Blue eyes - chapter 58

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I was fixing my hair and makeup as luke watched me carefully. "What's the time baby?" I asked him, I looked at his reflection in the mirror, He picked up my phone and looked. "2:30 babe why?" He questioned. "I need to get to Louise by three, then I will be back. You need to get dressed because Danny and your brother will be here soon." I turned round to him and smiled. "Okay, pass me my boxers then" He groaned, I threw them at his face and giggled, he put them on under the quilt and then climbed out of bed. "You know I like us better when we're naked" luke whispered in my ear from behind me, my whole body shivered in temptation. "Hmm, well with kids that's virtually impossible baby." I whispered, his hands played with the waistline of my jeans. "Luke I have to get Louise, we could get the boys to have them at some point this week but until then..." I trailed off, I walked towards the door and he slapped my ass. "Lucas Robert hemmings, don't slap my ass like that, It really hurt." I whined, he pouted but then smirked. "Yeah but you liked it" He was so cheeky but so sexy. "That's beside the point, now come on we have to pick up Louise. " I giggled, he chucked on his jeans and socks and then we made our way to the living room for his shirt. "Okay babe let's go"


I saw Louise running out towards me, she had grazes on her kneed and hands and puffy eyes. "Lou lou are you okay sweetheart?" I crouched down and hugged her, she swayed us s little bit and sniffled. "Boys are stupid" she whimpered. "Was it that asshole again?" I pulled away and looked at her, she looked at her shoes and nodded. My blood was boiling and I felt like I was gonna explode. "Babe calm down let's just get Louise home" luke said calmly as he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Louise when he walks out with his mother or father I want you to point him out." I said quite calmly, I took off my earings, tied my hair up in a bun and took my locket off. "Luke when I go and 'talk' to them I want you to drive Louise home, okay?" I looked up at him but then Louise was tugging on my sleeve. "That's him, the one with a black eye!" Louise exclaimed, I chucked luke the car keys and passed him Louise.  "Go baby I'll be fine" I said as I patted lukes face. I quickly walked over to the woman standing with her little boy. "Hi I'm Louises mum, my little girl came home with a broken arm and stitches in her head yesterday because you son pushed her over." I said calmly to the woman, she gave me a dirty look and then passed her son off on his dad. "Go wait in the car david" she told him. "Your son gave my son a black eye" she said through gritted Teeth. "He beat up Louise, Danny was bound to protect her" I seethed. She cackles and that was it. I punched her straight in the face, she returned it with a kick to my thigh, she had heels on and ripped my jeans. My leg was bleeding but I couldn't feel it with all the adrenaline rushing through me. I toe punted her in the shin making her fall to her knees, I grabbed her black hair and made her headbutt my knee. She stood up and punched me in the jaw, my lip was now bleeding but I didn't care. I grabbed her by her hair and flipped her on the floor, I placed my foot on her and looked down at her. "If my little girl comes home with anymore marks I'll hurt you a whole lot more. Stay down and don't ever look at me again." I hissed, she had tears running down her face and a black eye, bruised forehead and Cuts on her arms from the flips. She nodded frantically and the look of terror in her eye was enough satisfaction. I walked away down the road, I soon felt the pain emerging but carried on walking.


I sat down on the couch and chucked my keys in the bowl. I could hear music from the music room and I saw many pairs of shoes by the door. "Danny, Louise I'm home!" I called to them, I heard the door open and heavy footsteps aproached. "Oh shit! What happened to you?!" Ashton exclaimed as he sat down and examined me. "Let's just say that son of a bitch won't be picking on my little girl ever again." I said with a breathy laugh. "What did you do?" Ashton gasped, I sat back in my seat and put my feet up on the coffee table. "Scared he shit out of her, she's in worse shape than me but at least I know Louise can go to school safley" I sighed and laid down. "Beth your leg it's bleeding, you should go get that checked out." Ashton exclaimed, he touched it and I winced. "No I just want to go to sleep, wake me up in an hour" I yawned.

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