Blue eyes - chapter 91

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Luke was leaving today which was really upset in for me but Louise was devestated, she was convinced he wouldn't come back but I knew he would. "Uncle calum, uncle Mikey, uncle Ashton and daddy, I made toy these." She said shyly as she held out little friendship bracelets. "Aww thanks sweetheart" Ashton giggled and took the blue one, Mikey kissed her forehead and took the red one, calum tickled her and kissed her cheek as he took the black one. Luke crouched down to her height and took the pink one. "I will be home as soon as I can penguin, thanks for this. I will think about you and mummy every minute of everyday." His voice broke a little and Louise wiped the tear that trickled down his cheek. "Thanks lou lou" everyone said in unison, I smiled and watched as she cuddled luke tightly, he kissed her long hair. "I'm gonna miss you" she mumbled, luke held her tighter and picked her up as he rose to his normal height. Ashton came and gave me a hug and twirled my hair, I hugged him back and sighed. "I've just realised something, when I have apendicitis and you came to see me you were actually pregnant." Ashton exclaimed, I patted his back. "Wait, you saw beth in the hospital?! Why didn't you tell us?!" Calum exclaimed, I pulled out the hug and smiled at him nervously. "I told him not to tell you guys, besides I may be a heartless bitch but I'm not that much of a bitch to leave my dying friend in hospital on his own." I stated, calum's straight face turned into a smile. "Aww! That's adorable." Calum teased, I frowned and Crossed my arms. "No! I'm heartless, unless you are a puppy, Louise, a kitten or a tarantula." I smiled thinking of the cute animals. "Tarantulas are not cute! They are scary ass mother fuckers." Michael said quickly. Luke checked his phone and came over to hug me, I held him tightly and Buried my head in his chest. "I love you so much, call me when you land." I said quietly into his chest, I looked up at him and smiled weakly. "I will, I love you so much." He sniffed, I lent up and kissed his lips for the last time in 9 months, it was a sweet and loving kiss that made butterflies erupt in my belly."I. Just. Got. You. Back. Now I'm. Losing. You. Again" He said between kisses, I pulled away and looked at his sad face. "Baby, I'm right here. And I will still be here in 9 months." I cooed, he kissed my forehead and picked up his luggage. "Daddy, come home soon yeah?" Louise cried, luke cuddled her quickly for the last time in 9 months . "I will be home soon, I love you penguin. I love you beth, I love you both more than anything in the world. If you need me I'm a phone call away." He reassured, I received a group hug from the boys and a kiss on the cheek from them. "Bye bye little one" they said to me. "Penguin, we love you" they said to Louise who was crying and hugging her teddy bear. "I..I. .love you too." She snuffled, I picked her up and shushed her. "Hey hey, don't cry. They're gonna be back before you can say Mikey smells." I soothed. "Bye guys we love you" they all said as they walked out the front door. "I'm still here, it's okay." I cooed, she jumped out my arms and ran out the room. "But you're not daddy, I want daddy." She sobbed and ran up to her room. Luke chose the wrong time to make Louise a Daddy's girl, I sighed and began making hot chocolate for Louise. I began humming a familiar tune and then began singing along. "
When I get to Warwick Avenue
Meet me by the entrance of the tube
We can talk things over a little time
Promise me you won't step outta line

When I get to Warwick Avenue
Please drop the past and be true
Don't think we're okay, just because I'm here
You hurt me bad, but I won't shed a tear

I'm leaving you for the last time baby
You think you're loving but you don't love me
I've been confused outta my mind lately
You think you're loving but I want to be free
Baby you've hurt me

When I get to Warwick Avenue
We'll spend an hour, but no more than two
Our only chance to speak once more
I showed you the answers, now here's the door

When I get to Warwick Avenue
I'll tell you baby that we're through

I'm leaving you for the last time baby
You think you're loving but you don't love me
I've been confused outta my mind lately
You think you're loving but you don't love me
I want to be free, baby you've hurt me

All the days spent together, I wished for better
But I didn't want the train to come
Now it's departed
I'm broken hearted, seems like we never started
All those days spent together, when I wished for better
And I didn't want the train to come

You think you're loving but you don't love me
I want to be free, baby you've hurt me
You don't love me, I want to be free
Baby you've hurt me" I sang with all my heart, I took the mug of hot chocolate up to Louises room and knocked on the door twice. "Mummy made you hot chocolate." I cooed. "But I want daddy!" She sobbed, I opened the door and placed the hot chocolate on her bedside table. "I'm still here for you." I cooed. "I don't want you, I want daddy." She shouted, her words hurt me and I began crying too. "Louise stop it! He has to go, don't be so selfish. You've really hurt my feelings by saying you don't want me." I sniffled, she looked up at my teary eyes with her teary eyes. "I'm sorry...I just don't think he's coming back." She snuffled. "Hey he is coming back honey, I promise."

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