thirty seven

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Zoia kept her promise and has been busying herself with O.W.L.S. studies, quidditch and her research.

She didn't tell anyone about her ideas since she doesn't want anyone to steal her ideas so obviously it's hard to do the research alone, however she knows it's going to be worth it at the end of the day.

Zoia hasn't thought about Harry in a while, however sometimes she thinks about the times she caught him sitting at their usual spot at the library, studying by himself. At first she thought it was a coincidence however she always saw him in the exact same spot every monday and wednesday which was their original studying schedule together. Her heart flattered for a moment every time she saw him until she remembered why they stopped hanging out in the first place.

What Zoia also noticed is how less affectionate he is towards Cho which is unusual. She remembered how affectionate he was towards Cho the first time they dated, however this time, it's completely different. They rarely sit together in the great hall and even if they did, Harry acted completely normal. She even caught him staring at her multiple times which she completely ignored.

She doesn't even know if Harry's officially back together with Cho but they're definitely something since she caught them snogging once. When Harry noticed her presence he broke apart and looked at her before Cho pulled him for another kiss. For some reason, this doesn't affect her as much anymore. Sure she still felt uneasy about the whole thing but she doesn't feel that jealous or resentful anymore.

"Hey," someone greeted next to her as she was eating her breakfast alone since Monica just left with Padma.

"Hi Anthony," Zoia greeted back.

"Have you heard about Cedric?" he asked.

"What about him?" she frowned.

"His parents just asked him to come home because his grandfather died," said Anthony.

"What? Oh I feel sorry for him," Zoia said sadly.

"Yeah, but it's good for you," said Anthony.

"I'm sorry what? How is it good for me?" she frowned.

"Cedric told me before he went home, he wanted you to be a seeker for our next game. He already picked your replacement, some third year. Not as good as you but alright," Anthony explained.

"WHAT?" she widened her eyes. "H-how — why?"

"Merlin Zoia, seriously? I've told you so many times you're a great player, best player honestly," said Anthony.

"But a seeker? How am I going to seek? The match is tomorrow!" she started to panic.

"Calm down Zoia," he chuckled and put his hand on her shoulder. "You can do it, besides wasn't your ex boyfriend a seeker?"

"Ex boyfriend?" she frowned.

"Potter right there," he nodded his head to where Harry's at. Zoia looked up and saw him already looking at her. He immediately looked down to his food once she noticed him staring at her and started to fiddle with his bracelet on his wrist. He doesn't even know why he's still wearing it but he knows that he doesn't want to take it off.

"Harry was never my boyfriend," she scoffed.

"Oh?" He raised his eyebrows. "We all thought you both were dating."

"No," she bitterly chuckled. "We're just friends and apparently not anymore."

"I see," he replied.

zoia, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now