Blue eyes - chapter 118

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"Louise come down here...Now!" My dad shouted up, I pulled away from harrys lips and looked into his eyes. "If I don't die, I will be back up to cuddle you" I said barley audible, he bit his lip and nodded. "I'll be waiting babe" He chuckled, I walked toward the door and lent on the door way. "I think my mum got you McDonald's breakfast, I'll get her to bring it up." I smiled. I ran to the kitchen where my mum was standing with a bag of food and a sad smile on her face. "Thankyou mummy, can you take harrys up to him please?" I batted my eyes at her and she nodded. "Just a bit of warning your dad is pissed off." She mumbled as she passed me, I walked to the lounge to see my dad sat on the couch looking into blank space. "Da-" "sit the fuck down" He snapped, I sat on the sofa opposite him and Crossed my legs, I fiddled with the slipper boots and tried to avoid his eyes. "Where did you go yesterday?" He asked me, I remember hearing the news and then blackness of hatred clouding my brain. "I don't know dad, I told you" I said calmly, he slammed his fist on the coffee table and I looked up with anger in my stomach. "Don't lie to me, I'm fed up with your lies!" He screamed, that was the final straw. I stood up quickly and flipped the coffee table. "And I'm fed up with everyone else! You, mum, Ashton, calum, Harry - all of you! The only person who hasn't pissed me off is mike! If I was lying I'd think of something better than 'I can't remember' so fuck you and everyone else in this god forsaken house" I screamed and made my way to the door with my phone in my hand. "Where are you going? Louise I'm sorry" my dad sigh and went to touch my shoulder but I pushed his hand off me. "Away. Away from you and everyone else, I can feel myself losing control all over again so before I hurt you or anyone else I'm leaving" I shouted and pushed my phone in his hand. I left without saying another word as the black cloud of anger took over, I entered the lift and as soon as the doors shut I punched the mirror. My fist went through the glass and hit 5 he metal at the back, the mirrored shards cover in the blood dipping down my fingers and the Sharpe shards stuck into my skin. "Urr" I screamed and left the lift in a hurry, a boy stood in the lobby and laughed a little at my state. "What?! What's so funny?!" I yelled and pushed him to the floor. "Ow! What the hell?!" He cried, the boy went to my old school and always was an asshole to me. "Just fuck off!" I yelled and ran out the door.


Beth pov

After a shower and a change of clothes I felt more at home, the bad thing was being at home reminded me of what I'd lost. I was in bed crying my heart out silently, I was huddled into a tight ball with the quilt coving my tear stained face. "Hey beth i- are you okay?! you want luke?" I heard harry from beside me, I stopped crying and wiped my face and eyes. "No don't be silly, I'm fine. What's wrong?" I asked him, he sat beside me and hugged me. "It'll get better, time is a great healer." I let out a small laugh and wiped my eyes again. "That's what they all say, you're being a total cheeseball. " Harry let me go and looked at me whilst playing with his thumbs. "Um do you know where Louise would be, she ran out after luke kicked off." He mumbled, I looked at harry with wide eyes and he almost read my mind. "Skatepark" we said in unison, he sighed and tried to call her phone. "Hello lou- oh" "Okay. I'll go and look around for her" He said sadly, I sat up a little more and tied my hair up in a fishtail plait. "What's wrong?" I asked him, he put his phone in his pocket and sighed. "She handed her phone to luke on the way out, she doesn't want anyone to contact her." He said glumly, I pulled his face so he was looking up at my face. "Go save her, she needs you." I smiled sweetly. "Save her from what?" He asked, I looked away shortly and soon looked back at him. "Herself" He quickly left and ran to front door. *ringing* "Hello?" I sniffed and picked up the phone. "Beth? We called to say we're in oz and wanted to meet up...tomorrow" Phil said cheerfully, I let the tears flow freely again and sniffled. "I..I can't. I want to but I'm...I can't leave the house." I sobbed, suddenly I heard a shuffling sound and dan in the background. "Why?! What's happened?!" He asked with a worried voice. "I was having another baby," I began before I broke into full blown sobs. "Aww it's not embarrassing to be pregnant." Dan cooed, I calmed myself down and wiped my eyes. "Was dan. I..I lost it and ...its and it's all fault." I sniffled. "No it isn't boo, do you want us to come over tomorrow?" He asked with a little sniffing. "Where are you?" I asked, I heard some cars rushing past quickly. "in a taxi on the way to the hotel, why?" He asked with a little sniffle again. "If you haven't paid for the hotel come to mine, I can put you guys up for a few days I..If you'd like." I offered, my tears were still falling but my sobbing subsided. "Really?! Are you sure? We don't wanna be a bother" Phil added, I laughed a little and smiled. "You guys aren't a bother, plus you will get proper meals." I added, there was some loud cheering and I heard phil tell the driver my address. "Bye guys I'm gonna go set your room up." I said with a little smile. "Bye beth we loovve you" they giggled and hung up.


Louise pov

"PILLS N POTIONS, WE'RE OVERDOSIN. I'M ANGRY BUT I STILL LOVE YOU" me and my friend sung loudly, lily and me were as high as a kite, I was rolling another spliff for us and looked at her. "How's your girlfriend then?" I asked her, she giggled and looked over behind her to the skateboarding girl. "Max is fine, we are still staying in the abandoned house you showed us." I lit the spliff up and felt max tap my shoulder. "Hey maxie" I giggled and blew smoke up in the air into her face. "There's a guy staring at you lala" she mumbled, I looked over and saw harry walking towards me. "That's harry,he's my boyfriend." I smiled and ran up to him, I almost dropped the whiskey on the floor as I wrapped my arms round his neck and kissed him. "Lou, I was worried sick about you. You weren't here earlier when I look-" He began rambling until he looked in my eyes. "Are you baked?" He asked with a worried looked. "Uh huh like a cake." I giggled, I was called back over to the bench where I passed lily her bottle of whiskey back. "Give me one last drag cause I need to go" I sighed, I took one last big drag before walking away from lily. "Let's get you home babe" He sighed and picked me up. "No. Harry don't take me back" I whined and cuddled into his chest. "Yes, are you okay?" He asked me as I was placed in the passenger seat of my car. "I really need a milkshake" I yawned and cuddled into the cozy seat."Okay babe, are you tired?" He cooed and started the drive home, I nodded and closed my eyes. "Babe I love you" I yawned before falling asleep.

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