Blue eyes - chapter 101

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Lukes pov

"Louise!" I called as we got in the house. "Dad before you have a go at me I'm sorry" I heard Louise sniffle from the stairs, I quickly Walked over to the stairs and saw her in her charizard onesie. "I'm not gonna have a go at you....unless you did this." My voice went from soft to firm. "It was kinda my fault, I forgot my lunch money and now I owe them triple or they're gonna do It again-" "Wait owe who?" Ashton asked, she just shrugged and played with the sleeves of the onsie. "I don't even know who they are. All I know is they hate me and make my life hell." She said quietly. I picked her up off the stairs and hugged her tightly. "Aw penguin! Why didn't you tell me?" I cooed. "I didn't want you and mum to over react, it's never been a problem before, I just give them my money and then sit in the toilet to read my book. And today I was an idiot and I forgot it." She sniffled and wiped under her eyes. I placed her on the sofa and me and Ashton hugged her tightly. "Dad, you're hugging me too tightly." She laughed a little and I loosened my grip a little. "How bad are they? Can I see?" I asked her, she slowly and carefully pulled up her sleeves. Her arms were red and a little pussing too, she looked hurt and upset but I'm not having anyone hurt my little girl. "Oh penguin, what can I do to make it better?" I cooed and kissed her arm. "Have we got any bandages? I don't want em to get infected." She said quietly, I pointed to the medical cabinet in the kitchen.  "I think there's some in the medical cabinet, first thing tomorrow I'm going down to that school an-" I began, my fists were clenched tightly but Louise cut me off. "No! It will only make things worse dad ,this is why I didn't wanna say anything." She whined and grabbed the box of bandages and some antiseptic wipes. "Isn't that gonna hurt?" Ashton said as he looked at the wipes. "Well if there is any infection or bacteria it will get rid of it so it will heal quicker" "smarty pants" Ashton muttered, I pushed him and turned on the TV. "You're not going to school tomorrow by the way" I called to her. "Dad I have science tomorrow, and I know I sound like a massive dork but I really like science. Please let me go." She begged. "No and that's final." I said firmly, Ashton looked round and awwed. "Luke she's doing that face." He said in a cutesy voice. "Uncle ash tell him." She whined. "I'm with your dad on this." Ashton said slightly strained, it sounded like her eyes were strangling him. "But..but thats not fair." She whinged. The door opened and beth dropped her bag on the floor and then hugged the floor.

Beth pov

I must look like the biggest weirdo to luke and Louise but I'm so fucking tired. "You okay down there crazy lady?" Ashton chuckled. "Just give me 5 minutes...please" I panted and flopped my head on the floor. "Why is louise home? Did you skip school?" I sighed and closed my eyes. " i will leave you both here, I have art homewo-" Louise quickly sprinted off up the stairs and to her room carefully shutting the door after her. "She's almost as mad as me" I laughed and pulled myself up off the floor, luke pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead lovingly. "Almost." He chuckled, I playfully slapped his chest and kissed his lips. "Louise was...hurt at some people." Ash said slowly, I pulled away from luke and looked at him withholding my anger and worry. "How?" I said calmly even though every muscle in my body was tensed up. "Well it's not how she was hur-" luke began but I glared up at him. "Luke. How did they hurt her?" I said through gritted Teeth, I moved away from him and Crossed my arms. "T..They" He just stammered, the door knocked and I pointed at him. "I'm not gonna drop this luke, I'm gonna send this person away and you have until then." I walked to the door to see harry standing there out of breath and red faced. "" I ushered hin in and took his coat. "Catch your breath then try talk." I laughed, he sat on the kitchen counter and luke passed him a bottle of water. "Harry get your ass off my counter top" I warned. "Someone's....grupmy" He panted and walked over to the sofa, he sat next to ash and got sucked into the tv program. "Harry what were you trying to say?" I poked him and leant on the back of the sofa. "Ash told me about Louise being burned, I ran to see if she was okay." He was still out of breath a little. "Like words or physically burned?" I asked worried. "With like lighters and shit" He said hesitantly, I ran up the stairs and opened her door. She screamed and fell to the floor. "Luke I think I killed Louise! " I shouted quite scared, I sat on the floor and placed her head in my lap, I played with her long blonde hair and poked her cheek. "Wake up. I'm sorry I killed you" I sniffled, everyone was standing by the door looking at me confused. "I think I literally scared her to death, I like opened the door and she passes out." I said really quickly. "You idiot, she quite clearly breathing." Harry chuckled, luke picked her up and placed her on the bed. "She'll come round in a minute, you probably should have knocked the door, yknow like normal people." Luke chuckled, I frowned and looked up and him. "I'm normal" I defended. "If you were normal we wouldn't be together, I mean what normal person cant recite every word to star trek?" He laughed. "1- it's star wars and 2- someone who really loves star wars." I giggled, Ashton sniggered and nudged luke. "Mum, I really fucking hate you sometimes." Louise groaned and sat up. "I'm sorry, I just came to see if you were okay." I smiled sweetly. "By attempting to kill me? I nearly had a heart attack!" She exclaimed, I hugged her and kissed all over her face. "Mum I'm too old for kisses." She giggled, I stopped kissing her and pouted. "Sorry, I love you." I her straight face went into a supreme smile. I began tickling her and she burst into a fit of laughter. "Come on smile, I know you want to smile." I laughed, everyone else was laughing too. "Mum...stop it. I'm smiling." She giggled, I stopped tickling her and smiled. "Good, I'm gonna go make dinner and your dad can help you with your home work." I smiled evilly and left. "I'm smart enough not to need help and dad can't draw for shit!" She called to me. "I know, maybe if you need stick people!" I laughed and called back to her.

Harry pov

I sat with ash and luke on the floor of louises room whilst she was drawing in her note books. " suck balls." I said whilst scrolling through twitter. "Your mum" He frowned back. "My mum's your mum you stupid ass hole" I chuckled, he threw something at my head and I threw it back. "Aww lou lou has a stuffed penguin." I smirked and cuddled it. "Hey leave my penguin alone! I've had that since I was little." She warned, I chucked it at her head and she narrowed her eyes at me. "Fuck you" she mumbled, I laughed loudly and put my middle finger up. "Whatcha doin?" I said in a sing song voice and looked over her shoulder. "Homework. What do you want?" She muttered, she was drawing a cute little kitten in just a normal pencil. "Cute kitten." I complimented, she looked up and smiled. "Thanks, it's the only kind of kitten uncle ash isn't extremely allergic to." She giggled, her giggles were so musical and catchy, it made my brain turn to mush. "Harry? You okay there? You're creeping me out" she said nervously. "Oh..sorry. exactly how did I creep you out?" I chuckled nervously, I scratched the back of my neck and looked back at her picture. "Well staring at me with phyco eyes is not the most comforting thing, it looked like you were imagining my death in your head." Everyone laughed and ash threw something at me, I blushed and hid my face in my hands so she wouldn't see. "No I got lost in a train of thought, I have loads of work to do so I'm just gonna go. Bye lou lou." I smiled and messed up her hair, I quickly ran out her room before she could get me. "Asshat!" She shouted to me, I chuckled and walked down the stairs. "Hey haz, are you not staying for dinner?" Beth asked me. "Maybe another night, I have things to do. I'll see you soon though" I grinned and left. What is louise doing to me? Everytime I'm near her my heart wants to explode and I can't find the right words to say.

Louise pov

"Uncle ash, I swear he gets weirder every day." I shrugged. "I know, ever since a few days ago he's been acting strange, I think he has a girlfriend." Ashton laughed, I laughed to and so did dad. "Yeah as if that little turd could pull a girl, maybe she has brain damage." I laughed. "Hey! That's still my brother." Ashton said loudly. "So?" I laughed. "So think of better insults."

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