Blue eyes - chapter 72

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I am 5 months pregnant now with a baby girl, this is not a dream anymore and is real. I turned on the music channel to try and relax a little more and I heard a song come on that sounded familiar so I turned it up. "Simmer down simmer down they say we're to young now to amount to anything else. But look around we worked to Damn hard for this just to give it up now if you don't swim you'll drown but don't move honey.
You look so perfect standing there in my American Imperial underwear and I know now that I'm so down. I made a mix tape straight outta 94 I got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor and I know now that I'm so down." I heard lukes beautiful voice sing, the video of his face and the boys smiling made me smile a little. His eyes still made me melt through the screen and the voice made my heart skip a beat. "God sake, I hope he finds some one new and beautiful like him. I tied my hair up in a red bandana and started making breakfast. I was making bacon sandwiches with tomato ketchup, my favourite song came on and I turned it up full blast. "I like us better when we're naked, it makes it easier to fake it. The only time we really talk is when our clothes are coming off, I like us better when we're wasted it makes it easier to say it lay all your laundry on the bed and I'll lay in it instead." I Sang loudly, I heard giggling and I turned round to see my mother standing there laughing which all stopped when she saw my bump. "Mum? Oh god um sorry it's messy I was planning to clean up today." I stuttered, she gave me a confused look and was just staring at my belly. "You're pregnant?! How?! Who?!" She exclaimed in a angry voice, I coward into the kitchen  island. "It's lukes...I am so sorry mum, I didn't mean for this to happen." I sniffled, I felt myself crying and breaking down completely. "LUKE DID THIS?!" She shouted, I went over and hugged her tightly and sobbed into her shoulder. "He doesn't know, I can't tell him mum, promise me you won't tell him please." I sobbed uncontrollably, my mother sat me down on a chair and shushed me until I stopped crying. "I won't tell him baby girl I promise." She cooed, I smiled weakly at her and kissed her cheek. "Thankyou, I wish you could have called me in advance so I could have got your room ready." I giggled a little, My mother smiled a big smile and kissed my forehead. "Well it was a suprize, You should be taking it easy anyway Bethany. " She said sternly as she pointed a finger at me. "I'm on 5 months not 9" I sighed and stood back up. "Well still, I just worry about you." She said shyly, I cuddled her and stroked her hair. "Well I'm fine mother, how long toy staying for?" I asked quickly. "Just tonight sweetheart then I'm going off home to Steven, I'll visit when I can but we're really busy atm." My mother said casually. "Oh god you did not just say atm?" I cringed, my mother laughed and ran upstairs to her room. "I will be up in a minute mum"  I called up to her. So now for a whole day I had to paint a smile on my face and spend it with my emotional mother. 'Great'


Me and my mum were sat watching the old American horror story and I paused it for a moment because u was laughing. "Hey mum, so you imagine if Steven wore that rubber suit." I giggled, my mum burst out laughing and fell off the sofa. "Oh dear god, that would be terribly funny. He'd be strutting around in it all day if he could." She chuckled, I pulled a discusted face and carries in laughing. "Eww mum, that's too much" I said wiping under my eyes. My tv screen came up with a Skype call from Ashton, I covered my lap up with tonnes of blankets and clicked accept. "Hello flecher" I smiled. "Hi beth, hi Ms bevan it's lovely to see you." He smiled. "Ew ash don't flirt with my mum" I giggled, he let out a small giggle and tussled his hair. "I wouldn't do that, I'm just being nice. How are you doing?" He said in a sing song voice. "I'm good, my mum came to visit me. From Sydney to Boston is a long way!" I giggled, my mum looked at me with disappointed eyes. "Yeah, sure is, we are currently in texas baby" He said in a cowboy voice, my mother and me laughed at him A little. "YEAH cowboy!" I said in my best texas accent. "Oh my god! You're wearing a bandana. MICHAEL BETH IS WEARING A BANDANA!" He called to Michael,  my mum tapped my shoulder and went upstairs. "Oh my god! You are wearing a bandana. How are you anyways?" He questioned in a bubbly tone. "Okay I guess, how are you guys doing?" I asked politely. "We are doing good, wait let me go get calum." Ashton said as he ran out his room. "So Mikey, I've decided to make the deal to 3 years, I really miss you gaylords."  I moaned and rested my head on the couch. "What do you miss the most?" Mikey said with a devilish smile thinking I'd say him. "My music room and the beach." I said cheekily, Mikey pouted and Crossed his arms. "This place has a piano and that's it, so boring." I groaned, I saw calum and Ashton running in and jumping in the bed. "What up bitch!" Calum said in a gangsta voice. "Not much Asian, me and mike were thinking of making the four year deal a three year deal depending on my schedule." I smirked, I looked at their happy faces glowing. "Please yes!-" He was cut off by another voice. "Guys what are you doing?" The voice laughed, I could see blonde hair sticking up perfectly and untamed eyebrows too. "Beth? Babe where are you? Please come home!" He pleaded, I turned off the Skype and turned off the tv. "Was that luke?" My mum asked, I nodded and cuddled the blankets tightly. "I can't keep answering their calls, it's too risky." I whispered. "No baby they are your best friends, don't shut them out, they love you and care about you ." She soothed as she rubbed circles on my back. "No, I have to do what's good for me, right now I don't want to see luke." I sniffled. "But the others want to see you, don't you wanna see them?" She cooed. "It's to risky mum, let's just go to bed it's been a long day."

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