Chapter 118

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Veronica- don't judge me..I'm 8 months. I'm not even supposed to be here.

Diggy-*laughs* I'm glad you came..I'm sorry I brung you out here..I miss you, you were supposed to be here two months ago but you canceled on me.

Veronica-*lays back* because my mom had to work, your parents couldn't keep nicole so I had too..I didn't have a choice.

Diggy- I is Nicole?

Veronica- you talk to her everyday you know how she's doing.

Diggy-*laughs* no, she acts like she's to busy for me.

Veronica- she doesn't like talking to you through a computer screen, that's all.

Diggy- three more months and I'll be home.

Veronica- can you sit down and talk to me.

Diggy- am I ignoring you?

Veronica- you know what I mean, can you sit with me at least? I mean damn, sit down.

Diggy-*laughs* here we go.

He walked over and sat next to me on the bed.

Veronica- what does that mean?

Diggy- mood swings.

Veronica- oh shut up.

Diggy-*laughs* I'm kidding..lift your shirt up.

Veronica- why?

Diggy- *laughs* can I rub your stomach? I haven't since you've been pregnant.

Veronica-*laughs* you don't have to ask.

I sat up a bit and rolled my shirt up over my stomach,bright before my boobs. His hands were kind of cold at first but then I warmed up to them. It was kind of nice seeing how he was towards the baby. I've yet to tell him the sex of the baby because he wanted it as a surprise.

Diggy- is Nicole okay with you being pregnant?

Veronica-she is know at first she wasn't feeling it, but now that she sees me growing she doesn't mind it.

Diggy- good..I don-

He stopped talking because his hotel room door opened, Jessica walked in talking but stopped when she saw me. Diggy moved his hand and stood up, so I did too..quite curious as to why the hell she has a key.

Jessica- oh I didn't know you were here Veronica.

Veronica- *fake smiles* yeah..just for the week.

Diggy- um , what's up?

Jessica- spin wants you that's all..

Diggy- tell him I'll be over there in a second.

Jessica- okay, it was nice seeing you the way congratulations.

Veronica- thanks..

She walked out, I pulled my shirt down and faced Diggy. He walked over knowing I was already going to ask him why she has a key.

Diggy- that's the first time she's used that key.

Veronica- why does she even have one?

Diggy- I-

Veronica- go see what spin wants..get your lie together before you tell me some dumb shit.

Diggy- Veronica I wasn't-

Veronica- go Diggy.

Diggy-*sighs* I'll be right back..

He walked out, I went to the bathroom, when I came out I saw Spin.

Another Diggy Simmons Love StoryNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ