Blue eyes - chapter 100

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Louise pov

Another day at school, or hell. I'm pretty sure I must have been a nazi or a serial killer in a previous life to deserve this. It was nearly lunch so all I had to endure was...oh fuck social studies. I always sat in the corner just reading my book or drawing in my notepads, many of my books and notepads have been taken of me and everytime I get told that I will see them at the end of term. I sat in the back by the door so if I needed to escape. "Nerd" some girl muttered as she shoulder barged me and made me drop my books, quiet stifled laughs filled the room as I scrabbled up the pieces of paper off the floor and composed myself. I went to take a seat in the chair but someone pulled it away from me which made the classroom fill with loud laughs and people chanting she fell over, I was blushing and had tears in my eyes. The teacher walked in and the first thing she done was huff. "Get up off the floor ms hemmings or you will get a detention." Mrs Morris was a bitch (to put it nicley) every time I was being pushed over or tripped up she would be there she would hand out an hour detention for me.


It was lunch time and as usual the same group of boys and girls would be by my locker waiting for me to give them my lunch money, I dug through my bag and looked for my money, as soon as I did I realised I left it on the kitchen counter this morning. Uh oh. "Where's your money? You know what happens if we don't get our money." One girl said whilst blowing out smoke from her cigarette. "I..I forgot it." I quietly and nervously mumbled, they all looked from one to another and didn't do anything for a while. Suddenly my arm was being grabbed and the same girl was putting our her fag on my arm. "Get off me!" I whimpered and tried to escape but their grip only got tighter, one of the guys had the lighter flame lit whilst all this happened. "Did anyone hear what the little bitch said?" One of the other boys cackled. Another pain hit my arm as the boy was burning a smiley on my arm, they burned all up my arms until I managed to run off and into the toilets. My breathing was heavy and I had tears streaming down my face. I examined my arms and say all the marks that would scar my arms. What did I ever do to deserve this?! I never talk to anyone which means I can't have said something offencive to anyone, I sit in here alone so I can't have done something to anyone and I don't talk about people behind their backs either because I don't have anyone to talk to. "I KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE! WE WANT TRIPLE THE AMOUNT YOU OWE US." She shouted and kicked the cubical door. There was only one thing I could do. I tried to call my dad but he wouldn't pick up, my mum had an important photo shoot to do, that leaves me with a few choices.

Ashton pov

I was sat In the studio eating a bag of gummy worms and watching mike pull funny faces at luke, it was currently lukes turn to record so we were all waiting. "Hey ash, I bet you can't fit all those gummy worms in your mouth" Calum dared, I grabbed a hand full and shoved them all in my mouth. "Bitch suck it." I said with a mouth filled with gummy worms. *buzzing* I looked at my phone and saw it was Louise calling. "Hello?" I said mouth still stuffed with sweets. "Uncle ash, c..can you p..Please pick me up f..from school?" She sobbed heavily, I spat the gummy worms in the bin and furrowed my eyebrows. "I don't know if your dad will be too happy about me letting you cut school." I mumbled. "P..Please? Or can you bring me a jumper?" She sniffled, all the boys had their eyebrows knitted together and where mouthing. 'Who is it?' 'What do they want?' "I will stop by yours and get you a jumper, love you lou lou" I soothed. " you too." She hung up and instantly all the boys were giving me funny looks.  "What's Louise want?" Mikey said whilst trying to catch skittles in his mouth. "She wanted me to pick her up and bring a jumper? She sounded really upset guys. " I said sadly. "You know she doesn't like school at the moment, just go get her a jumper and don't let her skip school." Calum advised. I grabbed lukes car keys and ran out the door.

Louise pov.

Lunch was over but I was so scared that I couldn't move out of the cubical,my hands were shaking and my arms were sore and red, they had properly burned my arms and some of them were pussing and bleeding. "Ms hemming I know you're in here, it's lesson time so you need to get out the cubical or we will pull you out by force." Mrs smith said sternly. " uncle ash is coming to pick me up miss, can't I just wait in here till then?" I sniffed. "Louise are you crying? Sweetie come out and we can talk about what's bothering you." She sounded kind and genuine but shed done this before, she would then have another 2 members of staff drag me to my lessons. "" I sniffed. My phone buzzed revealing I had a text. I whipped out my phone and looked.
Hey how's skool little nerd??
Not good ash has to pick me up

I put my phone away to hear some one whispering to Mrs smith. "Louise, your uncle is here." She cooed, I rushed out the cubical and ran to the front office to see uncle ash with my black jumper in his hands. "Thankyou" I mumbled and went to grab it off him, his face went from happy to fucking furious. "Who did this to you?!" He basically yelled, I tugged my arms away and shoved my jumper on. My phone was buzzing so I looked at who was calling, it was dad. "Hello?" I said quietly into the phone. "You called me, are you okay penguin?" He sounded scared, before I could reply uncle Ashton took my phone and began speaking to my dad. "No luke, she's far from fine. She has smiley faces and fag burns all up her arms." I ran out of school, I didn't know where I was going but I ran. It was pouring out and withing 2 minutes I went from warm and dry to wet and cold. After about an hour of running I stopped and sat outside the park. "Lou?" I turned my head and saw harry standing under and umbrella with one of his friends. "Did ash send you?" I said quietly. "No, what are you doing out in the rain?! It's freezing cold." He exclaimed, I stood up and walked away. "Wait! Wait for us!" Harry friend shouted, I walked a little faster and just looked at the floor. "Lou lou, at least invite us back to yours, it's cold and raining and your mum would go mad if she knew you left me outside like this." He reasoned, I turned around and frowned at him. "You're an asshat can stay for 5 minutes then you both have to leave." I sighed with defeat. "Do you wanna walk under the brolly with us to prevent you getting soaked?" His friend asked nicley, I shook my head and carried on walking infront of them.


I got home and threw my keys in the bowl, I took of my drowned shoes and tied up my hair with the hair tie on the side. "Harry and...harrys friend, take your shoes off at the door and hang up your coats please" I said shyly and made my way to the kitchen. "Okay lou lou." Harry teased me knowing that I hate being called that unless it's by my mum or dad. "Don't call me that hawee" I teased back. "Ah mate that's gonna be your new name from now on" his friend laughed loudly. "Do you want anything to eat?" I asked quietly, Harry was already in my fridge eating the grapes. "Let me guess your lunch money stolen again?" Harry sighed. "No I forgot it and now have lighter and fag burns up my arms." I muttered under my breath. "You forgot it then what?" He chuckled and nudged me. "Nothing. Um you guys need to go now." I mumbled and began pushing them out the door. "Oh. Okay. Nice to see you lou lou" He chuckled and put on his shoes and jacket, they both quickly left after and I sighed and pulled off my drenched jumper. My arms hurt all over and were stinging like hell. The house phone rang startling me but I picked it up. "H..hello?" I nervously asked. "Louise? I'm on my way to yours. Your dad is with me too, where have you been!? We were calling the house phone for over an hour!" Ashton exclaimed. "No I'm sorry, please don't come round." I begged and panicked, he let out a heavy sigh and I heard the hand break click. "Too late, we will see you in a minute." And he hung up. Oh shit shit shitty shit. Fuck my life.

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