Chapter 142

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Today is Jr's first birthday, we decided to do something simple, and not too big. Instead of having it at Ms. Justine's like normally, Diggy and I agreed on having it at our house. The kids were inside while the adults were out in the backyard, I don't even know who was cooking because my dad would take over then Rev would then Diggy then somebody else, either way the food was getting cooked. I invited Jacob, Bahja, and Jalen but Bahja was too busy moving to even stop by. Jacob called me this morning telling me why they couldn't come, I didn't really mind it because Diggy didn't even know I invited them so that was an argument well avoided. After cutting the cake everyone just chilled for the next couple hours. I had a meeting the next day with Velous, Jeremih, and Spin. I've already met with Kimora, and I've got the two best helpers that work for her as well. We've put ideas together so no we have to just show them our ideas.

Nicole- please mommy? Daddy told me to ask you.

Veronica- you have school, no way.

Dad- it's Friday, calm down

Veronica- you did your homework Nicole?

Nicole- no bu-but I was going too!

Diggy- oh come on let her go..Jr's going with my sisters.

Veronica- you didn't ask me that.

Diggy- I didn't think I had too, he's my son too.

Nicole- mommy can I go?

Veronica-*sighs* go on I'll get you after my meeting.

Nicole- okay, bye mommy bye daddy!

Dad- see y'all later.

Veronica- bye

Diggy- bye.

Nicole hugged me and Diggy then my dad hugged me and dapped Diggy before leaving. My mom was too happy to be working again she chose not to come, her and my dad have been doing a lot better and I was happy to hear that from her. Once they left Ashely, Josh, and Lizbeth left right after them. Soon, everyone started slowly leaving, Nessa and Angela stayed and helped us clean before they took Jr for the night. I was exhausted, I laid down in my dress then Diggy joined me laying in his clothes as well.

Diggy- did you enjoy it?

Veronica-*faces him* of course I did..did you?

Diggy- yeah but it would've been even better if the guys would've let me stay on the grill. They had us taking turns like what the hell.

Veronica-*laughs* I saw, everybody was on it.

Diggy- glad it's over though.

Veronica- I can't believe you let him go on his birthday, I wanted to be with him.

Diggy- I figured why not, plus I knew Nicole was going to end up going with your dad. I want alone time with my wife.

Veronica-*rolls eyes* no you don't, when I try to have alone time with you, you never want to leave the studio for me.

Diggy- It was one time, I was trynna finish up a song.

Veronica- still..

Diggy-*laughs* don't be bitter, what time is your meeting?

Veronica- 12..why?

Diggy- so you don't mind staying up a while?

Veronica- I do, I'm going to shower then go to sleep.

Diggy-*groans* alright.

I pecked his lips before getting up and going to the bathroom, I closed the door and undressed myself then got in. As I was getting ready to get out Diggy got in, I tried to walk out but he grabbed my wrist.

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