Blue eyes - chapter 19

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1 month later


I decided to go back blonde because the brown bored me and it didn't suit me. Today was very difficult because I had a call about my father's will. I have just inherited half of my father's money and his car was being sent over from the UK by boat. I was happy to be getting these things but I was sad that it was because of his death. I inherited half of his business but I couldn't handle that so I phoned the other owner. "Hello I'm dans daughter Bethany, I've just inherited my father's share of the company-" I started but was soon cut off. "I will buy it off you, name a price and you can have it" the man said desperately. "Well how much are you willing to pay for it?" If my dad taught me one thing it's to get as much money as you can and don't be made a fool by the business men. "£750.000 is a resonance price. HOLY SHIT that's a lot of money. "Deal, now how do we make this official? " I asked. I'd have to sign contracts and forms to officiate it all. "Well we need you to come in ASAP and then you can pick up a hefty check and I will own this company." He sounded like a big wig and an a Rogart arse hole. "Okay I will be on the first plane tomorrow" I said calmly. I hung up the phone and slid down the wall in tears. What would my father think of me selling his pride and joy? I'm a 17 year old girl who is now a millionaire too and I'm shit with money. All these thoughts clouded my brain until I was sobbing uncontrollably. "I just want you here" I whispered. I did what all good people do when they are sad, I drank so much I couldn't stand and smoked my hookah.


"I'm gonna call my fwends" I giggled. The dial tone was going until..."Beth what the fuck it's 3am" Ashton groaned but I just giggled. " it...its not" I slurred, you could barley understand what I was saying. "Are you drunk?!" He said loudly. "Li...lille b..bit how you doing?" I giggled and rolled around on the floor. "How much is a little bit?" He sighed. "I ran out of Jews and I can't go get any more" I slurred and giggled, I heard Ashton sigh heavily.  "Beth, why can't you get anymore?" He groaned, he must have been so tired and I was keeping him awake. "I can't get. .get up" I whined."just go to sleep beth and I will call you in the morning" He laughed. "Night ash I'm tired so I'm gonna got to bed" my words were so slurred that even I couldn't understand them. I hung up the phone and cried myself to sleep on the cold kitchen floor dreading the flight tomorrow.

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