Chapter 24

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After school i didnt bother going to look for Aaron. I just knew he was really upset with me. I skipped lunched and didnt borher looking for Paige instead i went straight to work. My mom tried asking me what was wrong but i would just help her with design and discuss my meetings. After work i went and grabbed something top eat from McDonalds then headed home. I didnt try calling Aaron because i knew he was at tutorting or practice so took a three hour nape and called him around 9. He answered.

Aaron- what.

Veronica- aaron...can we talk now?

Aaron-i have nothing to say.

Veronica- i didnt really get to finish talking yesterday..

Aaron- you said what you had to say right?

Veronica- no. I didnt. You got upset before i finished talking.

Aaron- well was i supposed to feel happy that you lied to me?

Veronica- can i just come over or can you meet me somewhere?

Aaron- come . My mom isnt home..


I hung up the phone grabbed my keys and walked out. When i got there i got out and knocked on the door we sat on the couch.

Aaron-you came over to talk so talk.

Veronica- aaron you know that i do you like you alot. It may not be as much as you do to me but i rea-

Aaron- veronica fuck that. You dont like me as nuch so why say you do? Why are you just now telling me this?

Veronica-i was talking to paige and sh-

Aaron- so youre telling other people how you really feel before me ?

Veronica- aaron its not like that ! At all !

Aaron- im done..i have nothing else to say. You can leave now..

He got up and opened the door for me. I got up and stood in front of him and turned to face him.

Aaron- one question...if i never told you i did love you..would you have lost your virginity to me?


Aaron- if it takes you that long to answer thats automatically no.

Veronica- yes aaron i would have !

Aaron- whatever.

Veronica- so thats it? We're done?

Aaron- goodbye veronica.

I shook my head in disbelief and walked out and got in my car. When i got home my mom was cooking my dad hadnt came home yet.

Mom-veronica? Is that you?

Veronica- yeah mom.

Mom-come in here.

I walked and sat at the island and i put my keys down.

Veronica-whats up?

Mom- is everything okay? At work you were quiet.

Veronica- yeah im good.

Mom- sweetie..i know youre lying. But go in my purse and get the contacts I'm came to get you but you weren't here.

I grabbed them

Veronica- thanks mom

I took them and went up to my room. not really sure if me and aaron are over. I just hoped we i pulled out my phone and texted him.

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