Chapter 63

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The next morning I got up and showered. I put on a v-neck that out lined my belly perfectly with some skinny but loose fitted jeans. I put my hair in a bun and put on flats I didn't have plans for the day until my phone rang it was Jacob. Us still not being as close as we once were we still talked and hung out every now and then but the friendship we had before I don't see it coming back either.


Jacob- wassup. You busy?

Veronica-nah what you trying to do?.

Jacob- did you want to go out to eat later on today?

Veronica- yeah what time?

Jacob- uh 3?

Veronica- you picking me up right.

Jacob-naw you can drive.

Veronica- nigga no I can't.

Jacob -*laughs* yes I'm going to get you. Ill text you when I'm on my way.



I hung up the phone then my doorbell rang I got up as fast as I could which was five minutes to get up and walked to the door to be exact. It was my mom and one of my nieces ashely who was 16 and who I really couldn't stand, she had a mouth on her and acted older then she did. But what can I say? We are family. I let them in and we went in my living room.

Veronica- ashely I thought y'all wasn't coming down until next week.

Ashely- I came with auntie Linda. Wasn't trying to be bored.

Veronica- oh, well I can't entertain you. I can barely get up to answer the door.

Ashely- oh I know. Took you forever.

Veronica- shut up, I'm 8 months.

Mom- and ready to pop.

Veronica- yep. But what y'all come over here for?

Ashely- I want to meet Ace..or Issa.

Veronica- to old for you. Try again.

Ashely- oh come on! I'm 17

Veronica-16 and I'll introduce you to Issa..Ace isn't in town.

Mom- I have to go. I'll be back to get her at 9.

Veronica-mama I am not babysitting her! I have something to do at 3.

Mom- take her with you.

Verinica- ugh.

Ashely- I would love to go with you veronica. You are my role model.

Veronica- bullshit. But ill watch her.

Mom- please no cussing around her.

Veronica- sorry, ashely walk her out

Ashely got up and walked my mom out then came back and looked at me.


Ashely- I wana meet Issa!

Veronica- *groans* yo could wait two weeks.

Ashely- no. Call him.

I picked up my phone and and called Issa.

Issa-wassup veronica?

Veronica- where you? Can you come by for like..five minutes?

Issa- yeah since I'm in the area. Give me 15.

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