Chapter 67

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When I woke up I looked around and didn't see diggy. Reminicing on last light, I laid back down and used the sheets that hadn't fallen off to cover me up. Diggy walked in couple minutes later. I sat up still covering myself.

Diggy-goodmorning. *walks over kisses me*

Veronica- goodmorning.

Diggy- you want to go out for breakfast or just order room service?

Veronica- room service is fine.

Diggy- ok.

Veronica- did you call to check on Nicole?

Diggy- yeah I called they said she's fine.

Veronica- okaay.

Diggy- what you want pancakes?

Veronica- nah..just get me a omelet.

Diggy-what kind?

Veronica- it don't matter.

Diggy- aight, so don't complain if I get something you don't like.

Veronica- *laughs* just get me a cheese omelet with OJ.

Diggy- alriiighht.

He picked up the hotel phone and called the lobby my phone vibrated and it was paige. I picked it up afrer grabbing it off the night

Veronica- hello?

Paige- veronica, can you please stay out of my relationship with prince..and stop telling issa to talk to me.

Veronica- I told him to back off..and I'm not tripping over you two.

Paige- then why you keep asking prince questions. Don't worry about us. I appreciate you trying to help but its just making everything worse.

Veronica- how?

Paige- veronica just stay out of it.

Veronica- fine.

Paige- thank you.

She hung up the phone I threw it on the sheets, diggy finished ordering the food then sat down.

Diggy- who was that?

Veronica- paige

Diggy- everything alright?

Veronica- yeah, she just called on bull shit, but its fine.

Diggy- what you mean?

Veronica- exactly what I said.

Diggy- what did she say?

Veronica- she told me to quit asking questions about them because its making everything worse.

Diggy-*laughs* now how is that bullshit?

Veronica- because, I'm not making it worse.

Diggy- by you asking questions, you're practically instigating..

Veronica- not true.

Diggy- *laughs* okay then.

Veronica- oh come on. I do what I do because i-

Diggy- you want to be nosey. Leave them alone. Yeah she's your bestfriend so what, leave them alone.

Veronica- ugh. Whatever.

Diggy-*laughs* I'm right.

Veronica- *plops back*oh shut up

Diggy- *laughs* just back Off. Paige knows what she's doing. And if she fucks up then its on her. Quit worrying about them.

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