Chapter 133

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Diggy- sit down for a minute, I'm trying to fucking talk to you Veronica.

Veronica- no I'm trying to clean up, I don't want to talk.

Diggy- *stands up* well stop, you said you wanted us to talk and now I'm trying too but you want to fucking clean up. No, *grabs your arm* sit the fuck down.

Veronica-*snatches away from him* I said I don't fucking want to talk diggy. You're not going to fucking sit here and cuss at me just because your bitch ass wants to talk to me. No, that's not how shit works okay?

I pushed passed him dropping everything in my hand and walked upstairs. I closed Jr and Nicole's door before going into my room. Diggy followed me shutting out door.

Diggy- what is your deal? Why the fuck are you calling me out my name? You're tripping Veronica and you fucking know it.

Veronica- I'm damn sure not tripping cause I'm PMSing I know that for sure. Hombre pendejo de mierda.

Diggy- why can't you sit down with me and talk to me in English!

Veronica- *pushes him* stop fucking yelling before you wake them up.

Diggy- don't push me Veronica, because you're pissing me off. You're acting like a bitch not me, I'm trying to fucking talk to you about what happened and you're being a bitch about it. So you know what? I'm gone, alright? So you can continue to fucking bitch and I'll be somewhere away from this shit.

Veronica- I'm a bitch now? You're a fucking bitch! You don't have to go any fucking where I'll leave for you. Tal vez usted puede realmente pasar algún puto maldito tiempo con tus niños de mierda.

Diggy- you're acting like one. I can't even fucking defend myself because you're talking other shit. Stop.

Veronica- get the fuck out my face stop talking to me.

Diggy- *sighs* what did I do Veronica?

Veronica- you were in jail for trying to keep another bitch here Diggy! You fucking left me to go to her..*pushes him* that's fucking bullshit Diggy! All because you can't keep your dick in your pants I have to fucking deal with it! I don't want to fucking deal with it!

Diggy didn't say anything, so neither did I. I mean I didn't expect him to say anything but I wanted him too. I pulled my hair into a bun and pushed passed him walking out of the room. He grabbed my wrist pulling me back in the room, but I removed my wrist out of his grip.

Veronica- don't touch me okay? I'm over it, I'm fine.

Jr started to cry so I went to go get him. I picked him up before sitting down in the rocking chair and started breast feeding him. Nicole sat up but laid back down once Jr stopped crying. Once I finished feeding and burping him I placed him in his crib then walked out closing the door. Diggy was laying down in bed, so I went to take another shower and wash my hair. I got dressed in the bathroom, and put my hair back in a bun. I walked back into my room and got in bed cutting the light off.

Diggy-*turns light back on* Veronica..

Veronica-*looks at him* I'm just let me sleep okay?

Diggy- I'm sor-

Veronica- stop. *cuts light off* goodnight..


Veronica- Nicole you have to eat something.

Nicole- but I'm not hungry mommy!

Veronica- fine but don't ask for any sweets.

Diggy- Nicole eat.

Nicole-*sits* fine but if my tummy hurts it's you and mommy's fault.

I sat her plate in front of her then went upstairs to check on Jr. He was still sleeping so I decided to get dressed, then Diggy came in.

Diggy-*sits on edge of bed* where are you going?

Veronica- somewhere.

Diggy- last time you did that you ended up at your moms.

Veronica- so what. I don't know where I'm going. No why are you talking to me?

Diggy-*stands up grabs my hand* because we should we need to sit down and talk. Lastnight got out of hand, I was wrong..if I knew you felt that way I swear I would've done everything in my power to have you not think like that.

Veronica-*laughs* are you serious right now? Nah, you can't be.

I looked at him then laughed again before putting my bra and shirt on. I reached for my jeans but he grabbed my hand and stood up.

Diggy- why is that so funny to you?

Veronica-*moves hand from his* because there is absolutely nothing you can do to change how I think or feel about it. You know why?

I put on my jeans and shoes as I waited for a response.

Diggy- *sighs* why Veronica?

Veronica- because you have a fucking kid by her! There isn't shit you can do for me! *laughs* since I'm a bitch, enjoy as much time as possible with our kids. Do not fucking call me unless one of them are in a hospital bed. Okay? But I'm sure by you being the wonderful father you are they will be just fine right?

I grabbed my purse and keys. He didn't say anything, and it hurt..really bad. I wanted him to at least fight for me not to walk out that damn door. But he didn't, he just stood there looking at me. I shook my head then went downstairs, I kissed Nicole's head before walking out. I didn't know where I was going but honestly I don't even know if me and Diggy's marriage is still working out. I don't want a divorce but I don't want to deal with this shit either, and I don't want my kids confused or unsure of anything. A permanent seperation might be the answes to all my questions Diggy has yet to provide an answer to.

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