Blue eyes - chapter 75

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2 years later

Louise was in her pram tucked up in blankets and a warm little hat and mittens. "Louise, who's a pretty girl?" I cooed at her, she opened her big, blue glistening eyes and stated at me in awe. "You're the prettiest baby ever." I whispered. My phone began buzzing and it was Ashton. "Hey ashton" I smiled. "Hey beth where are you?" He asked suspiciously. "America, why" I stammered. "Because my friend caspar lee just saw you in London, you lied to me, why?" He asked angrily. "Because Ashton, I don't want to be found, I will meet you 3 in 3 years buy until then I want to be alone with m..myself and my thoughts." I yelled back. "I don't want to wait that long and you said 3 years which by the way is nearly 2 years. Beth I don't want you to hide that's...that's why I'm going to stay with caspar for a few weeks, I'm hoping that I may bump Into you but if I don't then.... I don't, I'd love to see you again like when I was in hospital, please see me." He begged. Louise began crying so I place her dummy in her mouth quickly. "I can't ash, I have work and I'm busy all the time." I spoke quietly so my voice wouldn't fail me. "Beth? Bethany?" A voice said from behind me. I turned round to see caspar lee standing there. "Ash your friend caspar is here, why don't you say hello." I put the phone on loudspeaker. "Hey ashtino." Caspar giggled. "Hello cas mate, what does beth look like?" He said hesitantly. "Beautiful and slim and nice ass and boobs. She has the cutest little-" I cut him off by placing my hand over his mouth. "Nose" I said quickly. "Don't say anything." I quietly whispered, caspar nodded and walked away. "Okay, so you lost the weight. And you've become skinny again, no more cuts is there?" He asked quickly. "No more cuts ash I promise, I have found the thing to fight for now and I'm not going hold on to that." I smiled contently looking at my little sleeping angel. "New man?" Ash gasped, I could tell he had his fists clenched. "No, I've got a new way around men. No a girl has been helping me out." I giggled, there was a long silence but finally he spoke. "Good, it's nice to know you're not seeing anyone so soon after you know.." "I know all too well,and I'm not planning on seeing anyone anytime soon Ashton so you can stop worrying." I sighed and began walking to the next shop to get some other things. "I may have a job for you beth, I figured the only way to see you is if you photograph us so I will pay you to take photos of us." Ashton said cheekily. "And I'm afraid I'll have to decline that offer, I can pick and choose my jobs Ashton and I'm saying no." I groaned and looked along the shelfs at baby clothes and I saw this cut little dress. "But why?!" He exclaimed "because when I work that's all I do, no small talk, no conversations and no lunch breaks. You guys would finish at 4 pm and I will finish at 2 am so there's really no point at all besides I've taken on loads if other jobs." I lied at the last bit, I had only taken on 3 jobs that lasted a week each. "Oh fuck sake. So we have to wait till we see you again, or bump into you?" He moaned. "Yeah, it's not too long though. Sweet heart I have to go and finish my shopping." I said sadly. "Okay speak soon. Bye love you" He mumbled. "Love you guys more" I sniffled. I hung up. "Mummy" Louise giggled. I turned to her and smiled. "Yes baby we are going home soon." I said in a happy voice. "Sleepy mummy" she yawned cutely, her dimples perfectly making me melt. "Let's go pay for this." I said motioning to the basket.


I was brushing my little girls dirty blonde hair and looked at her in the mirror. "Are you pretty?" I asked her. "Yes mummy, teddy's hidding" she giggled I looked and saw her bear behind a box. "Well I think mummy can find him" I stood up and made my way over to her teddy. "Mummy you found him, I like cuddling teddy!" She exclaimed and climbed into bed, I tucked her in and passed her teddy. "Night night angle I love you" "Night night mummy" she yawned and closed her eyes.

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