Blue eyes - chapter 39

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My plane had finally landed and I was on my way home. It was 1 I'm the morning so luke would probably be asleep meaning we would probably have word in the morning. I climbed out the cab carefully with my suitcase and walked up the stairs into my apartment. I put the key in the lock and slowly twisted. As I climbed up the stairs I heard snoring. I had left my bag downstairs so I could climb the stairs easier. I looked on my bed to see four sleeping boys in the covers, I left them there and decided to sleep on the couch. I laid down on the couch and tried to get comfortable. I felt a movement in my stomach and quickly placed my hand on it. "LUKE! LUKE, COME QUICK!" I shouted up to him, 2 minutes after I called him he came running downstairs. "'re home" He hugged me on the sofa and kissed my face all over. "Babe you missed it now, our baby boy was kicking." I yawned. He pouted and placed his head on my bump and closed his eyes. "Kick your mum again, kick her and tell her daddy missed her" He said in a baby voice. The baby's didn't move, I shuffled a little and laid my head down. "I love you luke and I love our little boy, I missed you." I cooed, his head moved of my bump and to my hand. "Don't ever run off again" He said firmly as he looked in my eyes. "I promise I won't, I had to do it before the baby was born though" I yawned. The baby kick harder now, I placed lukes hand on my bump so he could feel it. "Wow! He's really in there!" He gasped. I closed my eyes and snuggled into his bare chest. "He's a mummy's boy" I sleepily mumbled before I fell asleep.


I woke up to something cold on my belly. "Wha...what are you guys doing?" I groaned as I looked at them with one eye. "Waiting for the baby to kick, all out hands don't fit on your belly so we just put a glass of water on there." Mikey said. I took the glass of water off me rolled over so I was faced away from them and on my side. "Go away I'm sleepy" mumbled into the sofa cushions. I felt the skin moving on my stomach. I grabbed the glass quickly and placed it on my belly. "Wow! It's moving!" Calum gasped, I sipped the water and but it down on the coffee table. "Where's luke?" I sleepily mumbled. "He's in the shower, why?" Ashton said with huge smile and his hand on my stomach. "I really need to eat some lemons and I was wondering if we have any." I battered my eye lashes at the boys and Mike gave in and looked around for lemons. "Found one!" He called out and chucked it to you. "I need a plate and I knife michael" I giggled. He passed me a small plate and a small knife. "Thank you, Thankyou, thank you. " I cut the lemon into 4 and began eating the lemon slices, the boys pulled sour faces and gave me odd looks. "Morning baby girl" luke said from the stairs, I ate the last slice of lemon and swallowed it quickly. "Morning sweetie" I called back to him, I binned the peel of the lemons and washed the plate. Two song arms wrapped around you and a chin lent on you shoulder. "Can I have a kiss babe, you didn't give me one yesterday." He whined. I spun around and kissed him hungrily but he quickly pulled away pulling funny faces. "Oh yeah I just ate a lemon" I giggled, the boys burst out laughing at lukes face that he was pulling. "Why?! How?!" He exclaimed as he drank the orange juice in the fridge. "Hey! Put the juice down and no body gets hurt" I warned him as I narrowed My eyes at him. "Okay sorry" He quickly put the near full carton back and closed the fridge. "Have we got any plums, I really fancy a plum" I asked luke. "You really like fruit don't you?" He asked rhetoricaly, I just pouted and looked down. "Mate she's got cravings, my mum had them when she was pregnant with harry only she liked syrup and mash mixed together." He explained to us. "Oh actually can you go get me some watermelon and pineapple oohh and peaches and plums an-" "I will just buy loads of fruit and orange juice." He chuckled as he pulled a top over his bare torso. "I like it better when you don't wear a top" I said as I bit my lip, luke pulled his top back off and walked over to me. "better?"He chuckled quietly, I leaned up and kissed him, I moved my hand from his chest to his abs. "Yeah, I'm good." I mumbled  into the kiss, luke laughed and pulled away from the kiss. "Don't laugh at me, it's hormones!" I whined, I ran my hands along his abs and stared at them. "Damn hormones!" I whined as I ran you stairs, I heard foot steps chasing after me. "Luke put your top on please" I panted as I reached the top of the stairs. "I'm not luke, he sent me up so you wouldn't touch him up" Calum chuckled, I turned round to see calum smiling. "I'm am going to hide away from all boys and...girls so I don't touch anyone up." I sighed and walked towards the music room. "See you later calum" I spoke quietly as I entered the room and locked the door behind me. Damn hormones, I don't want all these side effects. Hurry up baby!

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