Chapter 34

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A/N : Ahh , i'm gonna be skipping six weeks, where you're already training with the models. Her and diggy havent had sex in the past weeks even though, Veronica didn't have any symptoms showing that she was pregnant so she canceled the whole doctors appt., yso now she was at practice . Diggy's in the studio. Paige is at work who's now offically dating Prince but their also keeping it a secret, everyone knows excpet for OMG Girlz, along with her and diggy. It was 8 , veronica and the models we're trying to figure something out to eat. We were all in one of the confrence rooms in Kimora's house.

Veronica- how about Chinese?

All the names that'll come up will be some of the models

Ashely-that could work..anyone know any places nearby?

Adam- i'll google some.

Kayla- see how much they cost for least four dinners?

Veronica- how about 5..*laughs* some might want seconds.

Ashely- as long as they not expenisive , that's cool.

Adam- okay i found some delivery right?

Kayla- yea.

Adam called and they came in thirty minutes everyone put in moeny i had at two plates, it was really good. After cleaning up i headed home and got in the bed considering the fact i had to get up earlier then this morning to get our outfits for the show. I got in my pajama's and laid down i plugged my phone up and fell asleep. I was slightly woken by some one getting in my bed. I turned on the light and saw diggy.

Veronica- how'd you get in here?

Diggy- paige let me in..

Veronica- oh..

i turned the light back off and let my back against his chest he put his hand over me and kissed my cheek I fell right back asleep.


I woke up at like 7 in the morning i still had thrity minutes to sleep, i tried to go back to sleep but i felt like   i had to puke which in deed i did..I hopped out of bed and ran into the bathroom lifted up the toliet seat got on my knees and puked. Ugh , i hated puking..when i was finish i flushed the toliet and saw diggy behind me, i didn't say anything i just brushed my teeth and washed my face.

Diggy- are you okay?

Veronica- * i turned around ran my fingers through my hair* yeah..must've been what i ate..

Diggy- what you eat?

Veronica- me and the other guys order some chinese, ugh i need to lay down..

I walked out and back to my room and laid down he followed 

Diggy- maybe you shouldn't go in today? 

Veronica- i need to go in, i can't skip.

Diggy- she won't mind if you just take one day off you could have food posining.

Veronica- and if i feel like i have to puke some more i'll just come back home.

Diggy- i'm serious Veronica..

Veronica- i am too, i need to get up anyways..

I got up and tried to walk over to my drawer and ended up stumbling over and i tripped, diggy rushed over and helped me up.

Diggy- Veronica..maybe you shouldn't go in.

Veronica- diggy i'm fine, i'll just take some medicine and eat something..I'm good.

Diggy- are you sure? can release my arm..

He let me go and i was balanced i grabbed my clothes out of my drawer for the day and walked into the bathroom to shower. After showering and eating something i felt better, i was downstairs gathering my things.

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