Chapter 41

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You guys rememeber when i said things were gonna be different, when i said i'm just gonna focus on myself..Well, something like that..I agreed to be on Kimora's team...and tonight? Its my 20th. Have i talked to diggy? Nah, who's my date to my party? Aaron...just as friends..he wanted to be it because he knew i didn't have one. Its not a fancy party something you can wear jeans and a nice shirt to. I invited people from my class..they invited people..paige invited people she knew..and of course the guys invited others. So it was gonna be more people then expected..but i really didn't mind, Twist got some bouncers to make sure all paparazi-and most groupies stayed out. I didn't know if diggy was gonna come. And if he was, i wondered if he was gonna bring a date. Can you blame me? I still love him, not talking him for two years have been killing me...his voice..everything just wanterd me not to see him tonight..i've been doing just fine without him. Oh who am i life hasn't been the fucking sam-

Aaron- you ready?

Veronica- huh? Oh yeah.

I fixed my hair, grabbed my phone and walked out with aaron. Me paige and aaron rode together. When we got there it was already crowded, so we madeour way to the back entrance. Of course i had spin on the DJ. Aaron saw some people he knew and walked off same with Piage. I was just walking around when i felt a tap on my shoulder i tunred around and saw Prince.

Veronica- wassup?

Prince- happy birthday, where's paige?

Veronica-thanks, and she's somewhere talking.

Prince- oh, well let's go find a table to talk.

Veronica- about what?

Prince- would you just come with me.

I sighed and followed him to a empty table. He sat across from me.

Veronica- what?

Prince- have you talked to him.

Veronica- dude you ask me thiss every fucking day.

Prince- not true.

Veronica- you're at my house all the time..we see eachother thats the first thing you say to me.

Prince-It's been two years..

Veronica- move on, get over it..*looks away* i did.

Prince- no you didn't, if you did you would've said it to my face.

Veronica-Jacob, not here.

Prince- don't call me by my first name.

Veronica- don't make me adjetated.

Prince- don't say i didn't try and help.

Veronica- is he here?

Prince- of course.

Veronica- who did he bring?

Prince- who do you think?

Veronica- prince, i'm not trying to guess .

Prince- he brought beauty.

Veronica- oh hell no, who the fuck invited her?

Prince- *laughs* evidentally he did.

Veronica- bull shit. And why out of girls this pepto bismol hoe. Ugh Fuck my life.

Prince- i knew you still cared.

Veronica- of course i do..i love his dumb ass..

Prince- i'm gonna go find my girl.

Veronica- wait. Are they dating??

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