Chapter 144

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Veronica- *laughs* thank you, Char and Louis helped out a lot. They really are two of the best here.

Kimora- I know right! They impressed me as well. I mean I expected something good but not something THIS good. I'm getting phone calls from tons of people who want you three designing their next videos, premieres, interviews, *laughs* some want you guys as their personal stylists.

Veronica- *laughs* I'm shocked too, it was hard work.

Kimora- Oh I'm sure! How's your mom doing?

Veronica- She's doing really good, she's happy.

Kimora- *smiles* that's great. Well I'm going to let you get out of here. I know you're going to need to catch up on some rest, will I see you at the video premiere?

Veronica- Yes, of course.

Kimora- Okay, I don't need you here this week so you can come back in that following Monday after the premiere.

Veronica- Okay, yes that's fine. *stands* if I don't see you Saturday, I'll see you that Monday.

Kimora- Okay, tell my babies hi and Diggy.

Veronica- *laughs* will do.

I grabbed my purse and walked out of her office. Just as I got in my car, Diggy called me. I started my car, put him on speaker and then pulled off.

Diggy- Where are you?

Veronica- Why? Aren't you at the studio?

Diggy- No, I'm at home.

Veronica- I'm about to get something to eat, Kimora let me go.

Diggy- What did she say?

Veronica- Nothing really, she just said she was happy with the video.

Diggy- Oh, that's good.

Veronica- *laughs* yes..

Diggy- Come home, Veronica.

Veronica- After I get something to eat...or.

Diggy- Or?

Veronica- Or you can take me out for lunch.

Diggy- *laughs* take you out? Nah, go on to McDonalds.

Veronica- *laughs* Diggy.

Diggy- *laughs* if you hurry back we'll go out for lunch alright?

Veronica- Like a date?

Diggy- Bye Veronica...I'll see you shortly. Be careful driving.

Veronica- *laughs* okay bye.

Once I got home, I decided to change into something more casual. Then I waited for Diggy to get dressed, and then I made him take me to Potbelly's. We decided to eat in the car, since it was lunch time and we were in the city, it was beyond crowded.

Diggy- Why couldn't we go somewhere else?

Veronica- Because I wanted Potbelly's..I had a taste for it.

Diggy- *laughs* you should've said that shit.

Veronica- Why? You didn't want to eat with me?

Diggy put his trash in the bag, then placed it in the backseat. He started the car and pulled off.

Diggy- I don't mind it, but I would've preferred eating in the place.

Veronica- It's lunch time, *laughs* what do you expect?

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