phone. "Right what shop are we going to first?" Mike nudged me into the mall. "Bookstore, Starbucks and then where ever you want." I listed the shortest list in history, he groaned as we entered the book store and I looked around for the alice in wonderland book, mike was right beside me and then I found it. It was one of the old ones and it was an original so it's a little different but when I looked at the price I groaned and put it back. "That's a bit pricey for a wad of paper!" Mike exclaimed, I elbowed him ushering him to be quiet. "It's a good book, I paid more for my last one and it took me a while to save up. We left and went to Starbucks. I ordered a hipster chai and mike just got a hot chocolate with a muffin. "So you're not spending your money today? Monkey you have to buy something." He muffled with a mouthful of muffin, he spat some crumbs and me and I stuck my middle finger up at him.  "We can just wonder around for a bit, if I pass a shop I like I can go in. Do you need to go anywhere?" I asked quietly as I scrolled through twitter, I never really put a picture on twitter or even my real name because I didn't want people at school tweeting me hate messages and shit. "I need hair dye." He said loudly and quickly, I covered my ears as he did so and he soon realised he was being quite loud. "I will help you dye your hair if you like, not like I have any exciting activity to do, unless you count English homework." I smiled sweetly, we soon left the small open starbucks cafe and ran to the hair salon/ hair product shop. I looked around at the a ray of colours and the fragrances of the shampoos. Uncle Mikey was currently talking to the guy behind the counter about useless things such as oreos and McDonald's, I have come to the conclusion that my family Is more like the Adams family rather that a normal family. I picked up a pastel blue colour and grabbed 2 more boxes of the color, the man lead uncle Mikey to the other side of the shop area leaving a bored looking lady at the counter, I slowly and reluctantly made my way over to her. Social anxiety makes me crippled in such situations and I could feel my throat become dry and my hands became sweaty.  "You wanna bag?" She droned in an uninterested voice, I rapidly shook my head and shove them in my back pack. I paced the money in her hand and she gave me the change. "What's up with you? Cat got your tongue?" She let out a breathy laugh and I just backed away towards the door. "Come on lou, I don't need a hair dye." Mike chuckled as he pulled me out the shop. "Okay, let's go to the craft shop." I smiled.


Uncle M dropped me off home and waved goodbye to me. Just as I was entering the flat I heard heavy breathing. "Hold.the.door.lou" the person panted, it was uncle Ashton. I rushed over to him with worry and looked at his sweaty face and heavy breathing. "Uncle Ashton are you okay?!" I exclaimed. "I.beat.him  here" was all he said, just then harry came running round the corner in the same state. "What the actual fuck are you two playing at?!" I giggled, I lead them both inside and they laid on the floor. "I will stand on you." I threatened as I couldn't get past, Harry rolled over so he was facing the ceiling. "Hi boys? You okay down there?" My mum spoke to them as if they were crazy, I put the remanded of my money in my mum's hand which was most of it, and ran up to dye my hair. I can't wait!

Beth pov

I have two sweaty guys on my floor, one sleeping guy on the couch and a hyper luke who was lingering around somewhere. "Hello beth, sorry to come round on such short notice, I was hoping I could have dinner with everyone today." Harry hugged me and swayed a little. "Um okay I don't see a problem, where's Michael ash?" He just shrugged and groaned. "You're too old to be doing this shit flecher." Harry laughed heartily. I put out both my hands and pulled ash up with all my might. "Shut it haz, what I'd for dinner by the way?" Ashton asked, I heard his stomach growl and harry poked it. "I was thinking stir fry, you guys might as well frigging live here the way you come round and eat all my food." I giggled, my eyes were covered by someone's hands all of a sudden and a hot breath was on my neck. "Guess who baby?" Luke mumbled. "Hmm. Is it santa clause?" I smirked sarcasticly. "Don't get smart miss vodka potatoes, why would it be santa?" He chuckled, I turned and faced him, my arms draped around his neck and his face inches from my own. "Cause santa is taking me an a date." He frowned and kissed me hungrily, I was shocked at first but I kissed him back as soon as I realised what Was happening. "Guys don't traumatise my brother, he came to say hello not watch tou two being...frisky." Ash cringed and covered harrys eyes. Luke squeezed my ass and I gasped quickly pulling away. "Santa can't have you, you're all mine." He chuckles sarcasticly.


Louises pov

I tussled my dry blue hair and smiled to myself. "Looking better." I muttered to myself. I climbed back into my clothes. *knocking* suddenly harry swung open the door and took in my new hair colour and appearance. "Is it that bad?" I asked shyly. "No...far from it, you look beautiful." He said breathlessly, I blush a light shade of pink and look and my white socks. "Thanks haz, wanna go have a game of fifa?" I nudge, he picked me up on his shoulders and ran down the stairs. "Shit harry! Don't drop me! I'm gonna kill you if you drop me." I say quite panicked, he threw me over the back of the sofa and I fell on another body. "WHAT THE HEL?!" Calum shouted. "Harry threw me in you, I'm sorry uncle calum." I stuttered nervously. "Louise? Did mike dye your hair?!" He exclaimed, he sat up and wiped his eyes removing all the sleep from them. "No I did this myself, uncle Mikey doesn't know, nor does mum or dad." I cross my arms and frown. "Looks good, your dad's gonna kill you, your mums probably just gonna cook you." I giggle at him and hug him. "Save me. Besides dad won't kill me, he loves me." I batted my long eyelashes at him and reveled my dimples. "You are so adorable." He cooed and pinched my cheeks. "Ow. I'm not a baby" I whinged. "I never saw you as a baby but I bet you were a cutie." He chuckled, I was now utterly confused. "Wait what? you've been here all my life, all of you have?" I asked, he shuffled back in his seat and looked very on edge. "Calum Thomas hood, tell me what you're all hiding from me." I said angrily but a little calm too. "We never actually met you until you were 4 I think, we didn't know you existed. It sounds harsh when I say it like that how do-" "So dad isn't my actual dad then?" I said a little sad and worried. "No he is, I think I shouldn't be speaking about this." He stuttered, I slouched into the sofa and listened to my music full blast in my earphones. I saw harry, ash and calum having about conversation which made harry go red and the boys all laughing a little. I look at my phone screen and put in happy little pill, that always made me feel weightless and relaxed but it wasn't working with doubts in my mind about my dad not being my dad. Suddenly one of my earphones was pulled out by Harry being annoying. "What you listening to?" He was so annoying, I pulled back my ear phone and put it back in. He pulled it out again and put it in his ear. "I don't like this one." He mumbled and snatched my phone to change the song. I snatched it back and pulled my earphone too. I didn't even think about this but I bitch slapped him in the face. "Do not touch my phone or my music." I growled and stormed off upstairs. "LOUISE ROSE HEMMINGS! Get here NOW!" my dad bellowed making everyone cover their ears. "No!" I shouted loudly back. "I beg you're pardon?!" He shouted, I turned to look at him and I frowned. "Are you fucking deaf? I said no." I sneered and ran to my room. "What's gotten into you?" He asked his voice a little lower. "Why don't you ask calum." I exclaimed and slammed my bedroom door. All I heard was my mum saying for calum to explain.

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