Chapter 116

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Diggy- just talk to me, don't ignore me.

Veronica- Diggy, I told you I didn't have shit else to didn't tell me everything and I'm fine with that. I talked to my mom earlier and she agreed with helping me while you're gone. Its taken care of.

Diggy- stop for a second and listen to me.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me to face him.

Veronica- What diggy? You have more shit you need to tell me, that suddenly slipped your mind?

Diggy- no, I'm not going. So there isn't a need for your mom to come up here.

Veronica- what do you mean you're not going? I don't want you to go but that doesn't mean anything..this is big for you and its to late to back out now. Yeah, I'm upset with you reason being you didn't tell you were leaving the fucking country for tour. You're not supposed to keep shit like that away from me especially when we have Nicole and another one on the way.

Diggy- I can't go, not now..this is the time i'm supposed to be with you.

Veronica- you're going okay? I'm sure people have already paid..and are expecting you so it would be stupid for you to say you're not going. I'll send you pictures of my ultrasound, things like that...but I can't let you walk away from something this big because of me..

Diggy- I don't want to be a bad husband for not being here for you the entire time..

Veronica- *sighs* you're not, I just want you here for the labor..that's all that matters to me-for now..

Diggy- well, what are we going to tell Lizzie?

Veronica- the tour thing? You're on your own for that..I don't want to tell her that I'm pregnant just yet..

Diggy-*lets go of my hand* I want to be here when you tell her.

Veronica- I don't know..I might wait a while before telling her. I have to figure out a way to tell her before I even let her know.


Veronica- i'm going to go get my medicine, so while I'm gone can you please talk to her; about you leaving?

Diggy- no, i rather tell her when you're ready to talk to her as well.

Veronica- Diggy no, I might not even tell her until I start then you'll be gone.

Diggy- alright, just hurry back.

Veronica- mmhm..

After I picked up my medication that I have to take durning my pregnancy, I stopped my Paige's for a few minutes to talk and to see Jasmine. When I got there Paige didn't let me in she came and talked to me outside..which was was weird considering the fact we never talked outside.

Veronica- What's up? Why can't we talk inside?

Paige- I didn't know you were stopping by; if i had known I wouldn't have let-

Before she was able to finish Jacob walked outside along with Prince, I cursed at myself for even coming by at this point I really wanted to go.

Prince- I told you to just stay inside..

He didn't stop looking at me, it got really quiet and awkward. So I decided to break it by saying I had to leave.

Veronica- uh, I have to go back and watch Nicole anyways..i'll call you later Paige.

Paige- okay..I think that's b-

Jacob- Actually can I talk to you for a minute Veronica?

Paige- I don't think that's a good-

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