Blue eyes - chapter 83

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I was drunkly dancing in the crowd of sweaty people, everyone's body's pressed close together as songs blared out the speakers, the bass was song and the dj was amazing. "Right I'm gonna play a old classic now, I want you to put your hands in the air." The dj yelled into the mic before playing bass line junkie by dizzee rasscle. We all jumped around and put out hands in the air, I felt someone grinding behind me and I didn't care, I was too drunk to care, we were like this for a while before he pulled me to the side and began making out, his hands roamed my body and mine were fixed to his hair. "You look so hot" He said between kisses. "Thanks" I mumbled back. We pulled apart and I put some paint on his face. He smiled and put some on his hands then began making out again  and this time leaving his neon hand prints over my body. Suddenly I was on the floor and luke was fighting this guy. "LUKE STOP! " I yelled but the music was too high, I went to pull him back and he elbowed me in the eye, I was on the floor clutching my eye and luke hadn't even turned round. I got up and left the club as soon as I could, I called a taxi to take me home.


I paid the driver and ran inside my house, mike and ash were on the sofa playing video games when I came in crying. "Woah beth what happened to your eye?" Mike gasped, ash immediately turned round and looked at me, my eye was swollen and purple along with the hand print bruise on my arm. "Why don't you ask luke" I sniffled and sat on the bar stool in the kitchen with a bag of frozen peas on my eye. "Luke did this?!" Mike shouted out of shock. "Yes and first thing tomorrow he's out of my house, he can get a hotel but I don't want him around my daughter." I cried, Mikey and Ashton pulled me in for a hug and kissed the top of my head. "He is so dead when he gets back here" Ashton said through gritted Teeth, I hugged Ashton and sat him on the seat next to me. "No it's my fight, I'll handle him." I sniffed and wiped my tears. The front door opened revealing calum and Amy.  "I told amy she could come back here." Calum slurred. "Yeah go in the guest bedroom and be safe." I winked at them before calum pulled her up the stairs. "Oh god! How did he pull that fine piece of ass." Mike gasped. "I was his wing girl and kinda introduced them" I giggled, the others laughed and nudged me. "I wish I done the haaaave you met ted?" I laughed. I placed the peas back in the freezer and touched my eye, I hissed and moved my hand. "How am I gonna explain this to Michelle? I have to pick Louise up tomorrow and I won't be able to cover this." I whined, we all made out way to the sofa to play the rest of the game they were playing. I was sobering up with a glass of water , the boys kept asking me to be their wing girl and naturally I said yes. "Next time you come to London call me and I will get a sitter for Louise, we can go clubbing and I will get you both a sexy girl so you can have a good time" I said wiggling my eyebrows. At this moment luke walked in and the room went silent. "Beth? What happened to you?!" He exclaimed, I walked up to him and bitch slapped him in the face. "You happened! You chucked me on the floor and then hit sone young lad and then when I tried to pull you off him you punched me! I want you out of my house by the morning luke, I don't want you around my little girl and I especially don't want you around me." I spat, he went to touch my cheek but I slapped his hand away. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I sor-" I cut him off. "Sorry?! Luke sorry doesn't fix the fact I have bruises all over. I have to pick Louise up tomorrow and god knows what her friends mother is gonna think, god knows what Louise will think!" I yelled. "Well if you weren't being a little slut this wouldn't have happened!" He shouted back, I kneed him in the balls and he dropped to his knees. The boys ohhhed and held there manhood. "Oh shit! I shouldn't have said that, I didn't mean it" He groaned, I began to walk away when luke grabbed my wrist. "I love you and I'm so sorry" luke said with tears in his eyes. "I used to love you but after this I don't think I will ever again" I said with tears rolling down my cheeks. "You don't mean that" He choked out. "No luke I really do, you hurt me emotionally and now physically, I let you stay in my house and I was nice to you, I looked after you and we had a laugh but you ruined that." I cried, I pulled my wrist with all my might but he held tighter, it hurt me but I wasn't gonna tell him that because that shows weakness. "But I love you that's why I done it." He sniffled. "Luke you don't love me, if you did you'd realise that I was pulling away from that person because I didn't feel anything. I was gonna just come home. I begged you to stop at the top of my lungs and you didn't listen. I'm done luke I can't do this anymore." I sighed and looked down. "Luke let go of her, her hands going blue." Ashton pointed out. Luke released my wrist and kissed it. "I don't know my own strength" He said with tears in his eyes. I walked up to my room and quietly closed the door behind me, I slid down the door and silently cried. "How could he do this to me?" I though to myself. Luke was knocking on the door and tried to open it by I was in the way. I blocked the door with a chair under the handle. He would not give in though, he kept pleading and crying to come in so I climbed down the drainpipe and into the woods near by.  I walked deep into the woods and sat on the tree stump, I took in the peaceful environment.  "What am I doing?" I sighed and placed my head in my hands, mike was calling my phone so I picked up. "Hello" I croaked. "Where are you? Luke said you've run away. You're not in your room" He said in a rushed panicked tone. "I've gone for a walk mike, I just need to clear my head a bit." I replied in a sad tone. "Can I meet you? We can talk about it." I could tell Mikey was smiling. "Only if you want to see me cry neon tears and blubber about how much of an idiot I am." I chuckled in a sad tone. "Where are you then?" He questioned  softly. "I'm you walk into the woods at the other side is a field, I'll meet you there in 10, bring blankets and a pillow." I instructed. I hung up and made my way to the field. It was a green grassy field that had an amazing view of the stars and you could see the moon glowing in the sky. I laid on the grass and just let my brain run wild. "Hey beth" mike said quietly from behind me, I turned round and smiled weakly. "Hi mikey" I said barley above a whisper, I knew my voice was soon gonna fail me but mike laid one blanket on the floor with pillows set out at the top like a bed. "Thanks mikey" I whispered softly, I laid down and Mikey laid beside me engulfing me in a quilt. "Thank you Michael. " I smiled sadly. "So what's on your mind?" He asked and pulled my head on his chest. "Wow you're brave!" I laughed sadly. "Well I'm an idiot. I fell in love with an idiot and no matter how hard I try I can't stop loving him, I'm scared to let anyone in anymore because I can't trust anyone anymore. I remember what happened on the day of the crash a few months ago, the reason I crashed was because I was focused on talking to ash on the phone about luke cheating on me. I tried to leave then but I got sucked back in, I ran away and he found me and I let him back in again and he hurt me more but I still love him away and this stupid part of me won't fuck off and leave me alone. And when you guys go again I'm scared that I'll hurt myself again and I don't wanna feel like that again." I sobbed into Michaels shirt, Michael was crying too and was stroking little circles on my arm. "I dint want you to feel like that either...look you made me cry, I don't cry, I'm punk rock." He sobbed. I let out a small teary laugh and hugged him for warmth. "You always make me laugh mike wizowski." I said in the voice of boo. "You're so adorable, I'm gonna miss you when we leave in 2 days." He sniffled, I cuddled him tighter and snuggled my head into him. "Don't remind me, you do know I'm gonna cry like a little bitch right? " I laughed sleepily. "I'm gonna be the same." He mumbled. It was pretty cold being January but Mikey kept me warm and I kept him warm as we fell asleep in the middle of the beautiful field.


"Beth wake up!" Mikey Yelled excitedly. I opened my eyes to see the once green field  was now white. "It's snowing!" He giggled, even in my sleep filled state I stood up and grabbed some snow. "Do you wanna build a snow man, come in let's go and play. I never seen you anymore, come out the door it's like you've gone awayy" I sang and pulled him up. "Yes beth, I will build a snowman!" He giggled. We both made a snowman that looked like olaf. "Let's go home, I'm cold" I shivered, I had my high heels on and my party clothes. "Come on then munchkin let's get you home." He chuckled, I packed up the bed  and made my way home.


We were sat enjoying a hot chocolate in the kitchen and having a chat. "What else has changed since I've moved?" I asked before taking a sip on my hot drink. "They knocked down the pier, someone was walking along it and fell through on a low tide and died" Mikey said looking in his cup. "Oh one person dies and they start knocking down piers, inconsiderate arse holes." I ranted. Luke walked towards me with his bag of clothes in his hand. "Before I leave I just want to say I am really sorry and I deserved that kick in the balls last night, I was outta line last night and I feel sick to my stomach cause I hurt you, I would never do that on purpose and I hope you know that." He said glumly looking at his hands. "You can stay, but if you touch me or even hug me you'll be straight out the door, and I want you to stay away from Louise too." I said sternly, my words looked like they broke him. "But she's my kid." He mumbled. "No luke you're her biological father but not her dad, I don't want you to hurt her like you did me." I had tears in my eyes and my hands were shaking. "I promise I wont" He pleaded. I sighed and placed my cup down. "Fine but just stay away from me." I sniffed and walked upstairs.

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