Blue eyes - chapter 89

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I got home and instantly laid in the couch. "Mummy, why are the boys clothes wet?" Louise said tugging on my arm, I opened an eye and smiled at her. "They had a water fight of some sort...Louise I'm really tired and I just need 5 minutes to have a little sleep, please?" I asked her with a sleepy smile, I felt my legs being lifted and the sofa dip, I looked over to see a smiling luke. "Okay, pinky promise?" She pouted and held out her pinky finger. "I promise sweetie." I yawned and linked pinky, I pulled them both towards me and kissed them. "Hey sexy, you tired?" Luke mumbled, he laid  behind me and hugged my waist. "Yeah, I'm so tired" I sleepily mumbled and rolled over to face him. "Well go to sleep, the boys will watch Louise and we can have a power nap." He suggested, I closed my eyes and nodded. "HEY GUYS CAB YOU COME WATCH LOUISE WHILE BETH SLEEPS?!" He shouted, I was awake now, I got up and walked over to the kitchen for some water and a very strong sleeping tablet. "What you doing? I thought you were sleepy." Luke tilted his head and asked me, I shoved back the tablet and had a sip of water. "I am, I was just getting a drink babe" I smiled and laid back down next to luke, his arms draped loosely around my small waist. "I love you luke, with all my heart." I mumbled, three boys came running down the stairs to look after Louise so I could get some shut eye. "Hey lou, how about we go upstairs and play with your toys?" Ashton suggested, Louise was already setting up the Xbox in this room so I doubt she wants to move. "No, let's play mine craft." She yelled excitedly, I felt the tablets kicking in already and god they were strong. "No your mum needs to sleep." Calum cooed at her, I untangled myself from luke and stood up. I was swaying a little bit and was heavily breathing. "I'll just go upstairs, Louise behave for the guys okay? If you don't then you're grounded." I said with heavy breaths. "You okay? You don't sound okay." Mike pointed out, I just waved him off and began trudging up the stairs, I soon reached the top of the stairs and leaned on the wall. "I will be up in a moment babe!" Luke called to me, I carried on until I was in my room. I walked into the closest and began getting into my pyjamas, my eyes closed and I could feel my body falling, I was out for the count on the floor and now I just had to wait to wake up.


Lukes pov

"Beth? Babe?" I called as I looked under the bed and in the ensuit, I walked out and saw the closet door slightly open. "Are you in here?" I said as I walked inside, the closet was massive and on the floor in the middle was beth on the floor, she had her pyjama shorts on my not her top. "Beth, wakey wakey. Come and get into bed." I said as I gently shook her, she didn't move. "Beth?" I said a bit louder and shook her even more but she still didn't move. She was quite clearly pretending and pulling my leg so I picked her up and slapped her ass a little, still nothing. I laid her in the bed and began kissing her sweet spot and still not a peep. "Babe, you're scaring me. Wake up." I said with a nervous laugh, she just stayed quiet and still. "Oh this is not good, um...right" I said and quickly pulled my top off my torso and placed it on hers. "I will be back" I panted and ran down the stairs. "Guys! Beth isn't waking up." I said quickly. "Mummy does that sometimes, it's usually the sweets she takes in the cupboard in the kitchen." Louise said casually as her eyes were still glues to the screen. "W...which cupboard munchkin." I said a little bit calmer, she paused the game and pointed to the higher up cabinet, I kissed her cheek and ran over to the cupboard to check if she's taken any. I looked through all the medication ranging from simple paracetamol, anti depressents and finally Ambien CR. "Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed as I read the back of the box, I looked in the box and saw that she had taken two of them. "Right, we just need to keep an eye on her." I told the guys, they all nodded and I ran up to get beth.


Beth pov

I slowly opened my eyes and rolled over a little only to hit the floor. "What the fuck" I yawned, I felt two arms pick me up and put me on the sofa. "You scared me shitless earlier, what were you thinking taking those horse tranquilisers?!" He exclaimed. "I needed to sleep, I didn't want anyone to wake me up." I said looking at my hands, deep down I know I should have tried to sleep first but  it was just the easier way. "Those things are so strong, I tried shaking you and shouting You but that didn't work." He sighed, I went to scratch my neck when I felt a painful bump. "I'm guessing you tried that too." I mumbled pointing to the bump, luke blushed and pulled me on his lap so I was straddling his lap. "Yeah, maybe I should check to see if you're awake." He smirked cheekily. He attached his lips to my collarbone and I gripped his shirt. "L..luke " I gasped, his cold lip ring was giving me goose bumps all over. "We have an hour before we have to get ready for out flight." He muttered against my skin. "Well I'm gonna get a head start." I smiled as I hopped off his lap. "No, I want cuddles." He whined, I just poked my tongue out and ran up to the boys room and turned on the light. "LET'S GO HOME!!!" I shouted loudly as I jumped on them and squeezed them. "What time is it?" Ashton and mike groaned. "2:30 am and the flights at 4 so come on and get your asses out of bed." I giggled and kissed their cheeks. "Oh for god sakes." Mike groaned. "Why are you saying 'home'? You're English. " Calum chuckled sleepily. "Cause home is where your heart is, plus the weather is SO much better." I giggled.


"Home sweet home." I sighed as I walked through the door. Louise ran around the whole house giggling and gasping at everything. "It's so cool" she giggled before running upstairs. "Is it good to be home?" Luke cuddled me from behind, I turned to face him and smiled. "You have no idea how good it feels to be back." I mumbled. We both leaned in but before we kissed I heard Louise playing the drums. "No no no no no no" I said as I ran after her. I went to the music room and saw her sat slowly hitting the drums. "Mummy look." She shouted. "Louise, please don't break them ,they're fragile and mine." I said with panic in my voice, she placed them down and cuddled me tightly. "This is better that the basement." She mumbled, I picked her up and walked towards the door to show her her room. "This will be your room and I will paint it all for you and it will look pretty and perfect just like you." I said as I poked her nose. "I want blue" she said as she looked around the room and laid on the bed. "Little girl, you get yourself settled in and I will see you downstairs lunch." I smiled at her and left the room. I walked down the hall to my room, I opened the door to see a short woman looking out the window, she had short brown hair, she was wearing white jeans with a pink cardigan and was turning round. "Nice to see you when you're not pregnant." She laughed. "Mum?" I gasped, I ran up and enveloped her in a huge warm hug and kissed her face all over. "I missed you, I missed you so fucking much" I cried, I heard my mum sniffling too. "Less of the swearing miss. It was my turn to suprize you." She laughed. "Mum I'm 21, I'm allowed to swear if I want to." I giggled, we pulled out the hug and she inspected my height and facial details. "You've grown up so much" her voice breaking as she said it, I wiped under her eyes and kissed her forehead. "Please stop crying, this is worse than when you saw me 4 years ago." I pouted, she let go of me and turned me around, I was then face to face with luke. "Well hi" I giggled. "Well hello beautiful." He chuckled back. "Before you two start making more children, where's my grandchild?" My mother exclaimed, I held her hand and lead her to Louises room. "Louise, your grandma's here to see you." I smiled sweetly as I entered her room. "Hello, I'm Louise. " She  said shyly, I left my mother and lou to bond with eachother and shut the door. "So, you wanna fool around in the music room?" Luke said from behind me. "I'd love to. Not sex though because my mum's here and that's just...weird." I shuddered. I raced Luke to the music room  and naturally he cheated and picked me up. As soon as he placed me down I picked up one of the electric guitars. "Play for me" luke smirked. " I...I'm not that good and it's been a while" I stammered and went to place It down, but luke quickly stopped me. "No, you have to play me something before I have t-" He began but I looked down quickly. "You're going on tour again aren't you?" I sighed sadly. He lifted my head and and looked in my blue eyes. "I have no choice, it's for 9 months but I will try and visit on my weeks off. I leave in 5 days, that's  Why I'm not unpacking. I promise to call you and my little girl every day." He said sadly, I kissed his lips with all my love and twiddled with his hair. "I waited 4 years I can wait 9 months" I said between kisses. "I don't know if I can." He mumbled and pulled away, I picked the guitar back up and looked at luke. "Pick a song, any song that's not one direction." I pointed at him and sat the last bit sternly, he laughed and then tapped his chin. "Anything." He chuckled. I plugged it in and turned the amp box on, in the top of the amp box was a guitar pick which I also picked up. "this may or may not suck." I warned, luke sat on the piano stool and stared at me with expectant eyes. I began playing the best and most complicated song I know, sweet child o mine. " She's got a smile that it seems to me
Reminds me of childhood memories
Where everything
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky
Now and then when I see her face
She takes me away to that special place
And if I stared too long
I'd probably break down and cry
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine
She's got eyes of the bluest skies
As if they thought of rain
I'd hate to look into those eyes
And see an ounce of pain
Her hair reminds me of a warm safe place
Where as a child I'd hide
And pray for the thunder and the rain
To quietly pass me by
Sweet child o' mine
Sweet love of mine" I sang quietly, luke was smirking the whole time and his dimples where so distracting. "That didn't suck, I told you you can play." He chuckled. "Shush" I blushed and unplugged everything.

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