Chapter 95

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Veronica's POV

When Diggy arrived he seemed very ansy and in a rush. He wouldn't keep still for shit, doctor Hayes says its a fracture nothing has been broken but She'll have to wear a cast for a few weeks and has to come back for another x-ray to make sure its healing like its supposed to. She didn't want me and Diggy in there just ray, so me and diggy were sitting in the waiting room. Well I was sitting like I said before diggy couldn't keep still for shit.

Veronica- what is your deal? Nicole is going to live.

Diggy- nothing, I know.

Veronica- so sit down with me, you're worrying for nothing.

Diggy- *sits down next to me holds my hand* I'm not ..

He placed my hand on his knee still holding it but he began so to shake that leg, and it was starting to annoy me so i pulled my hand away from him amd stood up.

Veronica- diggy why cant you sit still?

Diggy- *stands* Jacob called me while I was on my way over here.

Veronica- okay..what's going on?

Diggy- bahja's in labor.

Veronica- why the fuck are you with me?

Diggy- because I needed to be here as well.

Veronica- diggy Nicole is perfectly fine, she's not even worried about you she's with Ray. Go ahead..this is the only time I'm saying this; tell her I said good luck.

Diggy- I'll call you okay? Tell Nicole I'm sorry I couldn't stay.

Veronica- alright..

He quickly kissed me and hugged me before running out. I sighed and sat back down, i was happy at the fact that he wanted to be there for the baby but I didn't like the fact that it was bahja's. I was ambushed by Nicole running into my arms with a purple cast on, with Ray and the Dr behind him.

Nicole-mommy my arm feels better!

Veronica- that's good. Why don't you sit here with Ray while I'll go talk to the doctor.

Nicole- okay.

Ray sat down then Nicole hopped onto his lap. I got up and walked over to where the Dr was standing.

Hayes- here's a prescription for liquid medicine, for she won't be able to feel any type of pain. Give this to her three times a day..She cannot take it on a empty stomach though, it won't have any type of affection. so I suggest you actually pick it up today and give it to her before she goes to bed.

He handed me the perscription

Veronica- alright..thank you.

Hayes- your welcome.

I walked back over to Ray and Nicole.

Nicole- mommy where's diggy?

Veronica- something came up, come on..let's go get your medicine and drop uncle ray off.


She got off his lap and walked to the car with him. He put her in her seat and strapped her in and got in the front with me, and I made my way to the nearest pharmacy. Ray was talking low but loud enough for me to hear. Nicole ended up falling alseep.

Ray- I just got a text.

Veronica- saying..?

Ray- bahja's in labor.

Veronica- yeah.. I know that's why he left.

Ray- you good?

Veronica- I rather him be there then with me for a minor injury..

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