Blue eyes - chapter 113

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Louise pov

I laid on my bed trying to get some recollection of last night but all I could remember was harry throwing up, my mind was blank and I was so frustrated. *knocking* "who is is?" I called, the door opened revealing a very sad harry. "Can I come in?" He mumbled. "Well you're already in my room, sit." I smiled weakly, he closed the door behind him and took a seat oposite me on the bed. "I am sorry if I upset you, but it takes tw-" He began before I shushed. "It's fine I'm just...annoyed, I can't remember anything from last night. The only thing I remember was you throwing up and Mikey going to bed after the game" I huffed, I flopped back on the pillows and sighed heavily, I felt the bed beside me dip and then two arms around my stomach. "It remember little bits, I know I kissed you after you teased me and then I remember taking you to the spare room but that's all." He explained, I leaned back into in chest and snuggled into him. "It's fine. We can't turn back time so we just have to move past it." I sleepily mumbled, Harry pulled the covers over us both before snuggling himself into me and the pillows. "What if I can't? I really really like you Louise and I have for some time." He confessed quietly, I turned to face him and looked into his green eyes. "You're just saying that because of what happened, give it a few day and you'll have a new girl round your arm." I cuddled into his chest, the warmth radiating off him. "No, I have had a crush on you for the longest time and every moment I'm with you it's like...time slows down, like there's nobody but me and you in the room, time stands still when I look into your blue eyes and they make me melt...I'm asking...I'm you'd be my girlfriend?" He said nervously, I looked back into his emerald green eyes and saw the small smile on his face. In all honesty I did like harry alot but mum and dad wouldn't let him in the house if they found out, they'd take my only friend away from me. "Harry I feel the same but mum and dad would stop me from seeing you, you're my only friend and if they did that it'd break my heart." I explained sadly and looked away from his eyes. "So...We just have to keep it a secret, I think we can do that. I brought you your cigarettes by the way." He chuckled the last bit, I reached my hands into his back pockets and grabbing one of the packs. "Thanks, I've been dying all day." I giggled and went into my bed side table for some matches, as I rolled over I felt harrys eyes on my body. "You do know you touched my ass?" He chuckled, I rolled back over with a pack of matches and the pack of ciggys. "I know, do you want one?" I asked as I lit mine up. "No, I had one on the way here." He mumbled, I suggest at him when I felt his hands on my but. "It's only fair." He smirked. I smiled back at him and raised an eyebrow. "Really? I suppose, I won't tell if you don't. " I mumbled.


Beth pov

"Luke, dinners nearly done. Can you go get Louise?" I called from the kitchen. I was happy to be cooking for only 3 people again, cooking for 6 is too much work. "No, I'm busy watching how I met your mother." He chuckled, I sighed and walked into the living room, I placed my hands on lukes chest and moved so I was next to his ear. "Shame, I had a nice suprize for you later. I guess you'll have to wait another day." I whispered in his ear, I quickly Walked up the stairs and turned to see lukes disappointed face. "I'm sorry, I. .I will go now." He stuttered, I ran to Louises room and tapped on the door. After no answer I opened the door to see harry and Louise asleep with a film playing in the back ground, they were tucked in and sleeping like a log. I gently shook Louise and harry to wake them up. "Wakey wakey sleepy heads, Louise dinners done. Harry we have enough if you'd like to stay for dinner?" I suggested kindly. "Yeah, thanks beth. That'd be nice." He yawned, Louise rolled over and pulled the covers on her head. "Put mine in the microwave, I'm not hungry." She sleepily mumbled, I walked out the room leaving her to sleep. "I was ill last night and she spent last night looking after me, that's why she's so tired." Harry chuckled, I smiled sweetly at him and walked down the stairs with him. "Luke we have a extra person, can you set out a place for harry please?" I called to him as I made my way to check on the Spanish chicken cooking away in the oven. "I cant-" "remember the thing I said." I giggled, Harry sat at the breakfast bar when luke came hurdling in. "I remember, hi harry nice to see you mate." He panted and set up another place at the table. "Hi luke, did you hurdle the fucking sofa?!" Harry giggled. "Yeah, where's Louise?" He asked me, his arms wrapped round my waist and he kissed my cheek. "Sleeping, she's tired so she won't be joining us" I said quietly, he let go of me and began walking upstairs. "She is joining us whether her face is in the food and she's sleeping or not." He mumbled, the next thing I heard was Louise whining and luke laughing. The sight I saw before me made me giggle. I saw luke with Louise and her quilt over his shoulder. "It's nice to see you awake." Harry laughed, I dished up the food on the 4 plates and passed them to everyone. "Thanks mum" Louise yawned, I smiled at her as she pulled the quilt away from her face. "We had some news yesterday, Lauren is having a baby girl" Harry said happily, luke nearly chocked on his food. "Really!? I thought ash hated her boyfriend!?" He coughed, I patted his back a few times before going back to my own food. "He does, Louise spoke to him though." Louise looked at him with a confused face. "Did I? Oh wait yeah I did." He laughed, I looked over to see harry and lukes plates were almost empty and me and Louise were eating slowly like usual. "This taste really nice babe." Luke said with a mouthful of food, I smiled and looked over at the clock. "I think it's nice Lauren having a baby, I remember Louise was so cute as a baby." I smiled, she looked up from her plate and frowned. "Please don't, you tell me these things all the time and they are weird and degrading." She whined.

Louise pov

"I remember when you-" my mum began, I quickly got up and began clearing my plate. "Please stop, I'm begging you" I mumbled, she carried on saying how I used to pull the spiders legs off and see of they could still run and how one time she left the chillies on the side and I ate them, aparantly I cried for an hour and a half afterwards. "Aww lou lou, you must have been a cute baby." Harry cooed, I dried my plate up and looked at him. "I will break you." I warned, he laughed along with my dad. "Right, I'm gonna go watch some film and read some books, have fun embarrassing me." I said sarcasticly,  I quickly Walked up the stairs and into my room. The first films I saw was Tim Burtons alice in wonderland, maleficent, hansel and gretal witch hunters and the woman in black. I picked up the woman in black and put it in, I snuggled into my bed with a cigarette I'm my right hand and a bottle of water in my left.


It was now at the scariest  part of the film now and I was sat hugging a pillow, Harry and my parents were downstairs and I was sat in the dark to give myself full emersion, the music ment something bad would soon happen so I leaned a little closer to the telly unvollentarily when..."BOO!" My door was swung open and harry was stood there laughing, my heart was racing and I gasped. "You're a real dick sometimes." I yelled and chucked a pillow at him, he shut the door and came and cuddled me. "I'm sorry that I'm not sorry lou." He laughed, I turned to face him and I saw the cheeky grin he had on his face. After a while of staring into his beautiful eyes he lent in and kissed me, he quickly pulled away and looked at me. "You're defiantly sober right?" He asked, I nodded and pulled him back in for a kiss. "Be. really. quiet. cause. my. parents. downstairs" I said between kisses, he rolled on top of me and placed his hands under my shirt, the feeling on my skin gave me goose bumps. "do you want to stay at mine?" He asked, he began placing kisses down my neck which made me shiver slightly. "M..maybe, I'd have to ask." I stuttered quietly "heh okay, we need to think of an excuse." He rolled off me and sat beside me. "Maybe you're just such a loner that you wanted me to stay?" I cheekily suggested, he pushed me back a little and frowned. "Well that's not true. Maybe you're just so beautiful that I can't leave you on your own." He complimented Me, I blushed and looked in my lap. "I like that one but my mum and dad won't,  I could just leave. I am old enough to just leave." I laughed quietly, he laughed and nodded along. "I will leave first and you leave after, meet me by my car 5 minutes after I leave." I grabbed my bag and shoved somethings in there such as make up, hairbrush, clean underwear and clothes, toothbrush and socks. "Why do you need All that?" He asked with a small laugh behind it, I zipped up my rucksack and looked for a hair tie. "Because I do, now shush." I laughed, I crouched down on the floor to pick up the band on the floor. "Don't tell me what to do." He mumbled, I stood up and felt him behind me, I turned to face him and put my arms round his neck. "I do what I like, you can't tell me what to do." I smirked, his arms draped around my small waist and he pulled me closer. "We'll see about that" He muttered, I pulled away from his grip. "I will see you soon." I smiled and left the comfort of my room.

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