Chapter 92

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Diggy's POV

I had started the day off normal, I dropped Nicole off at daycare. Then went into the city with Jacob and bahja to get a another testing done. After that I had to stop by the house before going into the studio. But I was low on gas so I stopped to get some, and something to eat before going to the house. I pulled into the driveway next to Veronica's car like always, and I got out. Then that's when the front door opened and Veronica came out of it with small carry on bags. We both stood there before she walked passed me. I didn't let her get away I grabbed her wrist, she turned around and I saw tears forming in her eyes. That broke me down, I couldn't even say anything. I just stood there as she slipped her hand from my grip and walked off. She got into her car and drove off, I face palmed myself then got into my car. One place I knew she was going to was Paige's. I got there and she wasn't there I tried every place, but nothing. So I went back to my house and called her non stop.

Veronica's POV

After I drove out from the drive way, I knew I couldn't go back to Paige's or anywhere else he would expect me to be. So I went over Nessa's house, thankfully she was there and let me in no questions asked, well until we sat in the living room.

Nessa- I thought you were in Paris?

Veronica- yeah I was..but I left yesterday morning.

Nessa- what why? Have you seen diggy?

Veronica- me and him aren't on speaking terms.

Nessa- seriously? I just texted him and told him you can't by.

Veronica- uh, I need to go then.

I stood up and rushed for the door.

Nessa- Veronica, wait.

Veronica-*turns around* when he gets here he can explain. But I should really go.

Nessa- what's going on?

I opened the door and once again there he was, I pushed passed him once again failing. He grabbed my arm and forced me back into Nessa's house, and her bedroom locking and blocking the door.

Veronica- diggy move !

Diggy- no, we really need to talk.

Veronica- I have nothing else to say to you.

Diggy- can you listen then?

Veronica- to more of your lies? Nah, I'm straight.

Diggy- okay.. I did lie, yes. But that baby isn't mines I swear I wrapped it up.

Veronica- oh, that makes everything better.

Diggy- it's not my baby.

Veronica- please get out my way, this shit is pissing me off. And I don't want shit else to do with you!

Diggy- Veronica, we retook the test today.

Veronica- stop talking to me! Leave me alone, I don't fucking care. You said all that shit but you were lying. Lying diggy! You had your dick in her, your sperm created a fucking kid! If I divorced your ass I'm still stuck with you because of Nicole! I should have never ever EVER been at that footlocker! Move out my way Daniel ! Don't fucking call me, I'm picking up Nicole, and I swear to god if you fucking follow me over to Paige's, you will never see Nicole again.

Diggy- you can't keep Nicole away from me!

Veronica- I'm her mother, I can do whatever the hell I want! She shouldn't be bothered with your lying ass.

Diggy- so you don't lie to me about anything is what your saying?

Veronica- I never lied to you about fucking somebody other then you because I haven't!

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