Blue eyes - chapter 82

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I woke up the next morning in the basement on the cold concrete floor, I sat myself up and rubbed my eyes and stretched. "Fuck my life" I grumbled and sat back on the piano stool. *gentle knocking* "Beth are you awake?" I heard calum whisper, I made my way to the dorm and screwed the handle back on. "If you're coming in to lecture me or judge me then don't speak." I whispered back. "I don't judge you, I'm not Ashton. " He mumbled, I finally fixed the door and opened it. "I deserve it anyway, I'm literally the worst person in the world." I sighed and made my way to the piano stool, calum crouched infront of me and smiled. "No you're not. You're just going through a tough time, everyone has their bad days." He tried to make me feel better but honestly I didn't feel much different. "Thanks for trying calum but honestly I think it's gonna be one of those days" I frowned, calum turned me around and lifted the lid of the piano. "What are you doing?" I let out a small laugh as I asked him, he sat beside me and pressed one note. "Okay, I can't play this but you can so play me something" He said cheekily. I played him avicii wake me up and then clean bandit rather be. " I can teach you simpsons theme tune if you like" I nudged him with a smile. "Really?!" He exclaimed, I stood behind him and placed his hands on the correct keys. I pressed down the right fingers and told him which ones to play. "Right your turn" I instructed. He played the correct keys in perfect timing and was grinning stupidly the whole time. "I did it! I'm like Morgan. " He yelled excitedly. "I think you mean motzart, cal." I giggled, He chuckled and looked up at me. "So that's his name." He blushed out of embarrassment, I sat back beside him and nudged him gently. "So I guess now you're gonna quit the band and become a famous pianist huh? " I laughed, he nudged me back and laughed too. "Me and you could be a piano band, jamming to some of my bands songs." He giggled, I placed my hands on the keys and played a little bit of amnesia. "Like that?" I asked. "How? Are you magic?" He questioned and glared at me. "No I just heard the songs and played some keys that sounded right, then you just play the keys that match the lyric tone and you're done." I said casually, I turned to face calum and he looked so confused. "Hey let's go to the pub and I will buy you a pint." I suggested, he nodded rapidly and we both ran out the room.


I was at the bar buying another round for me and calum, he was setting up the pool table in the far corner. "Calum I have the drinks." I laughed as I walked over to him with our pints of larger. "I've never been to an English pub before, it's not like nightclubs at all" He said as he looked around, there was a confrontation at the bar which lead to the barmaid to slap the bloke in the face. "Bet you don't see that in a nightclub." I smiled, calum looked genuinely scared and had wide eyes. "Jesus Christ! I don't want to get in her bad side." He laughed quietly. "You don't see that in the night clubs" He smiled, I broke the triangle of pool balls and passed calum the que. "I've never been clubbing so I wouldn't know." I smiled and took a large mouthful of my drink. "Never?! Oh god you're missing out." He gasped, I smiled and took my shot, I potted and went again. "Well having a kid doesn't give you time to go out, I usually come here for a pint before I pick Louise up from school." I chuckled and passed him the que. "Well after this drink let's go to the hottest nightclub in London." He exclaimed, I grabbed a pound out my pocket and went over to the juke box. "Oh I haven't heard this song in ages!" I exclaimed as I put on my bloody valentine by good Charlotte. "Oh my god I actually love this song" I laughed and took my turn. I felt some one slap my arse and I looked round to see a drunk man swaying. "I'm gonna let you off because you're drunk, but touch me again I will headbutt you." I said through gritted Teeth, calum was in the corner looking at the muscly man with wide eyes. "Beth that's not so wise." He stammered. I turned back round and he slapped my ass again, I turned round, slapped the guy then headbutted him. He fell on the floor with a thud and looked at me with angry eyes. "Fucking whore!" He slurred, I kicked hin in the head and ribs with all my might. "Call me a whore again, I fucking dare you!" I yelled at him, calum picked me up and pulled me out the pub. "He's hench as fuck and you just beat him up." Calum giggled, he pulled out his phone and tweeted it. "Before we go to this nightclub let's pick up some neon paint." I giggled.


I had staked neon blue and green in parts of my hair and had paint patterns on my face and calum had the same. "Let's party till 6 am!" I shouted to calum, he laughed and pulled me to the bar. "I'll drink to that!" He yelled back. We got some exotic neon blue drink and drank it all, it tasted amazing and went straight to my head. "Right calum tonight we are gonna find you a girl!" I shouted over the loud music to him, he was still drinking his drink. "Yeah let's do it, she's gotta be hot though." He laughed. I walked off on a quest to find calum a girl and soon enough I found a pretty, busty, big arse girl who would be perfect, I walked over to her and started a conversation with her and she was nice too. "Do wanna meet my brother calum?" I shouted to her, she nodded and followed me over to calum who was at the bar still slowly sipping his drink. "Calum meet lily, lily meet my brother calum." I introduced them and left them talking. I brought myself another drink, and another and another.

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