Chapter 39

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Diggy didn't talk to me the next morning. Only thing he said was bye and have a safe flight. I figured he was mad from lastnight but i didn't mention it, i figured he would've gotten over it. So i decided to call himlater on that night. Which i did, and it turned out to a full argument.

Veronica- you're pissed at me for no reason ! I didn't do anything!

Diggy- i'm not pissed at you for no reason, can you just leave it alone?

Veronica- no because you're not telling me why you're mad at me

Diggy- i don't like you talking to aaron, falling for his bull crap.

Veronica- you don't even know him ! And i'm not falling for his bull.

Diggy- so you didn't believe what he told you last night?

Veronica-*pauses* its different then what you think .

Diggy- well please explain.

Veronica- i can't..

Diggy- well until you can i don't want you talking to him.

Veronica- diggy !

Diggy- me or him.

Veronica- really? The fuck , You're making me chose?

Diggy- why can't you tell me?

Veronica- its his business. I'm not putting his shit out there !

Diggy- if its his business why the hell is he telling you?

Veronica- its mines too.

Diggy- you are my business !

Veronica- that doesn't mean shit. I don't have to tell you every fucking move i make.

Diggy- Did i say you had too?

Veronica- i don't say shit about you, when you tlak to your ex.

Diggy- i haven't talked to none of them in a while, and you know that.

Veronica- yeah , alright.

Diggy- i'll talk to you later, when you calm down.

Veronica- ¿qué coño quieres decir? Llamé para ver qué estaba enojado conmigo. A la mierda, bye.

Diggy- what?

Veronica- goodbye daniel !

I hung up the phone and threw it on the bed. Ugh that really pissed me off. So i decided to change and go get me something to eat somewhere around town. I found a subyway joint few minutes away so i just decided to go for that. I took it back home, when i got there i saw paige.

Veronica- hey.

Paige- hey, you didn't answer my calls.

Veronica- damn i must've left my phone here. Did you eat?

Paige- no, i was gonna ask if you could pick up something but its cool, i'll go get something.

Veronica-- we can split , i got a foot long.

paige- its fine ill be right back.

Veronica- okay.

I took my sandwhich up to my room. I grabbed my phone and saw three miss calls from diggy. I groaned and called him back.

Veronica- you called.

Diggy- Why didn't you answer?

Veronica- i left my phone here by accident.

Diggy- oh.

Veronica- what did you want?

Diggy- i can't call you?

Veronica- you pissed me off earlier.

Diggy- i figured you told me off in spanish. *chuckles*

Veronica- diggy..i'm seriouss.

Diggy- alright, i'm sorry..

Veronica- for which one?

Diggy- earlier, i can't control who you talk too,

Veronica- correctt..

Diggy- but if he tries something on you-

Veronica- he's not.

Diggy- how are you so sure?

Veronica- trust me.

Diggy- I do, but not him.

Veronica- mmhm..

Diggy- what are you doing?

Veronica- nothing..i just went to subway, you..?

Diggy- nothing, watching tv.

Veronica- when do you get back again..?

Diggy- miss me already?

Veronica- pshh no, i just need someone to entertain me.

Diggy- where's paige?

Veronica- she went to go get something to eat..i probably won't see her until tomorrow evening.

Diggy- why?

Veronica- she's probably going to see prince.

Diggy- oh yeaahh..oh have you checked your twitter lately?

Veronica- no..why?

Diggy- JetSetters saw the show, ehh they like you...alot.

Veronica- seriously?

Diggy- yeahh..last time i checked that's all they were talking about.

Veronica- good right?

Diggy- *laughs* yeahhh.

Veronica- i have to go on later then. Call me tomorrow? I have school in the morning.

Diggy- alright..goodnight.

Veronica- night.

I hung up. After eating and checking my twitter i replied some supporters and ignored the ignorant ones. I got ready for bed. Paige still wasn't back so that only meant one thing. After i plugged my phone up cut off the light i went straight to bed.


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