the forgotten vial

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Breath in.

Breath out.

Calm yourself down, Zoia.

It has been two years since she officially moved in with Harry and she might have potentially done something her mother warned her before moving in with Harry.

Zoia has not been feeling the best for the past few weeks and Harry started to grow concerned at how not caring Zoia is with her health.

Truth is, Zoia does care about her health. She knows she is not sick.

Zoia's smart, she always has been. Her missing period, nausea, vomiting, breast tenderness and enlargement, fatigue, passing urine more frequently than usual particularly at night, cravings for some foods, distaste for foods she usually likes, and a sour or metallic taste that persists even when she's not eating.

Zoia just doesn't want it to be real. She's twenty-two. Twenty-two.

She bought the stupid test kit three days ago but she's been avoiding taking it. She knows she should do it, postponing it won't change the outcome, but she's scared, extremely scared.

"Love, should we go to St Mungo's? I can't let you like this for too long Zo, I'm worried," Harry caressed her hair who's currently curled up on their bed.

"I'm fine," Zoia huffed.

"You're not," he said firmly. "Zo, I love you so much and I can't handle the thought of something happening to you. Please, get yourself checked up. I promise I'll be by your side, always."

"I'm going to the bathroom," she sat up.


"Wait for me in the living room will you?"

"We're going to St Mungo's now? You want to get checked up?"

"Maybe, I don't know. I need to check myself first in the bathroom."

"Er- okay?"

Confused, the boy left their bedroom while Zoia went to their bathroom. She grabbed the pregnancy test kit in her locked drawer and felt herself starting to get sick again, not morning sickness, just the nervous kind of sickness.

She took a breath and decided to pee on it. With a shaky hand, she then put it on the counter as she prayed and prayed for it to be negative. It's not that she doesn't want to have kids, she just doesn't want to have kids now; she has so many plans with Harry, just Harry, and she's still young, twenty-two.

Five minutes she waited and even then she still doesn't want to see it. She calmed herself down before deciding to check it.


She let out a shaky breath and tears are starting to form in her eyes. She's not even sure if these are happy tears or sad tears.

Zoia grabbed the test kit and went downstairs to the living room. Once she arrived downstairs, she could see Harry sitting on the sofa making her emotions scrambled into one even more.

What would Harry think?

"Hey love, are y- oh my Merlin Zozo are you okay?" Harry asked worriedly and wasted no time approaching the crying girl. "What's wrong, Zo?" He cupped her face with both of his hands, wiping her tears with his thumbs.

"I need to show you something," Zoia said with a shaky voice.

"Okay," he nodded.

She handed him her pregnancy test with a trembling hand and he wasted no time taking it, examining it.

zoia, harry potterWhere stories live. Discover now