Chapter 57

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The next morning I woke up before Diggy so i got up and showered and dressed. Diggy was stil sleeping so i went to cook us breakfast. I fixed him a plate and me one. I ate mines and he was still sleep after i cleaned up so i went up stairs to wake him. I got back in bed and leaned over him



Veronica- i made breakfast..


Veronica-that means don't let it get going to go over there earlier.

Diggy- why?

Veronica- i can help and come back at 3 to change.and we can ride together?

Diggy- alright.

Veronica- you are going to be here before 5 right?

Diggy- yes.

Veronica- okay.

I kissed him and got up, i put on my shoes and grabbed my phone he sat up and got out the bed and went to the bathroom. I texted paige to tell her what i was gobg to do and she said that's fine. I walked downstairs and grabbed my stuff diggy came down and walked me out. Prince moms was further then paige's house. Paige wasn't there but afro and some of his family was. His grandma was hilarious..and uncle. Everyone was all so nice and his mom was forever talking about how excited she was an that prince was lucky to have paige in his life.

Prince- mom okay we get it.

Veronica-*laughs* mom, do you have any baby pictures?

MommaP- of course i do ! Mama go get Jacob's baby pictures.

GramnaP- ok okay.

Prince-really mom..

Veronica-*laughs* you guys should put it on display today.

MommaP- great idea.

Prince- i really hate you right now.

Veronica-*laughs* all good.

GrammaP- here, *hands me the book*

Veronica-*smiles* thanks abuela.

MommaP- you speak spanish?

Veronica- yeah. I had to learn because of my grandma speaking it.*sets book on front table*

MommaP- oh who's your boyfriend?

Veronica-*laughs* diggy...he's my fiance now actually.

GrammaP- i come to wedding.

MommaP-mama go sit down..Jacob.

Prince- i got it.

He walks over and helps his gramma sit in the room where its going to be at.

MommaP- congratulations sweetie. Where did he ask at?

Veronica- Hawaii.

MommaP- awhh that is so sweet. Is he coming today?

Veronica- *laughs* yeah he going back home at thre to change and we'll back at 5.

MommaP- oh alright. I can't wait to my grandchild is here!

Prince walked back in with Jacob.

Jacob- hey momma p. *hugs her*

MommaP- hey jacob did you come to help?


MommaP- Jacob take Jacob to mama she'll give him something to do.

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