Blue eyes - chapter 115

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Beth pov

I was eating a big lunch whilst I watched my boss groan and whimper on the floor, a big part of me wanted to help him up bit a small part told me to leave him to suffer in agony. 'I'm not like that though' I thought to myself, I put the rubbish in the bin and slowly walked over to him. I pulled him up onto the office chair and looked back at my paperwork. "I'm almost done with Emilys papers sir, aft-" I was cut off my his fist hitting me hard in the face, I fell back and hit the floor with force. "Ah!" I winced, he stood up from the chair and towered over my small helpless body. "Tks tsk tsk. Someone's gonna have to pay for that" He warned, I tried to get up but all at temps failed as I was kick in the stomach. "Stop." I cried, I was 3 months pregnant and wanted it to stay that way. "NO!" Was all he shouted. "HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!" I screamed praying that someone on the lower floor would hear me. I was kicked again but this time in the side on the head, I blacked out and became unconscious.

Louises pov

I was listening to music and just playing my guitar along with the song in my room, I was laid back with frozen peas on my blue/purple neck to ease the pain. My earphones playing loudly in my ears as I subconsciously played along with my eyes closed lightly, I heard the music suddenly stop and saw cal standing over me. "Hey...what you doing here?" I asked quickly, I sat up and held the ice firmly on my neck. "Ash and harry ran out of food- what's with the peas princess?" His eyebrows were knitted together in confusion and he had a small pout on his face. "It's..its really hot and I needed to cool down." I lied, he laughed and shook his head a little. "You need to put them," He reached out and took the bag from my hands and looked at where they once were. "Your head... what the hell happened to you?!" He exclaimed and rubbed his finger over my hand shaped bruise. "Can you keep it down?! My dad will hear you!" I whisper shouted, I laid back down and placed the guitar to one side. "Don't avoid the question" He snapped, I sighed and closed my eyes. "I went to mums work and one minute I was all happy and then I saw mums boss..hit her. I remember getting really angry and then I punched him and...I can't remember anything else, the last this I remember was hugging dad at harrys." I sighed, calum's face went red with pent up anger and he looked down at my wrist too. "I'm gonna fucking kill him!" He shouted and ran out my room, I chased after him down the stairs and near the front door. "Wait! It's-" I called out and put my shoes on. "Louise? What's- what happened?!" My dad gasped. "Dad calum's gonna do something stupid, we have to stop him!" I shouted and ran out the door with a trail of people behind me, the elevator was gone so I ran down the stairs with a great speed. "What's happening lou?" My dad panted, I reached the bottom floor to see calum approaching his car. "Calum's going to do some this un nessesary and stupid -  I'll explain on the way" I said quickly and ran towards my car, everyone climbed in the car and slammed the doors behind them. I sped off following right behind calum as he made his way to mums work. It was 8 pm so she was working overtime again. "What the fuck happened to your neck Louise? " My dad gasped from beside me. "I can't exactly remember dad, honestly I blanked out. Calum is going to beat up mums boss and it's for something I can't remember." I said panicking, my dad looked at harry through the mirror with narrowed eyes. "Did you know?! Why didn't you tell me?!" He yelled, Harry bowed his head and fiddled with his phone. "Dad shut up! I told him not to, now can we please focus on calum not killing mums boss." I yelled, he droned a little yes before looking out The window. I reached mums work and quickly put the hand break on, I saw calum in the car infront punch the dash board. "Everyone out." I said quickly as I scrabbled out the car with pace.  " I'll kill him!" Calum yelled and stormed out the car. "Calum stop! This isn't gonna make anything better." I pleaded, he looked down and sighed. "But he hurt yo-" "Louise someone needs to teach him a lesson, I won't let him hurt my little girl." My dad said through gritted Teeth. "Fine, let's go up and teach him that beating people is wrong by beating him!" I said sarcasticly, they took my sarcasm as a real statement and walked inside the building. Harry held my hand in his and looked into my eyes. "We can still stop them" He whispered, I looked to see the elevator was on its way down. "Distract them, I'll take the stairs. I love you." I whispered and to him and snuck off to the stairs. As soon as I reached them I ran as fast as I possible could, it was 13 floors up and I was one floor away when I saw a lady looking terrified. "What's wrong?" I panted, she looked at me with teary eyes. "There was a woman screaming an..and then they just...stopped." She said shakily, I felt my anger boil up and ran to the exit of the stair well. "I think she-" "No don't say it" I said calmly. At this point I had no control over my actions like before exempt it was worse, my brain was no longer in a working order and i just ran into the office to see my mum passed out on the cold lino flooring. Her boss was standing over her with and smile and then he noticed me. "I WILL FUCKING KILL YOU" I screamed and ran towards him, I punched him many times in the face until he fell in his arse. "She deserved it." He choked out. I lost it and went ape shit. I kicked him in the ribs over and over again, I kicked the side of his head once and carried on going until I was dragged off him. "Get off me!" I screamed and tried to tackle my way out of it. "Louise cal-" my dad began but I began to get control again and calmly took his arms off me. I looked on the floor and then at my hands . "I..I have to go." I said shakily before running out the door. "Lou?" Calum called to me, I sat in the stair well breathing heavily and shaking alot. "Was she dead?" The woman sobbed, I looked at her and then found complete control. "Is don't know, I lost control. Who are you?" I asked her whilst breathing heavily, she hugged me and sat beside me. "I'm Emily, I felt sick this morning and I phoned in. I felt a bit better so I came in and got told beth had my paperwork so I was coming up to get it and then I heard the her screaming. She's one of my best friends and I don't understand why someone would hurt her." The woman sniffed, I looked at my bruised hands and my sore stomach and tried to recall what just happened. "She's my mum and I saw her laying on the floor not moving, I blanked out. I'm so scared I don't remember what I done and all I saw was blood on my hands and the guy on the floor an-" the woman hugged me and and swayed a little with me. "It's okay now." She whispered into my hair. The door to the stairs opened and I saw calum standing there looking petrified. "Louise what the hell happened?" He asked, the lady stood up and left us alone, returning to her floor. "I don't know, I can't remember it. What's wrong with me?" I cried, he hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "Nothings wrong with you princess, please tell me what happened." He mumbled. I sat up and looked into his eyes. "I remember talking to the woman and she said about mum then I blanked out, I'm so scared, I.. don't know what happened but I lost control again." I sniffed and rested my head in my hands, he went to pulled me into a hug but I pushed him away. "Please don't. I don't want to hurt anyone else." I said shakily before standing up And running away to my car. "What's happening to me?" I cried and began driving away.


Beths pov

I heard the steady beating of some machine and a tight grasp on my hand. "Please wake up, beth I love you so much, please wake up." Luke said quietly, I gently squeezed his hand earing his full attention. "Baby? Baby wake up, open your eyes for me." He mumbled quickly, I slowly opened my eyes to see luke sat on the chair beside me. "Wh..what's happening? Where am I?" I groaned, luke passed me a cup of water and I gladly took it. "Your boss kicked you in the head quite hard and...He kicked you stomach quite hard too." Luke looked at his hands I placed my hand on my stomach and felt tears gather in my eyes. "Please tell me everything is okay luke, the baby is okay right?" I asked with my lip trembling. "I'm sorry babe, I'm so sorry." He sniffled, I turned away from him and hugged the blankets as I cried into them. "It's all my fault." I sobbed into the pillow, I felt his warm body press against my back and hug me tightly. "No it isn't, it's his fault. He hurt Louise and then you and now our unborn child." Luke cried, I thought about losing this child now as I clutched my stomach tightly and then realised Louise wasn't here. "Whe...where's lou? I need to see her" I cried, luke didn't answer me and shook his head against my back. I turned to face him and became worried again. "What did he do to Louise? Is she okay?" I asked luke with scared eyes. "Babe she's fine but..." He stopped and I looked at him. "But what?" I sniffed. "She done something and she didn't know she was doing it at the time and now she's scared of herself and has locked herself in her room." He said with a sad expression on his face, I looked around for my phone and couldn't see it. "What did she do luke? Why are you here with me and not with her?" I asked another question but he hugged me. "Your boss is pretty badly beaten up and he's being put away for a long amount of time. The boys are at home trying to get lou out her room but she's locked the door and won't talk to us." Lukes eyes let 2 stray tears fall down his face. "She hurt your boss pretty bad and she couldn't stop hitting him, she had no control and when she regained control she was so scared of herself." He cried, I cried too and we held eachother tightly. "Mr hemm- oh you're awake. How you feeling?" The nurse asked, I pulled away from luke and tried to calm myself. "Not too great." I sniffled, the nurse fiddled with the machines and noted things on her clipboard as she did so. "How so?" She asked, I couldn't answer her. I lost one baby and my other was so scared that she locked herself away from the world in fear that she'd hurt somebody else again. "I just had a lot of bad news. When can I go home? I really need to get home." I sighed, the nurse stuck a thermometer in my ear and checked my temp. "Your temperature is a little high, your pulse is fine and you a pear to be okay but we have to keep you in over night to make sure you are well enoug-" she began explaining but I cut her short. "I'd like to discharge myself then." I said sternly. "Babe what are you doing? You're not well enough to go home." Luke whispered, I looked over at him and smiled a little. "I'm fine, I just need to speak to Louise. " I sighed a little. "I'm can call her but you're not leaving." He mumbled, the nurse checked my blood pressure as luke tried to call Louise. Louise pov

*ringing* I looked at my phone and saw my mum calling me. "Hello? Mum?" I asked shakily. "Lou what's wrong? I heard you locked yourself in your room baby girl. Talk to me" she sniffled, I locked my door and then locked myself in the closet too. I saw what I don't to that man and I was now so scared of myself and I was scared I would hurt someone else too. "You're awake?" I gasped. "Come and see me, I'd love to see you" she mumbled. I felt my body tremble as the thought of leaving this closet made me anxious. "No, I can't leave the closet mum. I don't want to hurt someone else." I whimpered, I heard the knocking at my door for the 50th time in 3 days. "You won't Louise, it was just once." She cooed. "But it wasn't! First the girl at school and then earlier and then again! I put the man in intensive care and I...I'm so scared i will do it again." I cried, I heard my mum crying and I hung the phone up. "Babe open the door, I will break it down." Harry warned, I curled into a ball on the floor and hugged my blanket that I pulled in here. "Harry just go, please leave me alone." I sobbed, I heard a hard thud on my door followed by another and another until I heard the door crash open. "Louise? Where are you?" He panted, I silently cried and clung onto the blankets for dear life. "Please come out. There's no need to be scared of us." He soothed. "It's not you I'm scared of, it's myself. Please leave harry." I mumbled, I heard the door of the closet be kicked in and was soon hugged by harry. "It's okay I'm here."

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