Blue Eyes - Chapter 6

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I sighed in the cupboard and ran my hand through my hair. The guitar was glaring at me but I shan't risk getting caught again today. I left the cupboard and strolled to my next lesson which was math. "Wait up dude!" Luke and Mike called to me, I sighed and stopped in my tracks. "What's up?" I said enthusiasticly. "Where you headed?" Luke said as he nudged me. "Math" I groaned, I was terrible at maths and for that reason and that reason alone I hated it. "Me and luke are heading there now" mike stated excitedly. Who could be excited for maths?!


Finally the day was over and because im a polite person i offered to drop the boys home. "I have a few rules: do not eat or drink in the car . no rap music or pop music, it's green day, all time low or nirvana if you don't like it don't get in the car and finally do not distract me I am very likely to crash." I stated firmly, the boys all saluted and climbed in the car. "I taxed passenger seat!" Luke shouted and climbed in beside me. "Sweet ride." Calum complemented, everyone belted up and you started the engine. "All time low alright with everyone?" I asked. "Yeah!" They shouted. My favroute song came on. Back seat serenade. We all sang along till I dropped mike off to his. "Bye guys, beth I'll Facebook you later." He called out, I waved him off and drove. "Calum's house is just round here" luke pointed to the left and then we dropped him off, "by calum see you tomorrow!" I called and drove off. Then I dropped of luke and finally Ashton.  Maybe Sydney is going to be better for me.

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