Blue eyes - chapter 103

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Beth pov

I passed harry some ice for his face/eye, it was swelling up quite a bit. "You okay harry?" I cooed. "Stop mothering him babe, he's okay." Luke messed up harrys hair and patted his shoulder. "I can't help it! I'd do the same if it was one of the others too. " I confessed, he pouted and frowned at me. "What if it was me? Would you not care?!" He gasped dramaticly. "No, if you got slapped it would probably me who slapped you luke" I giggled, everyone laughed including harry. "She's a good slapper." Harry chuckled in pain as I pressed ice on his cheek. "Takes after her mum" luke covered it up with a cough poorly. "Shall we find out? I could slap you if you want babe." I said sternly, he wiggled his eyebrows and I hid my face. "Please don't do this, wait until we leave at least." Ashton groaned. "What do you mean Ashton? " I said innocently, Harry moved the ice from his face but I pushed it back in hastily. "I mean you two mentally fucking eachother, it's bad enough we've seen the actual thing." Ashton giggled, I blushed bright red and looked at luke for help but he was too busy being red like a tomato (a very sexy tomato). "I don't wanna know." Harry shuddered, I nervously laughed and hugged luke. "Luke calm down" I mumbled into his chest, his whole body was tense and he was breathing rapidly. "I'm calm, why do you think I'm not calm? " He laughed through gritted Teeth.  "Really? Why is that little vein in your forehead going mad then?" I sighed, he kissed the top of my head and let me go, he sat next to harry and elbowed him playfully. "So why did Louise whack you?" He interrogated. "I did like the song she was listening to so I took her phone and changed it, then she whacked me." He stated bluntly. "Well then it's your own fault kind of." Luke chuckled. "I was just trying to get her to talk, he pissed her off." Harry exclaimed and pointed to calum, I sat on the beanbag and looked out the window, small water droplets trickled down the glass merging with one another on the way.

Louises pov

I was smoking one of the last of my cigarettes whilst sat on my bed furious. I refused to let myself cry, I saw the rain outside so I decided to go sit in my balcony. I love the rain, it's basically my feelings in weather, a few rumbles of thunder could be heard on the background of this beautiful scene. *knocking* I turned around to see harry gawping at me. "Shit." Was the only word that I could say. "Louise? What the fuck?!" He shouted and snatched it out my hands, he took a long drag before throwing it off the balcony. "You really wanna piss me off today" I grumbled and went inside. "What the hell are you playing at?! This isn't you." Harry nagged. "Yes it is, nobody knows who I am, why do you give a Damn about me?" I yelled at him, at this point the door was opened by my dad and uncle ash. "What's all the yelling about?!" Ashton exclaimed with worry. "Guess what? Louise smokes." Harry just dropped me in it, the look on my dad's face scared a part of me. "Louise rose hemmings! You are in so much trouble." He sounded am but the look on his face said otherwise. "So do you harry, so don't act all innocent!" I shouted at him, now Ashton looked mad too, Harry fiddled with his thumbs and looked at the floor in shame. "All of you just get out my room!" I screamed at them, I was having a panic attack and things were not gonna look pretty soon enough, it felt like an anaconda was squeezing my chest and wouldn't let go. "Excuse me?! This is my house and I will not be told what to do." My dad yelled back. "Fine let me make this easier for you." I grabbed my bag and packed some things in it, my matches, my packet of cigarettes, I change of clothes and my note pad. "Where do you think you're going? Stop being-" my dad tried to now be nice, you can't scream and shout at someone and then try to be nice and caring. "Away from you luke." My blood was boiling as I pushed past everyone standing at my door. "Louise, talk to me." My dad begged, I tried to regulate my breaths but it wasn't working out too well. "I'm done talking to everyone, I'm wasting my  breath." I sighed, I grabbed my money off the side and left as quickly as my legs would carry me. I ran down the road with tears falling from my eyes and shallow breaths falling from my lips.


I saw some people at the skate park smiling and laughing with drinks in one hand and their boards in the other. "Hey you!" One of the girls called out, I looked around and realised she was talking to me. "Me?" I Called back to the girl swigging the clear liquid. "Yeah, come here." She laughed and signaled for me to come over, I walked over to the small group and sat on the rail. "I love your hair, who done it for you?" She asked, the girl was skinny and short with black hair, the ends had bright red dip dye. "I done it myself." I smiled at her, she fiddled with my hair and looked was in awe. "That's so cool, do you skate?" She asked me, her breath had the strong smell of sambuka on it as well as the smell of smoke. "No, I don't get out much."  I laughed, she passed me the glass bottle in her hand and put it under my nose. "Have some, you look down." She soothed, I didn't argue with her just chucked back as much liquid as I could. "Woah slow down sweetheart." She chuckled. I pulled it away from my lips and wiped me lips. "Thanks, what's your name?" I smiled sweetly. "I'm ashlee, that's joey and over there is mitch." She pointed round the group who seem unusual calm. "I'm Louise, what's with them? They seem so...chilled." I said observing them giggling and hugged each other. "You got any music? Something chilled." She suggested and passes me her blue tooth speaker. I plugged it in and put on happy little pill. "You know I can give you a happy little pill if you'd like." She hinted and pulled out a little pink pill. "What will it do?" I asked, I masked my nervousness and stayed calm. "Take you away to a happy place where nothing could hurt you ever again." She smiled and nodded, I grabbed the pill and bottle and chucked them both back. "That's the spirt." She giggled and hugged me, I stood up and sat with the rest of them. "Hey louweeeeese" they giggled and looked at each other, one of the girls shuffled up and let me sit beside them. "When will this kick in?" I asked impatiently, they all hugged me and giggled. "Soon sweetie".


Michaels pov

I heard my phone ringing so I quickly answered. "Hey what's up? I was sleeping" I groaned. "Mike I need help going out looking for Louise, I'm really worried about her." Beths voice was worried and she was crying, I sat up and rubbed my eyes. "What happened?" I cooed. "She ran out the door, calum's put doubt in her mind about luke being her dad." She sniffled. "Oh is he a dick head or what?" I growled. "I will walk around munchkin. I love you dude and beth, I will find her." I said determined. It was 9 pm so I had a few hours to look. How hard can it be to find a socially awkward teenage girl? She probably scares senseless.

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